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What do you think of kpop stars' fashion?

I know people are going to rant about Koreans being fashion clones but I like the aesthetic.
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What's the point of this? There is no discussion at all and it's always the same pictures.
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There's usually discussion at some point, ends up being a comfy thread
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>tfw you want to dress like this
>tfw 0 confidence
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But that's such a simple outfit. If it wasn't for the hair, anyone could pull that off.
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Yeah, I made a mistake in my post i didn't word it right. I meant like some of the idols posted here but also including the jhope pic. I don't even have the confidence to rock that 2bh :(

>feels bad man
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I don't think it's too difficult to pull off. You just have to look comfortable with whatever you're wearing. They're not overly high fashion or anything.
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Oh, definitely I agree with you. They're performing so they have to be over the top sometimes to make it more remarkable. I think the whole point is to tone it down when you try it. On the other hand when they hit big they wear a lot of design stuff so there's that.
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I feel like if I'm not asian or a skinny white guy then these fits won't look good at all.

>have cropped trousers unworn yet
>be called gay/said to be dressing like a white guy when trying to make outfit with them

Yeah, confidence is a big problem even when wanting to pull off simple fits.

Yeah I agree, well I'd have to tone it down either way cos no way am I affording most of that stuff in current times.
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Not to mention a lot of the accessories they wear are gifts from superfans worth tens of thousands of dollars.
Kpop is basically fuccboi shit done perfectly

NCT U's 7th sense styling was sick. Very runway and not something I'd personally wear but I thought it was dope.
a lot of the earrings/rings etc is just fashion jewelry though. can get those really cheap. i remember looking at a ring some guy was wearing and it ended up being a $5 ring from forever 21 no joke.
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I meant moreso for bags and watches and whatnot. I don't know much about their actual jewelry.
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That's true. It's a normal thing for an idol to receive an expensive present from a group of fans. Or even from designers and stuff because in the end it's all publicity.

I would say that they're doing pretty well. It's funny how most fans are finding it so strange but I think it's very forward. They don't always get it right though. I liked the styling for NCT U better than 127.
Yeah, I loved the song and their outfits were pretty cool. I'm yet to check out their other song (not sure if it's exactly the same group though)
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That firetruck song/video were abysmal tbqh
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I didn't like it very much. Song and video have interesting concepts but it's kind of a mess. Overall it's a good album.
If anyone has K-skincare tips let a brother know
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I think the most important thing is BB cream.
Still gotta have nice skin as a base, BB cream is more of a color corrector.
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Basically I would say to avoid the sun and warm water, wash your face two times a day, eat healthy. When you've got that covered you can get the cosmetics game on. I guess that's pretty basic but it should be a start.
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Accutane and bb cream is everything you need brother
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Not worth the potential hair loss
If you do it properly then you won't lose any hair. I didn't
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wtf is up with is toe
There's girls who'd pay 100s to suck that single toe. No lie
Is Jimin's ass effay?
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You know it though!!! Namjoonies ass is big and plump also.
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Damn he looks amazing there

It's just mainstream US pop music fashion but with squinty eyes
I am so happy! /fa/, we can be friends, Jimin has a booty, the whole crew lookin good too. BTS: most effay kpop.
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forgot image, but yeah BTS for most effay kpop group
Ahhh... That hits the spot.
that sweater in the middle is in lords of salem film.. dies that mean its copable and not an original?
Their fits in War of Hormone were p cool
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Yeah http://store.musinsa.com/app/product/detail/139762/0
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I miss Luhan
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Luhan has a somewhat successful solo career now. He had this Cartier CF recently, a nice photoshoot too.
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It's just not the same anon :'(
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They make a cute couple actually
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I know. We'll never see Monster with OT12.
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nah, exo is where its at bro
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Yeah, they're going to make perfect babies.
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Wow this sweater really got around
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It happens a lot. Prada 2015 iirc
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Who wore it best tho
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Baekhyun imo
Look at rapmonnies effay glasses! Those are so.. mmmm
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Baekhyun's face is cheating lol... kind of a toss up between him and Luhan for me but I like that all four did something different with it (or their stylists did)
New to this Koop stuff, this is probably the most effay pic I've ever seen with more than one male. That adventure hoodie has never looked so nice
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I think Luhan looks overall better but Baekhyun looks the comfiest and that's what I see in that sweater lol
all their skin is so perfect
not even just the complexion but they have no eyebags or sagging or anything
krystal is perfect
Krystal is almost perfect
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Yeah, they wear makeup and all but their skin is still really nice and... tight?
So pretty Taehyung.
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It's literally bb cream. Also some photographers photoshop those idols to make them look whiter/clear skin. That's why they look really white in a couple of pictures.
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They do take really good care of their skin though. Most Western celebs close up don't have skin like this.
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jingkook and jimin are gods in RUN mv
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ok thats pretty good too, i personally think exo has nicer fits in general, bts has cuter members which gives them more of an edge
Little Suga, that sour boy, so pretty. >>11505646
Yes! Jungkookie is so sweet and young, and Jimin is pure sex. Those lips are just.... I have an obsession and I am disgusted with myself.
That's Taehyung, or V. Not Jungkookie, or Jimin.
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Hey I'm a BTS stan all the way but EXO has some damn goodlooking members...
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i am fully aware anon. i love all of bts tho so i decided to post that. i was referring to jimin and jungkook in the other posters pic that i replied too and just the run mv in general
tru. kai is my fav, they also have some really good music as well.
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He's so confident in whatever he wears, makes meh outfits look amazing
These threads are kind of great. I hope they become a regular thing around here.
There's simply not enough content.
I love his personality. He is so beautiful and air headed. He is a pure angel, effay this too, so that's a boost for love.
I think there is. There are women idols too, and countless of kpop idols, and general musicals of Korea.
I wish they were more fashionable
I know, they just try to be aeygo and look physically appealing to the eye. They do it, no doubt but, I wish they would dress more boyish.
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I just feel like most girls don't usually wear anything distinctive. It's just some random cute dresses. You have an exception here and there but it's a rare sight
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Ugh they look so good in these new promos...their pants matching though

