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Hey friends, about to order some protons from my protein, what
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Hey friends, about to order some protons from my protein, what is the best flavour?

tried vanilla, was bland but ok
tried the toffee one and it was ok

need something new
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have you considered chocolate
when you bulk its delicious with anything. cinnamon bun pancakes, cinnamon bun waffles.
When you cut its fucking amazing with greek yogurt or almond milk.
Chocolate and strawberry. Best two flavors. I use beef protein and the strawberry flavor has this badass metallic aftertaste, it's like drinking fucking iron.
>caring about flavour

"does it come in pink?"
>fit logic

just embarrassing

seriously, people think they are better than other people because they eat unfalvored whey

let that sink in
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>Being this tryhard on a Tajikistani image board

And you wonder why we're your only friends and you feel so unfulfilled


which product are you using? there's a couple on Amazon
Blend some unflavored up with a banana or some chocolate syrup. Tastes good.
my all time favorite is Syntha 6 strawberry milkshake.

Mix it with some plain yogurt and it's fucking delicious
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