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I've always considered this to be more of a lifestyle board
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I've always considered this to be more of a lifestyle board so lets talk about lifestyle. In particular, relationships.

I feel like most people my age live their lives through hedonism and at first it was bearable, but then it got old, fast. Now I'm just craving for some sort of meaningful relationship. I haven't met a single person on my own, who actually gave a shit about something other than their own image in front of other people.

The thing is, I know these people exist, I've just never come into contact with one. Where the fuck are they? Does everyone in the world just want to get shitfaced all weekend? Where are all the normal people?

And then there's sex. Everyone is so fucking obsessed with getting laid, being alpha, or looking cool, yet outside of the social scene they are boring as shit. Then you have people who try to adopt a certain lifestyle for no reason other than to look cool. You see this all the time on /fa/ with the "what's the most /fa/ mental illness?" threads. It's not just 4chan, this is how a lot of people think in real life think.

End blog. Tomorrow I'm getting shitfaced with my mates.

To finish, here's the only Japanese comic that ever moved me emotionally.
This from a fucking doujinshi

believe machine
What blog is this and how do I unsubscribe?
>I've always considered this to be more of a lifestyle board
it's not, fuck off
you won't find the people you're looking for; you're a cunt.
>I've always considered this to be more of a lifestyle board
It's not, fuck off. Oh, also do something worthwhile with your life and you might meet some good people along the way
Me too anon, its like I was reading my own mind, partying every weekend is so lame to me, drunk people are so fucking annoying, sex is awesome but its not something to fiend after and obsess for.
>this party is lame
you guys are actually like those fucking memes
I can relate to this, I have never had a friend who shares a lot of interests with me just other druggies who are weird as well. everyone in my life pisses me off but i blame me more than them.
whenever i hang with a 'friend' now which is once a week at most its the same story, me sitting in their house/car torturing myself internally while they yap about something i don't want to hear. couple weeks ago high on oxy with what you could call my closest friend and he was talking non stop about how much of a good guy i was and how much his family liked me. i couldn't even look at the cunt. oxy makes him happy and talkative and im still staring out the window trying to find a childhood memory that explains why im so fucked up.
dont get me started on sex every girl i have slept with had to practically force me into bed because i dont care and cant put any effort into anything besides hate.

hows that for a fuckin blog post ya cunts
the memes don't come from nothing you fucking normie
How am I a cunt?
Read oyasumi PunPun. There's quite a lot of things that will move you.

Either way to adress your topic. I assume you're in your early 20'ies when the teenage years are coming to an end and your peers are still stuck getting shitfaced etc. etc.

Well if you ask me you're doing better than them if you feel like you want to establish something reasonable and have a nice relationship and all that. Sense of responsibility or wanting to "settle in" is an absolutely normal sign of maturing emotionally. You don't need to stick around the people who you feel bad around and you are always in control of it. Eventually you will unconciously drift towards people which you are most interested in and the secret is that you don't need to search for them actively. So what that the "cool" kids are boring? You are the one who can either tell them they are empty pieces of shit or you can totally accept them for what they are and carry on with your own goals.

Have fun with your mates, mate.
"Hedonism lifestyle" is just a stigma you get when you're in uni; it's the first time in your life where you're out on your own, able to make decisions on your own, and you take advantage of it by acting recklessly and believing you're entitled to enough that there will be no consequences.

No one's normal: there are still plenty of people who "live for the weekend" and get hammered from the moment they clock out on Friday through Sunday night, only to be back on Monday morning hungover and wishing for Friday again. There are also people who just sit alone at home, drink because they're sad/lonely/bored, and enjoy the company of a pet. "Normal" isn't really a thing, it's just a mesh of people who do things in moderation.

Sex is the same way. You have people who have sex in moderations, usually with a partner who they're in a relationship with, and it's fulfilling for them. You also have people who love the idea of sleeping with a different person as often as they can and their tastes are a bit more exotic than those who like being committed to one person. Honestly, sex is boring, but it's something we define our self-worth with: if you're not getting laid, you're boring/sad/lonely and not living life.
>How am I a cunt?
people are just people don't think yourself above them just bc they don't fit your /fa/ standards.
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