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>Inky dinky
>sits there like a slave merchant trying to look cool
>repeating what the cameraman says with extra smug commentary
>probably doing roids

I don't even care but this fagget forces me to take a side.
brown man please go
based lee
Ignorant. Stupid. Arrogant. Smug. Tattooed face.

I mean, fuck VG, but this guy is a disaster.
>>probably doing roids
Holy shit, how cringy can you get, green man?

Lee Priest was such a legend before he started doing youtube videos.

I mean he was on par with other bodybuilding gods but now... He's just a VG tier youtuber
I really like this guy. He reminds me of myself - apathetic, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.
i agree with you

lee priest is a faggot
I thought we let go of vagina stainz
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>questioner giggles uncontrollably at every answer

Anybody who describes himself as that is a complete total loser, or a 16 yo edgy kid
>youtube celebrity arguments
Wow what a time to be alive.
>youtube celebrity
>lee priest

I don't hear any dissing going on. Lee's just saying he doesn't give a fuck
>one of the greatest australian body builders
>now just rants about vegans
>calls children with allergies cunts and hope they blow up

I get that he doesn't give a fuck, but damn you would expect some level of restraint from a guy that has achieved so much in his life time.
You're right, doesn't make enough content to justify that term.

if you think lee priest is a youtube celebrity, you should start lurking anything fit related
I'm not a fan of the guy and I consider ridiculous to ask what a guy famous for his physique to be a philosoph like those shitty kai greene vids but he's still a renown bber
The last time priest was relevant in the bodybuilding world was fucking 2002

>famous for his physique
Nigga is no Dorian Yates or Ronnie Coleman. Those are people famous for their physiques.
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