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my thinning hairline and patchy temples are FUCKING me up family. how do you guys cope with awful hair genetics? i look terrible with a buzz and it just makes my hairline look worse

any rogaine/propecia success stories? or natural remedies? i've heard good things about supplements like saw palmetto and stinging nettle
theres a cure for baldness in china already, but its really expensive to import and you have to use it for the rest of your life
just endure a few more years until fda approves it and baldness is a thing of the past
>just endure a few more years
that is literally the complete opposite of what i want to do
i'm fucked
last resort
What's the name of the cure in China?
Mine has recently got really bad, after a rocky relationship I've gone into full JUST mode.
same man. got a semi-buzzcut
started working out, dress nice, do things to make myself feel better
nothing else you can do really

get a hair transplant when you get older. balding isnt that rare though. there are threads about it everyday on this board
Been on propecia for about 6 years. Its pretty much stopped the thinning/ receding, and my hair line has remained fairly similar to how it was when I started taking it. The only side-effect I've had is the occasional ball ache.
If I didn't take it I'd look like Jude does in that picture minus the small middle tuft.
become a monk.
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Been balding since I was 20, so I know how you is feel.

Only one thing you can do at this point until they release a cure (will probably happen within the next ten years): own it, get a close buzzcut, and do something else that makes you feel confident.

It's normal, it sucks, but it's not like you're paralyzed or handicapped in any way. Deal with it.
Dried panda cum.
Hey quick question, my hair has been going grey since I was 12. Does that make it less likely that I'll go bald? Can't have two genetic fuckups like that back to back right? ...right?
Grey hair can look cool. I don't think hair color has any correlation with balding, so I'd say you're good. Maybe post pics?

Did you feel any effects in your libido? If you stop taking it, will you instantly JUST yourself? Also, how much do you pay per month to keep it up?

>mfw potato nose
>mfw big ears
>mfw brushy eyebrows
>mfw high as fuck, receeding hairline
Should I just kill myself?
It's not the common man who beds the special lady
you know that were talking on an anonymous anime imageboard right? even on /fa/ most people seem massive shut-ins

not sure what do you mean by special lady though
Get on fin+minox, I'm 23 and it worked wonders for my hairline, even my beard feels fuller

I kept my hair long so I can even see when I started taking it, thick and strong at the base and super weak and straggly at the ends.
Feels so fucking good to take a shower and not see any hairs in the drain
I was on it for a while and my balls ached every now and then. I also wasn't very interested in sex. I started dating a girl I fancied in high school but I just couldn't be bothered to have sex with her. She got super blue-balled and horny.

I stopped taking it and a few months later because I was concerned about my lack of libido and after a few months my libido shot through the roof. Sadly she had left me long before this happened. My hair is now slowly going but whatever, i'd rather want and enjoy sex than be a sexless mandoll (with great hair).

Still. I'd recommend it. I was just one of those unlucky 5% that experience side-effects.
>unlucky 5%
Yet I see so many people talking about those exacts sides. Sides are way more common than everyone says
How do you know that exactly? You aren't going to hear from the thousands of people taking it and experiencing no side-effects.
because its still not 100% sure what this drug does and what 5a reductase does besides lowering your dht so its kinda expected that everyone reacts differently
there are so many studies with so many different numbers.
Xiao Mei Mei
my hairline is starting to thin, haven't tried any products yet, but I have time.

from my cursory research so far, saw palmetto and other naturals are not backed up by much in the way of academic study yet. however if you are willing to spend the money, going for the big three ketoconazole + minoxidil + finasteride shows good effects for like ~85% of men who try

ketoconazole (nizoral shampoo) is cheap so a logical first step and blocks DHT from reaching your hair quite effectively, thus slowing or stopping hair loss. This will not regrow lost hair.

minoxidil (rogaine treatment) is somewhat expensive ($70 in my country for a month's supply) and will actually give some regrowth of hair for most men in addition to further slowing balding.

then there's finasteride (propecia tablets) which is both expensive and requires a prescription, but will help even further by massively reducing the amount of DHT your body produces. given its expense and the fact that ketoconazole gives a similar effect I wouldn't jump straight for this as step one.

probably gonna pick up some nizoral shampoo in the near future and see how things go. I also get really oily, dandruffy scalp which it should help with in addition to my hairline.

Well I'm 26 now, have been rocking the buzzcut/almost shaven head look for six years already so I'm kinda over it.

I'm pretty comfortable with myself so I don't really feel like doing any half measures when it comes to fixing my hairline. Whenever they get something in production that fixes it completely I will be on it, but until that day I won't bother.

People act like balding is such a crazy bad thing but it's really not a big deal. You just need to accept it and it stops being an issue. I've never had problems with girls or anything. The only real reason I'd want to fix it is because it would be cool to try out some weird hairdos.
Worst part of baldness is knowing you'll never rock Reed Richards/Paulie hair.
My hairlines only gone back like 2cm and it already looks fucking awful. Trying to regrow with this, its working slowly but no miracle cure:


I tried finasteride but after like 3 days I thought that maybe I shouldn't fuck with my hormones to regrow my hair.

He could be referring to various things:


Some Turkish stem cell cream coming out called Kelopesia, could be snake oil.
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