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Tell me your hobbies anon
How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
How much do you read?
Do you even work out?

Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
can't dance but i would love to learn

took piano lessons when i was really young, tried to teach myself guitar a few years ago. i suck at both

i enjoy reading a lot, but i don't dedicate as much time for reading as i'd like to

i exercise a bit, but not enough. i really like running

>are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?

we all are
I dance a lot and I get compliments but I wouldn't say I'm as good as someone who's done lessons. Played guitar for ~4 years but stopped due to lack of motivation and change in musical genres I enjoyed. I like drawing but I'm fucking terrible at it so yea.

/blogpost don't forget to subscribe
So basically you do nothing but shitpost /fa/ 24/7?
I read but not enough, I've been playing guitar for 2 years not very good technically but I try to not fall into the all technique and 0 creativity lot that I notice a lot. I workout a bit, and brand identity isn't a thing for me. Unfortunately ugly as fuck so nothing can change that
>nice blog

Multi-instrumentalist, sessionist drummer for 3 bands. Youtube is mostly guitars/ bass though.

Also plays badminton for club.
pretty much
the things id do tavi
making birthday/christmas/general holiday cards & other crafty stuff, cooking, not sure whether walking counts as a hobby? i like going to the beach and getting my feet wet at least (cant swim), exploring the mountains/national forests, when i was younger i went to abandoned factories and quarries but can't really afford getting caught now as opposed to when i was 15 and would just get a slap on the wrist
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I only know how to dance to death grips. Trumpet, guitar, electronics. used to be a music student. read surreal fictions and history texts. I don't work out cause everytime I go to my uni's rec center I feel like everyone's laughing at me and end up throwing up.
I try to get fit to escape this board
I used to play American football and I always liked sports but I don't like watching them but now that I'm out of high school that's stopped. I'm interested in system administration and I frequently play with various Linux distros. Ricing them out and what not. I just started to workout again since last football season. All I pretty much do right now is make money and cop clothes until this August when I ship off to uni. I live in a shit town so there's nothing really to do but pretty much the only dancing I do is letting a girl grind on my dick.
literally me. What ensembles do you play trumpet in?
currently p much only hobbies i have are reading and fencing. i feel like i should do more, but i never really know what.
Competitive swimmer, rarely read but cultured and considered an living-encyclopedia by many.
So many interest I can't even list, zero time to pursue them.
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I go to school
I do push-ups everyday if that actually counts as working out. About 100 a day
No instruments but I am always listening to music
I only dance when I'm drunk
I don't read
Hobbies are fashion and that's really it atm
I did ballet when I was younger, I can dance pretty okay. I play piano and trombone (was a band geek in high school). I don't read nearly as much as I want to, maybe a book a month, kind of preoccupied with school. I play tennis and run.
I draw, i paint, i write, all sorts of shit like that.

I cant dance at all.

I play the saxaphone and i can get a good tune from just about any stringed instrument that you strum, i havent quite figured out how to use a bow with strings just yet, im teaching myself paino and clarinet.

I cant read at the moment, so none, i need new glasses.

I work out once, sometimes twice a week but i know i need to do more.

Im not covered in brand identity, i am brand identity.
usually make computer music (interested in footwork/techno/90s acid/wonky brainfeeder beats) but not very good but this summer i am focusing on analog recording

so like

guitar/voice samples/loops/bass/drone/ambient shit but like mbv or grouper vibes

although primarily i'm a visual artist. i bought a bunch of nice old camcorders + a contax t2 camera so i am happy to play w those this summer

i also skateboard a lot. thats what i've been doing every for the past few weeks since its been moderately nice in canada but last week was shit

during my down time, which is basically whenever i'm alone, i do a lot of studying. interested in punk cultures like skinhead and stuff. i like that shit solely for aesthetic purposes tho. or maybe it will like a musician, or a movement, or something. i don't know. some cultures are very interesting though.

fashion is cool i guess but their isn't much depth in it. it goes hand in hand with visual art though, so its a good thing to be up to date with. conceptually gosha rubchinskiy is interesting to me but i'm not really that hyped on the actual clothing.

i could probably tell you guys a lot more but i guess those are the main things that interest me
no dancing
no instruments

klonopin every day to get through the day
sometimes paint minimalist work and put on wall
read Althusser and Baudrillard

listen to tim hecker and grouper
upset it is spring and normies are enjoying the weather
Benzo addictions are not cool. Try to taper off man.
how the fuck does anyone play instruments in 2015? you have to do the same thing over and over and over and over just to get any good at all at it, meanwhile you suck for months before you become barely passable at it. seems so repetitive, meanwhile there are already tons of people out there that can play, so you're not even needed.
My hobbies include fishing, boating, hiking, and cooking. There are probably some other ones too, but those seem like the most hobby-ish of them.

I do read a good deal, which I should since I studied literature and philosophy in university, but I don't really consider that a hobby.

I don't work out, but I stay active enough so I don't need to.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned video games as a hobby in this thread yet. That always grinds my gears. Playing video games is not a hobby, it's a waste of time and an anti-social activity to boot.
i have enough for 1mg a day for the next four months, i'll consider stopping after that.
>read Althusser and Baudrillard
i'm sorry
ever heard of this thing called self-achievement?
Playing videogames.
I dance like a shaman contacting the dead --be that for better or worse.
I play saxophone, harmonica, and generally anything with keys.
I read in spurts. A few books here, a few books there. Trying to read more often and in a more uniform way. I get bored easily.
I run and climb a little bit. Should probably focus on cleaning up my balls diet though.

I can't even afford half of what I would like to wear.

