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What supplements do you guys take when cutting? Do you take supplements?
>this thread again
do you have anywhere you could direct me? Im sorry if im spamming, i havent seen any threads like thisrecently ):
If I dont take BCAAs I will lose a lot of muscle and vascularity on a cut
Ginkgo (It's for brain function)
Gingko is a placebo
Read the sticky
3000 MG of vitamin c every day. Also zinc.
bcaa's, fish oil, and creatine all in the morning.
plus protein shake in the evening.

possibly a multivitamin every 3rd day or so.
Lol every 3rd day? Enjoy your deficiencys
or you know I could just eat the majority of those nutrients instead.
Fish Oil
Vitamin D3

For cutting
Flavorless whey with water
Green tea extract
Sometimes coffeine
>implying placebo doesn't have strong benefits

There is a reason why drugs are tested against placebo, they can be super effective
Morning: fish oil, multi, BCAA, and vitamin D
Post-workout: PROTONZ
Night: ZMA
EC stack

shits like a potion from skyrim, say goodbye to your appetite
supps are good for nothing
>implying I haven't been on a minimum of 300mg c a day since I was 14
Low dose adderall like 10-15mg. Does this negatively affect muscle mass? I assume not but, I have been using speed way longer than lifting I just use less now.

Don't know how relevant that is.

Modafinil and caffeine. Energy to workout and work, kills my appetite and lots of focus
Well shit. I'm going to have to look for that full article after the gym. I have been living a more sober life but I may have to kick that up another level.
Take it from someone who abused the shit out of D-amphetamine for two years on twice a week.
Don't take it daily.
My brain is so fucking fried I have problems with subtractions with multi-digits.
Care to elaborate...?

Anywhere I can read up more on the effects of EC stacks? How healthy is this, this seems like a good way to fuck ur shit up...
Because he didn't need to take it. Those who actually need dex for their intended use often dont feel like they're on speed. I dont experience rapid heart beats, like im high or get that rush feeling as with other drugs, but focused and "normal".
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