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Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 46
File: tumblr_nnalsrbYkt1unq4w7o2_1280.jpg (253 KB, 960x1280) Image search: [Google]
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old one over tree huna.
new thread

also, w2c this raincoat
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These jeans
balmain fittin like a nigga went swimmin yfeel?
oh, you saved my image haha

it's old h&m apparently, according to the notes/comments/description from the tumblr i got it from
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the jacket on the right
fk u ree
really? doesn't look like H&M to me tbh but idk xD
could someone id this skirt pls
just look up field coat
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did you just use a fucking emoticon on a image board, please fucking kill yourself
Anyone know where I can get this without the retarded length?
no need to overreact holyshit
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W2C some quality shorts in dark colorways
pic related
W2C dece black parka ~$200 could go up to $300
not the poster you're replying to, but there was every need to react that way
literally listening to him right now
you need to dip man
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W2c shirt
Bump this. Would also like to know.
call me shia
I don't know the model, but stutterheim makes rain jackets with the same color blocking
Represent, Rogue, Balmain, biker pants are pretty hard to ID unless they are balmain, but if I find anything like it Ill post again
Im sure orvis, filson, carhart, or barbour has something similar
I have a shirt from kith that looks like that, and it isn't to long, i can post pics if you'd like
I have some shorts like this from Gant, try cheap ones first to see if you like the length, JCrew has cheap pairs and the design is nice, usually on sale too
wish i could help but striped shirts are hard to ID, just try big basic brands

I usually post in these threads and offer better info, sorry I couldn't of been more help, I own clothing that looks like a lot of these (besides the skirt of course) I can post pics, of if anyone has questions Ill lurk the thread and will respond as best I can
thank you.
i love you ree
W2c those boots?
Bump. Need to know this coat
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Marble Printed Slanted Zip Skirt from Chinova. Google it. All sold out tho
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w2c this shirt or similar shirts
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w2c black leather boat shoes?
please god
U + me = big fight rn
square up faggot
didn't save a pic bec i'm an idiot, but /r/ a blue cap with a dog on it. kinda obscure but yea
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this a stretch but the shoes????
ree is cool and i like them
you could always just cut the bottom off and re-hem it
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This coat
What's the brand of that white techwear jacket posted a few months ago with "water" written on the side of it?
its made by UEG
google dat shit
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This or anything like it pls
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This shirt
w2c lightwash jeans with some taper and a bigger thigh
supreme x david johnson
File: daniel_craig_grey_cardigan_jea.jpg (411 KB, 968x1519) Image search: [Google]
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W2c cardigan?

>inb4 "you won't look like him"
Thank you
notoriously bad store i never got my shirts/many people wait months for shipping
Final Home

If you just mean the carrying straps, Helmut Lang pioneered that feature.
>I have a shirt from kith that looks like that, and it isn't to long, i can post pics if you'd like
Yeah, wouldn't mind having a look.

Was contemplating it, but I have no idea how to do any of that shit.
Where can I get a similar flannel to this gitman vintage?

(they are sold out everywhere btw)
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w2c shorts like this
I fucking love Yoni.
File: dis nigga.jpg (56 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
dis nigga.jpg
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>shirt with a single line on front and back
>30 usd
Bump for this raincoat
Jcrew had a similar thick one, it might be on sale in stores, it has suede elbow patches too.
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the reeboks
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2015-04-23 18.21.04-1.jpg
3 MB, 1781x2808
w2c jacket or similar?
File: anorak.jpg (102 KB, 458x640) Image search: [Google]
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Where to get some nice anoraks? My style is influenced by college-ish styles like pic related
LL Bean, Land's End
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Newfag here. Where can I find skirt from this photo.
rick owens
This photo:
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w2c these shoes?
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w2c jacket
why not?
Come on, learn it!:

top man
Vintage Ralph.
You wont find it.
Because you're obviously a newfag who can't even reply to the right message.
Where should I buy decent quality plain shirts?
Preferably I'd want some with some rich or faded colours, and definitely not dress shirts
>asked w2c
>get told no
>ask for a reason
>hurr durr newfag

mate, I was just asking why not...
You replied to your own message.
it was a mistake, Jesus. I just want to know why I shouldn't cop them, what is wrong with them?
W2c good cargo pants that are <$100?
Mate I was just pulling your leg.
I don't see anything wrong with the shoes so do cop if you can pull them off.
>these emotions
It's been a rollercoaster but thanks for the heads up Tim. I just need to find them now.
Oh fuck I thought this was a copperknot thread
now who's stupid HAHAHA
w2c nice black chelsea boots that aren't too expensive?
Fucking retard, lol.
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W2c comfy dark gray heavy woolen slim fitting and cropped slacks?
fuck i really want one

not rly. got my shirt relativity on time. just make sure to pay using paypal
Should've copped yesterday.
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These shoes?
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got it in white too
can't even afford the better stan smiths
the most tryhard and shitty outfit I've ever seen
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the bomber or similar
look like kappa
They're prada creepers, but they're really tough to find.

whats the sizing like?

I usually just get XL in most basic tees like AA
got a large myself. I'm tall asf but skinny asf

I'd rec getting your AA tee size, fit is similar.
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File: tumblr_mx3qdwfS8g1s9xz2co1_500.jpg (69 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Alternatively, w2c pants like this with space specifically for kneepads for a guy? As someone who spends most of the day servicing Freemasons, this would make my job easier while being very stylish.
what type of boots are these?
File: Sweater1.jpg (159 KB, 960x1002) Image search: [Google]
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This was in the sticky

Where do I find this?

In your dream or by watching Y!Japan and Sufu and Grailed 24/7.
looking for camo pants with a slightly baggier silhouette without any zippers at the bottom

help me out bb
jil sander dinosaur sweater
fw12, you cant have it
>you cant have it
because it's from fw12, it's very unlikely you'd ever find it. do this if yo really want it >>9767988
bumping this
I wanna into techwear
>poster replying some odd days later
glad to see im not the only one who cant point out the twat in the dickstack
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I want to know who the fuck you are so I can suck your dick RIGHT fucking now
You have no idea man
My gf called Adidas because she saw me thirsting for them hard
bad idea mate
cool, thanks. im p skinny just like a bigger fit
ur an idiiot
not him but literally just google image search and the name was on the file anyways.
>captcha: ruse
bump bump bump
File: palace_7panel.jpg (250 KB, 1200x800) Image search: [Google]
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too late to cop this 7 panel? Did i fuck it up?
File: 115099.jpg (135 KB, 500x468) Image search: [Google]
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w2c asian shirts with english that means nothing but seems deep? pic related
w2c smth similar
i know this sounds dumb but this is a "cuck 1995 bomber" just google it
Best quality and looking shorts I've ever bought were from Bonobos
the fag store
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w2c shoes
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w2c this sweater
File: Screenshot_2015-04-28-11-08-43.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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What model of timbs are these?

Black ones
Ur not funny
W2C these glasses or similar for p cheap
rick owens
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Forgot the picture
We got a funnyman over here fellas
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Where can I get a fairly low-cost grey sweatshirt with less contrast threading than pic-related?
yes cop

looks good
2nd this
american apparel

amrgiela x h+m
Thank you! If I knew you irl I'd buy you a drink, or whatever you wanted.
I know, he's a try hard mfa user who thinks a sweatshirt and blue jeans is palewave, I was just wondering what the coat he tried on was called
I know, he's a try hard Mfa user, I was just wondering what the coat was called that he tried on for that snap
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this sweatshirt

Those jeans look like such shit jesus fuck
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Based Andy's boots?
Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 46

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