So, OP, do I pass?
also you don't really appreciate listening to music properly unless you have a good musical understanding
Make sure you taper off. Withdrawals are a bitch.
I wish I hiked more. I used to be ing boyscouts up until ninth grade and it was lots of fun. I just can't find a group that has equipment already and no one wants to buy it. I already have tons of gear.
w-where do you live, I-I'll go with you
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Filtering ree's posts and those who mention or respond to her has been a satisfying hobby of late.
sorry I'm a bong

would love to go hiking in switzerland again though
you don't need to learn an instrument to have a good musical understanding, though

you can also technically have a good musical understanding but terrible, terrible taste
Why not just go solo?
Im sure if you at least hit a trail you'll meet a few people along the way.
fair enough

I guess it's probably different because I listen to a lot of classical stuff and like to read a score along with it
sorry deleted my post and corrected it here >>9760494

i know what you mean though
i used to do that but it was so hard to keep up with all of his trips
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Tell me your hobbies anon
I run, not daily, but I go to every 5k or 10k, 4 races each month.
I also freeskate.
How well do you dance, what instrument do you play? No instruments, I dance salsa and cumbia, I also go to raves every now and then.
How much do you read? almost nothing 6-7 short books each year.
Do you even work out? skating is a workout right?, also freeskating is 100 times more effay than any other sport.

what books anon
that can't be real. sick
Good at party dancing, ladies like my groove
I also take classes in swing, cause' fuck it
I read a lot
I only listen to music, but Im really dedicated to it, so I dont seem like a complete pleb
Work out, nah. I mean, I play football/basketball with freinds, but nothing serious
Meatbag - yes
Sad - not today
Covered in brands - yeah :/
>"i freeskate"
>"i dance salsa"
>"i go to raves"
>thinking fruitbooting is fashionable

low test whitey detected
what kind of equipment do you need? unless you're going overnight back country hiking all you really need is a decent pair of boots. and like the other anon, you can always go alone. I find hiking solo to be very rewarding. You don't have any distractions and can just concentrate on yourself. I almost never hike with other people/friends unless its with a girl I like.

I mostly just do day hikes. There are some nice state parks and national parkland within just a 30 mins drive from me.
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fuck yes.gif
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I skateboard, I've been skating my whole life.

I am a terrible dancer but if I've had enough drinks i'll jump on the dance floor! i play the bass.

i read online books once every couple of months. it has been years since I've read a physical book.

i work out minimally not including cardio. probably 2-3 times a week for about an hour.
>also freeskating is 100 times more effay than any other sport.
never really heard of freeskating, but it looks kinda cool i guess. when I was a kid I used to always skate, spent a lot of my time just riding around in circles in my drive way jamming to some tunes

but now I can't imagine as a 20s something dude just skating around without looking like a massive faggot and people throwing soda cups out their car windows at me
besides, all the side walks and roads where i live are all cracked and potholed you definitely wouldn't want to skate on them
I am an avid university student and am spending most of my time at the library when I am not at university. Ive read quite a lot of fiction and non-fiction when I was younger, but now I usually just go through lots of articles, essays, the Economist and Foreign Affairs. I don't really do anything else and have no actual friends outside university. I am giving quite a lot of free private lessons for other students in my courses but that's mostly because I would be bored otherwise and would also become more socially awkward than I already am.
I personally stopped seeing the point in all the possible hobbies one could pick up. It's all extremely in vain without any real meaning behind it compared to all the actual important developments going on in the world (climate change, world hunger, diseases, conflicts) but because I can't change those I am growing more bitter about the world and human nature in general. Scorn me for sounding edgy but I am probably either depressed or really completely disillusioned.
Music / Fashion and Skateboarding.

also got a interest in art cause of this qt girl that been showing me a lot of art shit lately.

I make electronic music "mix of toro y moy / James blake " but also love real house and techno & been trying to make techno.

i hear from people i got a good rythm control our how ever you say it in english "so can dance" and i used to dance salsa when i was young.

i need to read more, but need to buy a e-reader our something cause i hate reading on a pc monitor.
most /fa/ people i know interest is in techno / music our the more artsy parts of the city.
also most musicians i know are /fa/ as fuck.
i go to clubs and hang out in the smoking sections a lot
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No dance, no instruments


rock climbing

I model and attend design university

Straight male
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>not having a gf
>being sad
>smoking cigarettes
>buying expensive black clothes from the internet
1) I dance like Stance does in that webM. Take that as you will

2) I rarely read and I really want to get back into the habit of doing that.

3) I can play the Guitar and Piano proficiently. I know how to read music. Does singing count? If so, I'm First Tenor in my University Choir.

4) I do cardio every dAy of the week.

Some other things:

I've been in musical productions for the past two years; both times a main role.

I do Judo.

Techno interests me.
What are your favorite reads? Any reccomendations?
You sound a lot like me when I was in university. Even in the summer when classes were out I spent several hours a day at the library. By the time I graduated I had over 1000 books I had to return (I had special privileges to check out as many books as I wanted and could renew them indefinitely as long I was still enrolled). I borrowed my friends pick up truck and it took me 7 trips back and forth to the library when I finally had to graduate and return everything. Most of my "social life" consisted in student reading groups or helping tutor others.

But that's not a life you can really keep up. If you go to graduate school you can prolong it. I didn't do that, and now feel kinda like shit, like I'm getting dumber every single day.

>Scorn me for sounding edgy but I am probably either depressed or really completely disillusioned.
Yeah, I know what you mean I think. It doesn't get better in my experience.
I don't do anything. I live a pretyy sedentary life style. I go out only with my friends but it's not often. I don't have a job or gf. I mainly just come on here too pass time and watch movies. I been slacking on watching movies though. I'm trying to make my own movies also. Idk how that will turn out but I think it'll be fun. And I'll be able to go outside more. I really like clothing. I want to make my own. I'm planning on buying some fabric and just diving in.
My lifestyle might not be effay but I like it.
Also I go to school. I'm
In community college doing basics right now just figuring out what I want to do.
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I like to read at least 1 book per month, i play my xbox because semi-pro player in GOW, and i like to play the guitar, sometimes i write about my local music scene on the net because some musicians are good and deserve more
post webm of u dancing
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>hurrr durrr I read at least X number of books per X amount of timmmeeee durrr
Film, literature, I've been getting into drawing, I sail, I did judo but I stopped due to my back, want to get into boxing or maybe fencing but I have no time for it at this point, I spend way more time than I should on videogames and pop culture shit, this comes mostly from highschool when I was more into this sort of stuff, I also used to cosplay and still have a few projects around I spent a bit on time on because I enjoy it, I also really like sculpting and pepakura stuff, this provably came from making a lot of my costumes, but idk, I really enjoy it

I do not dance well at all, I know how to behave in a club but that's about it, I played guitar in HS, that's about it

I read whenever I have time and feel like doing so, I usually spend an hour or two every other day on it

Gym at least two or three times every week, I run too and I swim on mondays
I dont dance. Im a shut in.

