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File: 1389378774407.jpg (653 KB, 1280x1936) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw not living in The Fifth Element's universe
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Anybody know what kinda jacket might look good with some of the patches from the Alien series?
File: bill_and_ted_Future.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
Alright you got me, but an insane assylum wouldve been a good setting for the Xenomorph.
I got you? Thats raf 03 fw
Itd actually look totally sick with an alien patch
This guy looks like Link. I want him to be Link in the upcoming series. Somebody photoshop elf ears on that boy.
File: Nike-Dunk-Hi-Sherpa-SP-2.jpg (45 KB, 1000x667) Image search: [Google]
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Those Nike Dunk Sherpas that just dropped are pretty Hoth-core
Is lunarcore possible in ridiculously hot weather?
Or perhaps
File: enMEaa6.jpg (2 MB, 3456x4608) Image search: [Google]
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File: helmet.jpg (2 MB, 8031x5354) Image search: [Google]
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Ground control to major tom..
File: 551_max.jpg (329 KB, 976x1067) Image search: [Google]
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Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

joke posts, waste of time.

questionably doable
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 14

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