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>Will spend a year away from home >In a little desertic
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>Will spend a year away from home
>In a little desertic mexican town
>Have to work 10 hours daily and 36 hours every 2 days
>Too tired to go to gym
>Can't eat proper food because no kitchen
>aready feel I can't lift as much as I used to
>4 months in and I already weight 9 pounds more than the day I left home
>Need help on a gym routine that'll get me back in shape
>Need tips on healthy stuff to eat without a kitchen like tuna or whatever

>tl:dr; I'm becoming fat fast and my job/studies are the main problem, what do?
Why the fuck are you in such a terrible situation
Meant every 3rd day

It's part of the medicine internship
Eat less, you should know it's how much you eat as well as what you eat
Do bodyweight exercises.
You won't make any gains really, but you won't lose any gains or gain any weight either.
OP just start bulking.
I'm not even eating that much, just the stuff the hospital gives to me.
Breakfasts and meals are pretty well balanced and served, however dinner is just sandwiches or tacos or eating outside, I started dinning tuna with mayo but keep getting fat.
In fact, I think I'm eating less than what I was eating when I was in shape, although a lot less veggies and fruits.
This is how your day should look like :

>10 hours work (14 hours left)
>8 hours sleep (6 hours left)
>2 hours general mealprep, cleaning house, shitting (4 hours left)
>1 hour of cardio plus bodyweight exercises (3 hours left)

Then you have three hours to go and find a mexican teenager to fuck. Profit from their age of consent laws :!
What I'm getting from you OP is this:
> I'm eating less volume but more calorie dense food, why am I gaining weight?!!?!
>my exercise levels have dropped but I haven't changed my calorie intake to match, why am I gaining weight?!??!?!
So eat less. A doctor can't be this stupid.

Im quite aware the food and excercise is the problem.
I wanted to know of a good diet without kitchen and a good 4 day routine.
Any tips?
Specially on the routine bit.
You must have a good thinking brain but I'll tell you what you already know being a doctors and all.

Go to a market, look at easy to store and prep food. Calculate a balanced meal from these that fits your calories required

Also IIRC the sticky has routines in it that you can follow

But you would know all this because you are intelligent
What is a good bodyweight routine to maintain gains when you have no access to a gym? Always wondered about that.
literally just eat less food.
Thread replies: 15
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