I cant play no instrument.

I excercise a lot, still for genetics I have skinny legs, but im a strong ottermode in my upper body. 9%bf, and defined core, shoulders and back.
(According to fa skinny legs is good)
I do brazilian jiujitsu now, but . Crosstrained for years with MMA and kickboxing. Not a scratch on the face tho.

I enjoy reading a lot, dont do it as often as in the past tho. I like to read about sociology, and non fiction in general. But love Tolkien.

I draw, major passion, Im . Graphic designer and in my office there are lot of chances to do it. I keep practicing to become better at digital, and I freelance from time to time. Mostly videogames, or roleplayin books that requiere illustrations.

>This is not your blog
>Who cares

Sorry in advance, I guess
this is cool
I can dance well to electro, but it's dead. Jump and trap are the worst things that ever happened to edm.

I play guitar and have a jazzmaster, strat, and el-00 epi blues parlor acoustic. A couple shit guitars as well and a 70s epi dreadnought that was my dads- it's too bright for most of what I play. I also sing pretty well, I'm naturally baritone but listened to so much circa in hs that my head voice is developed and I can hit his notes. My screams sound like touche amore. My top albums are eywtkas by glassjaw, waylon sings ol harlan by waylon jennings, this is a long road by modest mouse, nirvana unplugged, and electric ladyland

I dislike novels because I usually get the message early on and then feel insulted that authors feel the need to babby me into their ideology instead of outright stating it like Locke did. I read incessantly through school and scored post college level in 4th grade, language and history were my fortes. I'm reading a pop book called 47th samurai about pacific front in ww2 atm.

I work out every day that I can.

I don't wear any visible branding but nike, but that logo actually looks good on shoes. It looks like the motion of a foot striking the ground and moving backwards. Plus my feet are narrow so the shoes are tailor made for my foot type.
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>So, OP, do I pass?
Only you can know. Sharing for sharing and not self reflection is definitely not fa.
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I can dance alright

I own a modular synth and can play the djembe and didgeridoo

Also I Dj
Fashion isnt a good hobbie unless you are designing it, its a passive lifestyle.

Also i dont read much and i cycle a lot
>liking tavi over petras amazing ass
apparently tavi got gangbanged in a bathroom by three guys last year at a party
>I I I I I
shit post, at least put some effort into it
>Playing video games is not a hobby, it's a waste of time and an anti-social activity to boot.
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted etc.

They give out uni degrees way too easily if you actually managed to get one whilst claiming "video games are a waste of time". Your fishing, boating, hiking and cooking are also ways to spend (in my opinion all of them except fishing are a waste of time) time.
fucking neckbeards lmao
>Scorn me for sounding edgy but I am probably either depressed or really completely disillusioned.
You're not living in denial of the futility and vanity of life, that's all. A pessimistic outlook is the norm for everyone who isn't massively deluded and/or suffering from cognitive dissonance.
fucking kek
>ITT: insecurity
I can't dance for shit... i sort of played the piano

I read a bit

I work out at the local gym with a buddy of mine

Wish i was
i don't dance well but i like to dance

i'm very musically-inclined but i can only play the ukulele badly, somehow i'm musically stupid when it comes to all instruments other than voice

i'm a really good singer though i love to sing

my main hobby is screenwriting or just storytelling. it's been over a year since i've done anything creative because my attention span is screwed from drug abuse but i'm hoping i'll get over it and finally start writing again. i have a lot of stories and characters in my head that i love so much so right now usually i just think about them and go through the stories in my head
>Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted etc.
it can be

i purposefully wrote that just to see if i could bait any of you vidya autists and it worked

next thing you say will be about how video games are a new form of "art"
>How well do you dance,
Not well. I can cook though.
>what instrument do you play?

Never learned when as a kid, but l;m learning how to use Ableton so I can drop MAD beats

>How much do you read?
A book a month. Currently I'm reading Blood Meridian.

>Do you even work out?
I run and occasionally do other stuff with friends. i.e. I played basketball yesterday
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i enjoy biking, but i'm always busy with school

don't dance at all, but i wish i did

i play drums most of the time, but i play other percussion instruments like marimbas, xylos, and church bells

i don't really read a lot although i would like to

biking and running is my workout i suppose
I haven't read enough books to be able to give a proper recommendation. But if you're interested, I'm currently reading:

Fiction: 1Q84
Non-fiction: how to win friends and influence people

I just started both, so I really can't tell you if they're good books or not.
>reading a book about how to make friends

Top kek. Autists these days.
i dance enthusiastically but like a dad
i sing (did my grade 4 when i was 11 now i just sing songs)
very rarely because of exam stress at the moment, but i read a lot of art related shit regularly
again, i do when i am not revising/making art 24/7, should get back into it in summer
1Q84 is pretty weak, and this is coming from someone who likes murakami

i stopped reading it like 100 pages before the end
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I sing in 2 classical choirs, we perform mostly baroque
I play guitar in a punk/metal band and a jazz/blues/funk band
P effay i'd say
Mostly Reading and Swimming during the summer, the perks of living on small island.

Don't dance except for when there is some commercial garbage playing on the radio at work, i hate clubs. I wish to start drumming, i admit watching Zach Hill performing on youtube made me more interested in playing an instrument.

Reading. Depends, right now I'm hooked on GTA V, i know it will wear off in a few days. It's my guilty pleasure at times.

Started going to a gym 2 weeks ago, went ok. Seeing all these buffed up guys is more off putting though, and the whole counting calories bullshit too. I work as a manual labourer so I'm already tired before even going to the gym.

I'm in search of a hobby actually. Was thinking of moving to the UK alone because fuck living in Malta.
Yeah, I know I'm "autistic" but at least I'm making an effort to improve

Thanks, any other book recommendations? I haven't gotten nearly that far yet in the book.
At least he (Sorry She) admits it.
I've read a bit of it. Its actually more about Sales and the influence portion.

