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So most of us probably know that capes on men are fedora-tier.
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So most of us probably know that capes on men are fedora-tier.

But do capes on women work?
Yeah, in, like 2012.
Some people can make it work but chances are you can't.
>basing what you wear on passing trends invented by strangers, instead of what you think actually looks good.

/fa/ in a nutshell
If a woman is hot, she can wear most anything.
Well yeah, obviously.
The board is about fashion, not clothes. 'Passing trends invented by strangers' is literally the definition.
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Yes but you should either have thin legs or high heel boots
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what I see
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Tom Ford fw2015
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Valentino fw2014
This one is beautiful
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Nothing better than a basic, clean cut cape.
>capes in men are fedora-tier

[citation needed]
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Yeh depends.
Pic is belstaff
Are you being fucking srs m8
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Lemaire Fall 2015
Actually hope it's coming back
>engineering school
>people dress the shit of shit
>last year
>freshman girl
>nice skin
>no tits
>no ass
>winter arrives
>she come to class with a short black cape
>my dick was unable to depressurize all day

Thats worked because the cape matched her style (glasses, hair and shoes) and she found a good way to dress her body type (no muscle or fat). The same girl goes much worse in the summer days wearing sneakers and shorts because she has no legs or ass. Same way the curvy girls (curvy =/= fat) gets even worse in the winter. They have shitty taste but showing skin compensates for ugly fit, then the winter arrives and they lose their only visual attractive.
I'm not saying you need be thin to pull off a cape, just make sure it fits your style.
>engineering school
>on /fa/

dude what. you're on the wrong board m8, reddit or r9k.
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>narrow glasses girl in sneakers and shorts

what's the problem here?
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