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You are currently reading a thread in /fit/ - Fitness

Thread replies: 28
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File: plentiful concert grand.jpg (123 KB, 550x594) Image search: [Google]
plentiful concert grand.jpg
123 KB, 550x594
Hey Anon, you haven't been commenting much on my videos lately, was it something I said?

with love,
-Mr. Scoops
pls respond
What's this guy's name again, /fit/?
Dick Punnani

Ralph Piano
Mark Scooperberg
Affluent Harmonica
Rick Piano
You are too small now Rickold, i´m sorry to say. Your last hope is to hop on the gear again and once for all leave humanity behind
kek, look at all that synthol now that he's off roids
Richard S. Cooper
I Think he's just having one last look at humanity Before he leaves it for good.
8 hour arms is just the begining
why is he off roids?
What will happen if he stops roiding and ages +10 years
Mike Hunt
Ricardo Pianoman
File: pianomanm.png (819 KB, 595x598) Image search: [Google]
819 KB, 595x598
I am sorry everyone. I would like to treat you to dinner at Mastro's. Oh, btw. Do you like my outfit?

-Mr. Scoopy
Raincoat Papaya
Looks like a comic book villain
I have left both my humanity and mutanity behind
Lee Vooman Itybeehan
Scoops McMidglet
Scoopy Werkstatt
Adrian Brody
Dong Hang Lo
holy shit, he trruly left humanity
Raymond Placenta
But who was forearms?
Loaded Pastrami
Thread replies: 28
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