I recommend you read it if your someone thats interested in first impressions and general influence.
No problem. Honestly though how is a girl like yourself not being hit on 24/7? Is Canada different than America? You would be desireable at my school.
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I'm a boring loser who doesn't have any hobbies other than fashion. I read sometimes but not as much as I should. I could be getting into a hobby or working out or something but instead I browse the internet all day. I did percussion in my HS band but I was shit at that. I've been thinking about learning bass guitar. I dance but only as a joke around my friends.
I'm asking a genuine question. Im just saying here in America if you are somewhat attractive then you will have friends. Is Canada not like that? I don't want to fuck you.
What do I need to learn how to DJ? I've always wanted to do it as a hobby and could do with picking up something fun.
My hobby is shitposting on 4chan
>implying anyone reads these
can't dance at all
learned piano when i was like 7yo
would love to pick it up again but never will
played the drums in hs
only thing i read is school related stuff dont read for fun but i enjoy studying if that counts
work out 7d/w i love cardio
wish i could travel but not enough money
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>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?

I dj, and first rule of dj'ing; djs don't dance. Which I don't mind since I can't really dance anyway. I mix techno/indie and edgy electronic music I don't know if I could even label.

>How much do you read?

I read every day, mostly online - longer articles and zines. But preferably books when I can get a hold of them. I really love to delve deep into the things I'm interested in. Currently reading about technology, existentialism and metamodernism.

>Do you even work out?

Not right now - because exam-period. But I do yoga and some dynamic strength exercises with red cord. I plan on doing jump rope and tennis - because shit's cool.


How is "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? Is it filled with a lot of obvious things? I've been wanting to read it for some time now.
well spending all day on 4chan doesn't help

neither does being legit anti-social/ socially awkward/autistic

i spent like all of middle school and most of high school up until last year playing video games all day

i have no idea what to do in unfamiliar social situations (eg when there are people i don't know)

which is why im not even going to go to prom
of course i have "friends" who are like ashley you need to come, it will be so much fun etc
but i know i wouldnt enjoy it because id be awkward as fuck
so ill just spend that time at home doing nothing, like usual i guess

and i'm not even that pretty but thanks
god damn im such a loser why am i even blogging this on 4chan
ru me
played wow pretty much every day in highschool and xbox in middle school
was fat as fuck and awkward
didn't go to prom or any other highschool shit
lost alot of weight in college tho life is alot better now
even looking back @ hs is embarrasing af tho
See I always grew up really popular because of my family. About my junior year in HS I started playing tons of video games and shit. I became sort of socially autistic but still pretty popular. I just stopped playing video games and it's honestly so much better. And blogging on 4chan is fine. Sometimes talking about stuff with total strangers is a good thing. Just don't over do it.
And btw please please enjoy your high school years. You need to go to prom. I'm not saying they are going to be the best years of your life but you will make memories. I didn't party much in highschool and I regret it tons. I have college now tho so it's cool.
it's my first year at this school, and i don't know anybody at all, apart from 1-2 friends (aka people who i talk to often but don't really enjoy talking to)

my shitty excuse to anyone who asks why i'm not going is that it's too much hassle/effort and it doesn't seem fun, but i know nobody believes me

people say everything is different in uni/college, and i really do hope so

yeah, i haven't touched a single game since last summer. except i just spent that time shitposting on 4chan instead, so it's not like it makes any difference.

>wow and xbox
explains why

but actually, i really really will find a job this summer
i need to go outside more
and maybe find something else to spend my free time on, something productive

no more shitposting for me
pussy and religion is all i need

I go out to drink and then dance... Sometimes I attract a crowd but i'm nothing special, never been out rightly complimented on it.

I don't play an instrument but I take part in spoken word poetry and I freestyle with friends... I have a "pretty decent singing voice". Not always. Very hit and miss!

I rarely pick up a book, I enjoy graphic novels but that may be as I am heavily influenced by design... I have just started my second piece of freelance work for a record label! Big stuff for me.

I maintain an alright body... I get complimented on being broad for my age (19), people think i'm muscular but I just think it's due to bulging veins that I was cursed with, really I have a weedy body weight but I will always strive to maintain defined abs... Got some acne on my face which i'm sure is a put off of mine but i'm getting through that shit.

I'm complimented often on my dress sense and it's mainly just weak high street shit. I like the way I dress but if I had disposable income I know i'd look the part.

Used to be in with the "drugs" crowd but developed some kinda psychosis and massive anxiety towards anything drug related, got back into certain things when an old friends parents went away. Not really a cool thing to chat about though.

Love cooking, my Dad is a massive inspiration to that, we have a good eye for flavors that work well together, similarly it is the same eye that I share for design, fashion and photography.

But yeah, that's me in a small nutshell... Thanks therapist thread.
Me here, not the other guy.


You need:

- A genuine interest in music and a desire to do good mixes. We don't really need more shitty dj's.

- A computer - a DJ software and a DJ controller of some sort is good for starters. Then you need some good studio monitors and a good pair of headphones. (I'd advice Traktor Kontrol S2/MK2, and maybe buy a used controller - to see if you wanna keep doing DJing).

- You need to learn some basic beatmatching, transitioning and harmonic mixing theory, you don't wanna rely on sync. Youtube and google is your best friends when it comes to tutorials and theory.

When you got all that - it all comes down to practice.
Same here. I really need to go out and do more productive stuff with my life and have fun. I need a car though. I just want to go on adventures you know? I bought this camera at goodwill and I want to document my adventures with it. Good luck to you on your job hunt though reeeeee
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xbox when i was like 14
wow was a bad idea but better than my shitty life at the time
havent touched it since last year tho started living in the real world

pls b joking
>pussy and religion is all I need
Honestly I hated you buy your posts are slowly becoming not shit. If you're not above getting a little drunk before large social gatherings to get out of your conformt zone that's a good way. You will slowly learn that no one gives a fuck how you act and you can lose the alcohol eventually.
Soccer handball badminton really enjoy 2hr+ walks used to draw a lot but i dont anymore
>How is "How to Win Friends and Influence People"?

It's one of the best selling books of its type of all time, and I think its popularity is justified. It provides actionable advice, and real-world business/social applications.

>Is it filled with a lot of obvious things? I've been wanting to read it for some time now.

More like "should be obvious" things that they should be teaching children, but aren't. I'm sure for some very sociable people, they already do some of these things automatically. But for others, it's a good idea to read up on how people think, how to set a good impression, how to get people to listen to you, how to get out of conflicts etc. even if you think you already know about them.

It's very straightforward, no BS, and it's pretty short (300 pgs?), I'd say it's worth a read.
Join a photography club/group! You could probably even find a local one on Facebook.

