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Hey /fa/, anyone got any experience with the Uniqlo raw selvedge that's on their US site at the moment? Particularly interested in the Slim Straight.

Also uniqlo general i guess
Not that slim
why do you want raw denim?
it doesn't even look good
don't listen to the guy who said they aren't that slim - to use a common touch point from the knee up they're about as slim as levi's 511s and from the knee down are a little bit wider. they bleed indigo like a motherfucker, worse than any pair of jeans i have ever had before (even after soaking). other than that, they're comfortable and decent for fifty bucks or whatever.
thanks anon
so you'd reccomend a cold pre-soak?

Whats the sizing like? Is the fit guide on the website accurate?
I got some slim black uniqlo jeans because they were comfy as fuck, can someone say what I do to them to prep them to reduce bleeding?

I'd really appreciate it.
i don't think there's much you can do other than wear black shoes and only sit on dark couches. oh, and wash them when they start to smell, don't do that ridiculous 6-months shit, especially if you've sized down for fades.
How much do Uniqlo Oxfords shrink? I have one but multiple people have told me it is loose, but I feel that if I jumped down to an XS I'd die/it'd shrink overtime or something
5'11 at 130 lbs reporting in
>wash them when they start to smell
I just throw mine in a ziplock and freezer, won't smell after that
Also I basically hang them outside daily too
Just got a pair, this is really accurate- although I haven't experienced any indigo bleeding... yet
i'm not saying wash them because of the smell, i'm saying wash them so you don't get crotch blowouts, dude. you can seal them, freeze them, and drop them into the challenger depth, but that won't get rid of little particles of shit that cause abrasions and blowouts.

i mean, either that or soak them but either way you'll need to actually get them clean.
how long have you been wearing them?
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surely if i soak them for like 2 hours in cold water it should remove most of the excess indigo?
ive worn mine for 1.5 years without washing, and there's no smell or anything
I wear a 32 in Edwin denim and a 32 in levis 508's.

I ordered Uniqlo slim selvedge in 33, did i goof?
>ive worn mine for 1.5 years without washing, and there's no smell or anything
Have you ever walked into someone elses bedroom and it has an extremely strong horible smell that they cant smell because they have desensitised to it?
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just a few days, I'm actually doing my initial soak now because I just found out they are unsanforized
you can fit a slim fit small if you wanted to, but a xs should be fine
i'm 5'11 150 and i wear a slim fit small just fine
maybe! or maybe not. if you're talking about the uniqlos, i've never had any experience with them, so idk. but it will get rid of some of the excess dye, definitely.
where can i get uniqlo that ships to the netherlands or any good basics brands similiar to uniqlo? pls respond
how do these fit?
does the uk site ship to the netherlands?
i think so but they don't accept paypal
wow i am so embarrassed for you
So, anyone who owns these know how they fit?
coggle has Edwin raws for $70. Maybe look at those
Theres so much misinformation going around about uniqlo denim. I picked them up on an impulse while in New York and assume theyre raw because of how much they bleed, but do they need a presoak of sorts? No one seems sure if they sanforized or not.
I have a large ass/thighs and was very surprised to find that these fit after being sized up one. The waist isnt super loose and the fit is honestly perfect for me. Might be a little loose if you have a smaller frame though
yeh it doesnt help that they seem to have made quite a few different runs of selvedge including some MIJ.

From what i've gathered these are unsanforized though.
anyone try their new arrivals?

particularly the new skinny tapered jeans model and the broadcloth shirts
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