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/fit/, I'm trying to looksmax.

I currently eat 2 avocados, 5 carrots, 3 bananas everyday. I might eat prunes on top of that.

I heard that the carrots were supposed to give you dat dere healthy, ideal skin glow, but I'm not seeing shit right now.

Also, what can I do for my hair?
So you're one of those autists, huh?
> 2 avocados, 5 carrots, 3 bananas everyday.
Why? That's like a normie's idea of a healthy diet. Pick up a book on metabolism and biochemistry if you really care about this.
>carrots give you skin glow
You may or may not get that effect. Even if you do, it may or may not be noticeable. Don't think pop-science translates straight into reality.
Also, what can I do for my hair?
I don't know, wash it. Maybe put some conditioner on there.
what is looksmax
It just means "trying to look as good as possible".

Desperate virgins just wanted a fancy term for it so that they can believe just saying it makes them a 10/10.
Yes, I'm one of those autists.


Fibers, healthy fats, vegetables? I add that on top of my diet.

>Skin glow
I tohught everyone had that shit when they overeat B-carotene?
if you're losing your hair, it's too late to do anything and you should just shave it off. also take a biotin supplement
>Fibers, healthy fats, vegetables?
Sure, why not. Just remember your protein. Cut your carbs. Carbs are the real poison.
>I tohught everyone had that shit when they overeat B-carotene?
Life isn't that simple, but it could very well be true for you. No harm in it anyway.
I'm not. However, when I look at other dudes hair, it's a lot less shiny and silky.
Add tomatoes to your diet for skin. Massage olive or coconut oil in your hair pre-shower, leave in for at least 10 minutes. Coconut oil is great as a moisturizer too.
Pls who is the semen demon from OP
>I heard that the carrots were supposed to give you dat dere healthy, ideal skin glow, but I'm not seeing shit right now.
no, vitamin E caps do, i got one for $14 500 cap off ebay.
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