And thanks!

I've actually never drank before haha

It's a Kanye lyric
And I'm glad everything is going better for you now :)
Sounds good. I will definitely have a read.

Have you read any similar books, that you would recommend?
I was a straight edge. No sex. No drugs. No alcohol. Not cursing. Up until my senior year. Don't do it. Go out and get high. Go out and get drunk. Be responsible but go out and do it. Missed so many good times.
str8 edge is hella boring just go live
That's a great idea tbh! Thanks
if you like murakami you should read norwegian wood
there's something hilarious about it, but i dont know if it's supposed to be funny. somebody as meta as you will probably see the humour in it
good story separately of that, though. the same story he writes every time, but i really like it
I'd do alcohol, but no drugs

Yeah, I just started 1Q84 and I'm already noticing some recurring things. Murakami loves to describe classical music, breasts, and every character's clothes in detail. And there's a bit of that weird spirity supernatural stuff (like the mountain guy in Colorless Tsurususomething) that I don't really get yet. Thank you for the book suggestion by the way. I will download and add it to my long backlog of to-read books.

Two somewhat related that I have downloaded, but haven't had the chance to read yet:

The Definitive Book of Body Language
The Millionaire Next Door

I looked up reviews for both already, just waiting to finish the books I'm on now before I start reading those.
any source for this?
Hobby: shitposting
I play video games and masturbate a lot. I like to read, but like based god reeeee said, I don't dedicate as much time to it as I'd like. I haven't done any exercise since highschool 5 years ago.
>I'd do alcohol, but no drugs

alcohol is a drug, the most disgusting
drugs, alcohol and pretty much everything can be boring if you'd rather do something else.

I could spend an entire day listening to a song or watching an overwhelmingly bright pink sunset, but I can't stand alcohol or marijuana because I feel my senses being impaired or because the high lasts too little to be worth it. It's just a drop of bliss in an ocean of confusion. A sunset lasts longer.
Im from Hessen lets hier.

This. LSD was my first drug before alcohol or even cigarettes. I tried molly and weed before it also and alcohol fucks you up the most. I don't understand why it's legal.
too ingrained into western and asian culture to not be legal

also alcohol is great social crutch and helps you get laid, alcohol is mans best friend in liquid form
You don't understand because of all this fuckin lsd and molly you took fuckwit.
my friends don't get inside me and make me feel weird, what you claim is untrue
How is highschool? I've taken lsd 4 times and molly once. You bet your ass I kit tested all of it before I put it into my body. MDMA is neurotoxic and I wouldn't take it again. But LSD is the single most profound thing I have ever experienced. It has no physical side effects. If you aren't crazy already then you will be fine. Educate yoself.
>my friends don't get inside me and make me feel weird,

hahaha fucking what is this sentence
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>i read, i write, sometimes draw. listen to tons of music from a myriad of genres. movie buff.
>two left feet. the only way i'll ever dance publicly is at the end of a rope
>work out twice everyday. abs, core and lower body in the morning. arms, shoulders & chest routine at night.
>also i like going on walks, lurking in bookstores, doing some meditation and drowning myself in rum or bourbon periodically
jeez guys i'm talking about moderate, responsible alcohol usage
I can't dance.
I can play the guitar, bass, and drums. Would like to pick up the piano some day.
I read quite a lot.
I don't, I dislike muscular bodies as well as cardio training.
I play percussion and jazz piano pretty well, been doing both for almost 10 years now. I can't dance very well unfortunately, and I don't read as much as I'd like too. I don't hit the gym much but I surf and bike quite a bit, so I'm not in bad shape. What about you qt anon :^)
pretty much just the uni's concert/marching groups. I gave up the screamer life for chill 2nd part.
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>Tell me your hobbies anon
I like to listen to music.
>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
I can't dance for shit. I used to play drums but not anymore due to permanent(?) injury on my leg.
>How much do you read?
According to /fa/ the books I read are pleb tier.
>Do you even work out?
Not anymore. Though I do plan to get a yoga mat so I can do crunches and other exercises that would fix my lordosis.
>Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
I hope not. :(
Lots of underground music and shows, and films and film festivals. Can play the electric bass so so. Lots of vydia too, pretty average.
For fiction I like Murakami. I recently picked up the new Ishiguro and im enjoying that. History for just what ever 4chan bashes me for not knowing more about so right now Greek classics.
Lliving the dream
>implying being /fa/
just tell yourself it's ironic
Maybe be if you weren't a fucking nigger you'd know that there are other alcohols than the cheap whisky your alcoholic mom used to fill you feeding bottle with. Molly and lsd's only purpose is to fuck you up. Only white trash and niggers enjoy doing that kind of thing.
Alright kid. I think you might want to head back to /pol/. You might wanna look up some facts though.
my motor functions r 10x better on lsd than alcohol.

Cool. I've read "The Definitive Book of Body Language", it's pretty interesting. You get a lot more focused on peoples/and your own body language after reading it. There's so much subtle stuff that you now notice and understand - and generally being aware of stuff like this can alter your communication with others.

By the way, when you say download - do you mean for kindle or for you computer?

I prefer reading physical books, but there's so many books I want to read and I don't wanna end up with a library.. so I'm thinking about buying an e-reader - but I'm still kind of skeptic, never really tried one.
I haven't been sober in over 6 months. I take GBL every day, sometimes mxe, mdma or just alcohol.
I'm a high functioning GHB addict.
The only music I listen to is drone and noise, sometimes synthpop when I trip on DXM.
Will do. I hope your enlightened hippie ass will eventually figure out while alcohol is legal in most countries and lsd is not.

I'm delighted to learn that, my friend.
Everything should be decriminalized. End of story.
You should run for president.
I lift 5 days a week, listen to metal/rap/electronic, am in a fraternity, drink a lot of coffee, smoke weed quite a bit, and don't get laid often(last time I had sex was September).

Am I /fa/?
I don't really dance, but I play guitar and clarinet not well, and used to play cello as a child.

