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Alright /fa/, I have $1000 to spend and want to completely redo
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Alright /fa/, I have $1000 to spend and want to completely redo my wardrobe, except for basic shit like socks/underwear. I want black and blue jeans, T-shirts, Button Downs, a few sweaters, a decent jacket and some versatile shoes. Any suggestions for what brands to get to stay within my budget?

pic somewhat related, the kind of look im going for
Yeah you need a bit more than 1k
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SLP biker boots
norse projects
nah, he just has to have cheaper clothes
2 Naked & Famous = $300
Kent Wang Sneakers = $100
Chippewa Boots = $150
4 American Apparel Ts = $100
Express Jacket = $150 (after promo. always buy with promo code)
3 pairs Calvin Klein underwear & 6 pairs sock = $100
Leaves $100 left for button downs & sweaters. Be a little creative, or just wait a little until you can buy all those on sale to have just enough for those other things.
leaves $200 if you skip the socks/underwear

>Kent Wang Sneakers

Fuck that. Get Stan Smiths instead
Whatever you do the most important thing is: STICK TO BASIC STUFF. Don't redo your wardrobe with /fa/ memes because you'll be sick of this shit in a year. Buy plain round neck shirts & tees in basic colors. Nothing fancy. Stuff you can wear in +5 years without looking like a retard.
would not go for the KW sneakers
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I know I'm above your budget but basics are very important so better get quality pieces instead of copping everything from h&m. Get basics that look good and will last!

Adidas Stan Smith
Vans Oldskool Low

Acne Ace Cash (Black Jeans)
APC New Standard (Stonewash jeans)
Sandro Pantalon City (Casual grey trousers)

Cos Rolled edge t-shirt (Grey)
Cos Round-neck t-shirt (Black and white)
Cos Slim-fit shirt (White)
Filippa K Cotton Sweatshirt (Black and grey)

Acne Charles coat (Grey)
specific and constructive advice
Anon I could do with a platoon of men like you
Locke is suck a cutie
APC and Acne denim is absolutely not worth the money. There are plenty of denim brands that are making better products at a cheaper price point.
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