Yeah, this is always disappointing. I guess their main audience just wants them to look cute or sexy. Even when they wear blatant designer stuff it ends up looking tacky.
I love blonde Jin, he looks so good. And mmm, they lookin good.
I wish Krystal posted on IG more often.
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im jealous this fucker is so good looking
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The range of concepts for female girl groups is really limited sadly. I guess that's what Korea wants. Maybe I don't pay enough attention but I never see girls wearing anything interesting like most guys seem to do.

She probably posts on Weibo.
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its not that its limited. the young korean generation/stylists are trying to push edgy and sexy but the old generation can only handle cute concepts, see gfriend
Who is this?
But there are no edgy girl groups right now? Other than 2ne1 I can only think of 4minute but that ship has sailed.

OMG Yooa.
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Blackpink looks kinda good (and it seems like they're going for a 2ne1 vibe) but I'm not getting my hopes up lol. Also really hate the group name... just why.
Lisa esp
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I'm excited for Black Pink. They all look good imo, styling is pretty good too. It might be just what we need.
Fingers crossed, they will be the beacon of light.
yeah black pink might be doing it since they are yg
the last memorable one was the ark and they flopped
edgy doesnt work if you dont have the producers that yg has. unless you make edgy boy groups that can please angsty young girls.

all the popular groups are doing cutesy, twice, gfriend, omg, civa, ioi. look at sonamoo, debuted with edgy deja vu, ended up doing cutesy promos like just go & round & round/cushion
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Hey, if it sells they'll keep doing it. Twice triggered an even bigger wave of cutepop due to their success imo. I don't mind Twice but I miss my 4minute if you know what I mean.
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At least there's Hyuna.
ugh she used to be so cute, really don't like her new face
major cosmetic surgery is easy enough to spot. there are plenty of korean girls who are naturally attractive too, although I don't have a problem with cosmetic surgery honestly

not that this has anything at all to do with their clothes
>wasting image limit on shit everyone's aware of
move along dr. kim
Kek I think she looks better now. She was spectacular in Hate.
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She looks so much better when she packs on some extra pounds. Excited for her comeback.
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>ywn have this sweater
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I really like when BigBang goes for a cute look rather than their edgy (Bang Bang Bang) or weird (Bae Bae) fashion. Let's Not Fall in Love is full of inspo for me. I'm a skinny manlet like them so I have a similar style.
check /cgl/ skincare threads, they usually have korean skincare infographs n stuff
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More tae
She looks skinnier than ever now
Aw shit, that's disappointing.
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Oh god that's not good.

>She looks so much better when she packs on some extra pounds
Agreed 100%. Ditto for pretty much most girls in the k-pop scene - there's a point they hit where it goes from "slim" to "marginally ghoulish."
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But that's just a thing they wear on promotions and events. If you pay attention, they dress pretty normal, even on their fanmeets and such.

I love Dara
Everytime I compare myself to xiumin I die a little more inside
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That's Suho. This is Xiumin
I know I was just mentioning another good looking exo member
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tfw hair is too thin and brittle to dye pink
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Can't wait til Seventeen blows up and they get better styling
VERY NICE is one of my favorite songs atm, so i agree 100%
Their music is so cheerful, makes me happy
I'm not into kpop but love the kpop fashion desu.
Thanks for this thread. I'd start one if I had more images desu.
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Please stop idolizing plastic water bottles that assume a predetermined persona & shitting up fayfay. 90% of these fits are gaudy garbage
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>implying this board isn't full of shitty threads
What are you trying to salvage exactly lol
Something about the way that dresses is a little off putting, I know that there's a lot of thought put into the outfit and the pieces look good, but it just doesn't feel right. It's almost as though the clothes they've got on isn't what they'd really wear and their stylists pick everything out for them. I'd almost say that KPop star's fashion is sort of like a caricature of certain styles.
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Their stylists do pick everything out for them. Only the more successful idols who have been around for a while have more control over their own image.
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Love every outfit in this MV
pic of kit-sung on tour
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Yes! Dean is amazing.
Thread replies: 141
Thread images: 98

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