I don't read often outside university, and I get through like two to three books a year but I commute a long distance and listen to audiobooks and finish way more that way lol

I used to lift, but I stopped when I lost free access to a gym

I'm not covered in brand identity but I am covered in sad vintage hand-me-downs and crew neck sweaters

>tfw too cheap to be effay
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>Amazing XTC powered dance skills
>Plays bass, guitar and analog machines (acid house/techno). I also DJ.
>I don't read as much as I'd like.
>I stopped exercising when I started university.
What is the thread topic? I'll give you some time yo read it and let it sink in. Get back to me.
I can dance like a motherfucker, I did it competitively for six years and have continued studying it in college.

i pound the shit out of multiple string instruments, including guitar, mandolin, uke, and banjo.

i read as much as i have time for, mostly scifi/fantasy bulshit, cuz im completely autistic.

i try to work out every day, but mostly just dumb, superficial upkeep.
>Exercise at least 3 days a week
>Draw / Paint
>he has no knowledge of aesthetic theory and still tries to make ontological claims about what is art
Top kek, enjoy managing perceptions on an anonymous Cambodian genocide forum.
Vidya, reading, stained glass.

I go through phases, lately it's just been vidya almost all day every day but I am missing on a shit load of reading right now (for uni and casually)
>How well do you dance
I dont
>what instrument do you play?
IIDX Controller, used to play Taiko drums
>How much do you read?
Every night before I go to sleep
>Do you even work out?
I dance like I'm on drugs even when I'm not on drugs.

I play guitar, bass, keys and mandolin. I play them well too.

I read less than I should these days. A book a month maybe. Reading an interesting book on the fashion of British youth subcultures in the late 50s early 60s called 'The Sharper Word'

Haven't been working out at all in the run in to my final deadlines, back on it afterwards I think.
can dance just fine in clubs and at concerts etc.

play drums once in a while, I do make music though but it's all on computer. one of my biggest desires is to learn how to play the violin one day, as it's my favourite instrument. guitar too.

read less than id like to right now, have a big list of books i want to read

work out at home once or twice a day, cycle 6km daily. will probably start swimming for 1.5 hour daily soon.

used to play football but now i dont even though id love to, dont have time unfortunately. now i just play with friends from time to time.

i believe i can write quite decently if i take the time for it
>Maybe be
Running, vidya, reading, TV/movies, cooking
Don't know
Guitar, piano, clarinet
Not so much anymore, attention demanding gf
See above
underrated post
I was going to college for fashion design, but was never satisfied with my designs and dropped out.
Currently a cook for a neighbourhood pub, living with my parents and occasionally seeing a dwindling number of pothead friends.
Mainly I read, stream video and go for long walks.
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Reading on a computer would be torture haha. Right now, I download books onto my iPad (iBooks app) so I can read them while I'm in bed or on the subway.

I prefer physical books too - they smell and feel like paper - but I'd rather not pay $20 for a book I'll only read once.

I've been wanting to get an e-reader actually. They have screens that look like real paper and don't strain your eyes. And they're about the size of 1 small book, but can carry hundreds.
it's funny that you're in high school

i bet most of the new trips on here are in high school (birthday, huck, earth, reee, etc.)

myself not excluded
Huck is like 22 or something but yah. Most are. Nothing wrong with it.
Also thanks, I'll make sure to read that book soon :)

Do you happen to have any recommendations? I honestly have not read many good books.
oh fuck, he looks 14
the majority of 4chan users are high school/college students actually, so it's not really that weird
i agree, but most of the trips when i first came here like a couple years ago were like all either in college or out of college
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Well the internet in general is getting younger. Little kids with smartphones can browse 4chan.

Captcha: Edgie
reee where do you live
I wasn't around back then, so I wouldn't know haha

Canada, why
and what about you
and nice dubs
never mind it doesnt matter

i live in AZ but moving to NYC in august

why are you being so nice today?

i think that i've only ever interacted with a fake reeee on here
No she just lately started to be nice and post quality stuff. Idk it's weird.
Isn't it strange when tripfucks get over themselves and start posting normally, even if it's only for one thread?
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most of my reading is done ont he internet. i study english/creative writing and comparative literature, which is an assload of reading and writing, so it's sort of like mixing work and play. to quote my grad student friend, "when you're done reading, you don't wanna go read more books. you wanna go home and watch anime." i like fashion, of course. music. i sing, play the guitar, the violin, and the viola. i work out, though i sorta fell off the wagon a bit with school and everything. gonna write a novel for my honor's thesis, provided the department accepts my proposal

i like beer, wine, and to a lesser extent, scotch. i love comedy, making jokes, talking, singing, complaining, and staring out the window during train rides and when i'm not driving. i have a bad habit of starting books and not finishing them, and i have a crush on every girl.
I'm from a latin-american family, so dancing is like a cultural implicit stuff, also dude, we're in 2015 stop acting like a judgmental grumpy old man born in the 40s.
freeskate is made using aggressive or fsk skates which are fitness with a harder boot and a shorter rail, it gives you the freedom to experiment in different terrains. people don't get mad about rollerbladers and you can make it literally anywhere with asphalt, I pretty much hate those fucking skateboarders that criticize fsk, all acting like the big shit even tough they are quitting white sheep faggots that cant make more than 2 tricks in their 20x20 ft space.

I actually do know a lot about aesthetic theory. I took a lot of art history courses, wrote my thesis on philosophy of aesthetics, and interned at one of the most famous art museums in the world.

So yes, I can make ontological claims about what is art. Casuals like yourself think that art is "subjective" and therefore anything can be art. But just because you believe something to be art doesn't make it true.
post mixes
that video is sick but the guy seems kind of obnoxious for getting in people's way
you may as well kill yourself anon. you're actually not needed for anything in this world.
>Tell me your hobbies anon
I cycle daily and I enjoy listening to music and reading which are pretty basic hobbies. I don't devote enough time to read since I got my bike but I'll probably force myself to 'find time' because of this post so thanks, OP.

>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
I daren't try to dance and I don't currently play any instruments although piano and guitar have been my go-to instruments.

>How much do you read?
Not as much as I'd like to. I read a lot before I got my bike but the only reason for that is because I took the bus to wherever I was headed. The reason I have my bike is because I cannot justify paying £15 a week to get an unreliable and disgusting form of transport any longer.

>Do you even work out?

>Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
I, uh... Yes. I am. Kinda.
What do you enjoy reading/listening to
reeee add me on fbook facebook com / wilguen
>wilguen tryin get in dat pussi
no sorry its private

even though you're cute
I enjoy reading poetry mostly. I recently came across a book by Pu Songling which contains an array of miniature Chinese tales of macabre hauntings, monsters and magic tricks. I also enjoy reading Dante's Inferno. The Gluttonous is my favourite canto. I listen to different things but I've recently taken a liking to the band Hole for some reason. What about you?
I can't say I've heard of any of those lol
Hah, understandable. Well, I gotta sleep. See ya, friend.
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>Rock climbing, skating, running, lifting
>Can't dance, play three instruments..guitar, bass, drums
>English Lit major, currently reading a Ken Kesey novel
>Workout every day

Pretty /fa/ brah
Shit tier activities mainly. Reading (especially Russian classics, I can't get enough!), military history/strategy (ranging from ancient strategy to modern section level tactics), I do ALOT of fitness including weights, running and road cycling, pc/ps4, and lastly, a keen interest in current events/global news.
I guess if travelling counts info quite a lot of that too.
Sadly I only dance after drinking or if I'm by myself at the gym, at home or at camp.
Love music, played trumpet in school and guitar casually. Mostly listen to black metal and some power electronics. TV can be cool too. Runner. I like cooking and food but I don't eat a lot so I can stay effay. I also like trying new craft beers and masturbating to traps.
im bretty good at dancing, i play guitar, read for a while but just cant find the time right now, i skate but used to gym like 5 days a week
skype ?
Wilguen pls. I thought you had a gf
i dance ok, i have fun dancing and don't go too wild/look like an idiot.
I get paid to play french horn and jazz piano. I make experimental electronic music.
I do'nt read as much as I should...
I go to the gym often and have an active job as well.
God damn it

Tavi got cute
>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
Not very well but I do like to dance. I don't play any instruments. I used to sing in my high school choir, but that was years ago and I'm not good at singing.
>How much do you read?
>Do you even work out?
I lift weights 5 x a week and have one boring cardio day.

I like to write. I'm okay at design. I started doing yoga recently because I'm a 20-something-city-dwelling-millennial-with-a-disposable-income and it helps me to feel less lonely. I like food and cooking. I like to travel. I like movies and film. I used to buy foreign magazines and scan them (like $200 worth a month), but it stopped being fulfilling and just left me feeling empty.

There is meaning behind self-development and finding things that make you feel like you're growing. For you that's knowledge, and perhaps doing well in school. For someone else who doesn't do well in school (or doesn't use it as a defining characteristic), it could be volunteering. It could be growing a garden, or learning to play an instrument. You don't always have to contribute to the world. It can be fulfilling (maybe even liberating) to attach value to something that won't really bring financial success.

can I be your prom date? I can still fit in my prom dress.
The Toronto Public Library is pretty decent for getting books quickly. If you live near one, placing a hold is like ordering a book online for free. There are also downloads + ebooks available through TPL and a bunch available, for in-library use, at the Reference Library.

I didn't do many of those things til I moved out when I was 18, kind of out of out of respect for my parents. There aren't really good times that come from drinking or drugs, just with the right friends.

Norwegian Wood was quite sad. I had to put the book down a few times to just roll over and sob myself to sleep.
i wouldn't mind him getting in my way if he was doing sik tricks like that in front of me

That's exactly what I was thinking, I don't want to keep books that I don't like - or that I would only read once. I will definitely buy an e-reader.

If you're interested in technology and how it's affecting us as humans you should check out The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, it's pretty essential in my opinion - everyone who owns a phone and surfs the web should read it. The Glass Cage is also supposed to be good, it's like a continuing of The Shallows - but I haven't read it yet.
Shoutout to Grimes
>Dont dance, never really feel anything from
It that I don't get from other interests
>been playing music for 10 years, been taking it seriously recently studying the theory and all the framework so I can be consistent in my composing
>Read Mangoos and assigned reading for courses
>cardio rabbit atm always don't lift enough during bulk so I just end up gaining fat, hopefully after this cut I finally can put energy into getting stronger
>not attached to brands but very reluctant to pick a something from a new brand to me compared to a brand I've had good results from

better than myself

spent prom night in jail despite being the son of a lawyer, which embarrassed the shit out of my dad

i was 17 though and by the time i faced a judge i was 18 so spent a few months doing comm service and i was good

pleaded down from felony evading to misdemeanor reckless driving
I play a lot of video games, not as much as I used to anymore though.

I read books, doesn't what kind as long as they make me think.

I watch a lot of movies, I like cinematography, so I often analyse the movies a lot. Which cuts they used, what techniques, which color coding, how the characters were, the pacing and so on.

I play drums and listen to music the most however. Probably my biggest passion. I'm not very good yet, still a beginner and only played for a couple of motnhs, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

I guess fashion is my last hobby. I picked it up three months ago. This past year has changed me a lot, I used to never take care of myself, but now I do. It feels good.
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i watch porn and dream of having pain splattered margiela gats and think of edgy ways to kill myself
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i spend my days with ex heroin/coke addicts and people who skate all day instead of working
listen to oldschool punk/ska/rock and skate
i'm the only person there that is actually doing something with their life (start engineering studies in fall)

i cant dance for shit but i don't care
i sing in a bad punk band
i swim 3x per week

my life is great rn
do you have smelly sox
incredibly smelly
t...this is my fetish :(

i could sell them to u
broke af at the moment
sik cops are not an option right now
post pic
I spent my prom night in jail too. For DUI.

The funny thing is that it wasn't even after prom, but before. I was on my way to pick my up date and had already started pre-gaming. Got pulled over for making a "wide turn." Was driving my dad's new car too, which they impounded. Luckily my dad was the assistant to the district attorney and I got out in the morning and charges were dropped.

Later I told my date that I stood her up because I had gotten severe food poisoning and had to go to the hospital, and she believed it.
Read three books a week. Own a stationary bicycle, so I use that while I'm reading. Other than reading and browsing the Internet, I don't live an exciting life.
nah but their some suicidal tendencies socks that u cud cop m8
well post pic plz
gee thanks...
i'm no camwhore u slut
of the socks you smelly retard, not of you
ok u just lost the privilege of lookin @ my soks
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>making music
(( https://soundcloud.com/xnlyv here's the stuff i do if anyone is interested https://fujifiji.bandcamp.com/ https://onlyu.bandcamp.com/ ))

>hanging out w/ friends

>smoking cigs
because you're a massive attention whore you retarded fuck

honestly fucking look at yourself
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you're the biggest cam whore on /fa/

and you dress like shit
I'd say better than most people, but it's still bad. Can do some basic stuff and soulja boy. But doesn't come off as I'm white.
I play bass and cello in which i took lessons for 9-10 years. Also know some simple songs on the piano and guitar.
I read at least 3 books in the summer and about the same amount during school year. It's sad.
I go swimming weekly and work out inbetween if I'm not too stressed out.
TL;DR Ok, many, a little, sometimes, no.
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>Tell me your hobbies anon
oxycodone, 4chan, listening to music and watching tv/film/anime. i also play whatever game rockstar puts out

>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
i can dance like ian curtis but anyone can, i know guitar and play bass for friends who need a bassist.

>How much do you read?
well most of the day but that's 4chan. i'll read a book a month maybe, i used to read a ton in highschool but i donno, not as into it anymore

>Do you even work out?
fuck that shit

>Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
no brand identity, just drug identity, it's what i do, lie cheat and steal to get high, and i'm not even physically addicted right now
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Tell me your hobbies anon

i troll on /fa/ sometimes
How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
don't dance, can't play anything
How much do you read?
Do you even work out?
i run

i am a fatass too
>and i'm not even physically addicted right now
Oh boy
Piano, guitar and I have a trumpet to start learning again but need to sound proof my room first. Finish reading a book every 1-2 months. Can't dance very well apart from some ballroom i learned once. Workout 3-4 days a week, 6', 77kg lean (no legs). Interested in animation, art, culture and travel. Medical science degree is taking up a lot of my free time currently. I don't work because I would feel like a robot with barely any free time for hobbies.
If alcohol fucks you up more than lsd you're getting really shitty lsd

I usually work out about 3 times a week. I used to be pretty buff, then I lost a lot of weight when school started, but now I'm building it up again

I read pretty often, so far this month I've read Slaughterhouse 5, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Stranger, and I'm now starting on Cat's Cradle

I do drugs pretty often, I rarely go more than three days sober. Mostly I do LSD, ketamine, DXM, Vyvance, whippets, plus a good amount of pot and alcohol. Unfortunately it's my main hobby and favorite thing to do

I take a drawing class at school and I'm improving a lot, I sketch in my notebook often

Overall I'm pretty happy
Motor functions are more fucked. Sure lsd has a mind fuck. And no. I get the best in the us. You probably taking nombs m8
>Tell me your hobbies anon
Magic: the Gathering, cooking, shitposting

>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
I dance poorly but confidently and often, I play stand up bass and piano

>How much do you read?
About and hour or two a day but sometimes as much as 5 hours. All novels never school stuff

>Do you even work out?
I work on a farm which is pretty physical, sometimes I rock climb

>Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
My brands are all pretty pleb but I am sad meat
>Tell me your hobbies anon
None really
>How well do you dance, what instrument do you play?
I can't and none
>How much do you read?
I want to read but almost never have the motivation to do so. I've read only two books this year so far.
>Do you even work out?
hobbies : hiking/outdoors all the time...run local marathons with friends (for good case ofc)...walk dogs in local BARK org regularly and participate in environmental awareness shit (for those who don't know - we are in an ecological crisis atm) music festivals in the summer...I love live music and hippies
dancing: years of party drugs and concerts have tough me to have fun not give a fok.....my moonwalk is on point too
I read everyday (currently reading "Healing Secrets of the Native Americans")
Im doing all I can in all aspects of my life (including fashion) to be in sync with the natural world
I sneak my work outs into my hobbies bc I fucking hate the gym and I hate running
I don't eat meat or animal by products and I like animals more than people
Fucking queer.
if by queer you mean conscious...then yea
I literally hate ignorance. keep telling yourself lies and that people aren't destroying the earth and all the recourses....fkn go back to school
Lol. Okay fag. I'll beat my dick and cum on this earth. I love eating your little animal friends. Fucking delicious man.
I have no hobbies outside of study. It consumes me and has taken over my life
i bet the vast majority of the protein in your diet comes from growth hormone and antibiotic riddled factory farmed cows, pigs and chicken. instead of wholesome plant sources, like legumes.

enjoy having a body full of cancer in your 50s, meatgobbler
nah you're a queer as in faggot, sissy, nancy, pansy, a batty boy, a knob jockey, a turd burglar, etc...
Enjoy being a skinny pussy malnutrition ass bitch nigga. I also hunt wild game. Deer are so majestic in the woods but also yummy in my tummy.
Deer are giant rats that fuck over wire fences letting livestock out, and eat crops.
Been there. Take some time to invest in a sport or the gym and try to expand your horizons a bit. The one track mind kills buddy.
and youre new
>dance, instrument?
With the enthusiasm of a dance hall queen and the awkwardness of a stereotypical "white chick". Piano, trumpet, classical and jazz.
>How much do you read?
A lot, but only what I enjoy and maybe not the most mature or popular (fantasy fiction)
>Do you even work out?
I have to, metabolism isn't fast enough for me to get away with whatever I want.
>Or are you just a sad meatbag covered in brand identity?
I am learning to play the mbira

My interests are dye crafting for clothing, skin and hair, urban ecological design and economic empowerment through traditional cultural enterprises

Getting into silversmithery and weaving.

Mostly I read constantly almost exclusively non-fiction: ethnobotany, anthropology, art history, agroecology

I exercise by walking from the Bronx to lower manhattan 4 days a week, b-boying and voguing.
>read Althusser and Baudrillard

Althussar is great. Baudrillard is fucking stupid. Simulacra and Simulation was all unfalsifiable nonsense.
are you too much of a special snowflake to just play a real piano faggot.
I'm surrounded by African music in my spot, my hood and on trains.

Not everyone on /fa/ is white and see "ethnic" instruments online.

I'm the king of the rhumba beat
when I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom
Hobby i guess: i own a Boutique/Bakery.
how well do i dance : pretty good i guess i do traditional African dances.
i play no instruments
I work out every day after school ( im 16 btw )
>Althusser is great
Massive kek
I produce
I breakdance a little
I use a novation launch pad
Not as much as I should
I don't work out as often as I should.
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