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hat thread what are some /fa/ approved hats? been looking for
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hat thread

what are some /fa/ approved hats? been looking for a cap, moreso than five panel or strapback

pic related
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is it nice quality cap ? after the cap i bought from lucid777 that is completely shit i don't want to do a bad cop again.
whats bad about lucid777?
I was thinking about buying a hat from there
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Posting for comfy
Im ready to mass order various hats from aliexpress and maybe taobal, ranging from popular shit like assc and supreme to more normie shit like the hundreds rose cap, is it worth it?
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Copped the other day
>Shopping for the winter and it's just may nigga
literally nothing i bought one from lucid and its a great cap
I bought from them and it took around 2 weeks to come, but i am quite dissapointed by the quality of the cap. It's some cheap quality Cobra cap (http://www.cobracap.com/) and they simply put the skull on it. I find it very very expensive for that quality and the hat look pretty gross on my head.
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This is a lucid hat
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Anything as long as it's curved visor, not flat visor.
man the amount of nice hats that are ruined by the flat visors is terrible. snapback silhouettes are so ugly if you're below like 6'5
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Wearing that hat now op
case in point
Is this good?
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yeaahh finna pass.
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What's a good color for a cap that would go good with any outfit? I know neutral colors would be best, but would love to hear other opinions. I'm leaning on tan/khaki color right now.
have it in purp/white
when is this dropping?
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it dat boi
Close af : - )
Help me plz
it's shit right ? i deeply regret my cop
What place sells basic caps in good colors with curved bills?
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is it effay?
I also wear this one from time to time, is a lighter khaki and you cant get this cap anymore, thats why I like it.
i think it's pretty dope, considering how overplayed these kind of hats are. cactus are top tier
>bring above 16
>wearing a cap

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The only choice.
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what do you wear to avoid sunburn on your head and neck?
Got a hard problem picking hats, they're either too big or too small
I have a oval shaped head so technically I should be able to use anything, I look nice in those fishermen hats/black skater ones but cant seem to fit others that fit nic

I want one to be able to skateboard without having my head burning
V nice I have one
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Fairends is pretty good desu
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what is the most fa baseball team logo for a hat
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I'm thinking of getting a cream-colored cap for this patch. Would plain white look better?
tan/cream is good you should get a black one too though.
do you go places
be honest
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I found some troll music but I liked his hats.

Ugly god - water.

Is this nigga fa or what?
is this good hat
please dont listen to ugly god, that nigga emailed me telling me that he was doing features for hip hop songs for 100$ the verse

and then asked me if I was interested, lol
he humble thats nice
i own one, the quality is amazing, comparable to my undercover middle finger cap. made in the usa too
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most teams have a navy option go with your local team/not the Yankees
also check out older teams here http://www.ebbets.com/category/ballcaps
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recent cop in black
pretty cheap feeling but it was $3+shipping
does this hat run big or small? i was going to get it
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wearing a non-authentic team color is fucking disgusting. You'll look like a 106 n Park reject from 2005.
Whatever your local team is.
is this /fa/

got this from timberland
abercrombie and fitch
How's the quality?
Every time I see kyc vintage posted here people say the quality is garbage.
It feels like a pretty standard hat
The lettering looks like stickers, but they're on there pretty good. For $3 it's a pretty good deal
don't buy it, it's shit quality.
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What do you think?
It's 45$ should I get it?
I'cw never seen that hat before hehe
What did he mean by this?
no too expensive
Normies may like it
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I feel like Drop Dead is "late adopters" the brand
Can you post a closeup pic of the lettering?
fucking trash.
what season is this? dont ever play urself like that again homie
thx for the advice, will cop once i get paid
not bad actually wahahaha :----)
pretty good, with little hesitation, go for it
this is dope.

where to cop vintage caps?
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any recs on sun hats? going to a music festival in a few weeks and i'm trying to not be slow roasted.
Get the black one
at a vintage store
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Cubs cap $25 @ lids
Yung Lean = Bucket hat inspo
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I'm browsing /fa/ and I like this hat so
is this a sloth??? superimposed on a surf photo?!??
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just bought this. did i fuck up ?
This board is going to fucking shit
Kewl hat but wearing polo in general is considered a bit shit cunt by everyone I know (well in melbourne anyway)
depends on how you wear it i guess. fratcore is cunt tier in general, no matter what the brand is
Detroit Tigers by far.
I think those hats look cool but are way too played out to be /fa/
>wearing hat
>not just putting zx flux adv full black on your head
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/mu/tant here this strap back any good wanna rep my fav music label
Camo for streetwear.
What is this zx flux meme?
:( i am selling my lucid cap to someone in europe, for a cheap shipping.
honestly they are difficult to wear, it's very unstructured and flat.
What's bad about this? Looks dope
Suicidio > Futebol.
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I think I'll pick this up, can't decide between this, navy and grey.
Any thoughts?
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Good cop?

Cost me £21 or something, free shipping
Most dad caps are unstructured, and the brim can be bent yourself
why dont you guys get a hat from your university or a unique hat from a local store? adds the novelty factor
Wachu thinkin familia?
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i dig the colors
gonna cop this desu
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fuck that is a terriblly designed hat. The colours make me want to vomit and you can just tell that its built poorly by looking at it. This is the kind of shit you would wear with adidas track pats, air jordans that are the shitty non-retro ones, and a short sleeve henley shirt.

fucking garbage. im fucking disgusted.
such a nice cap, i know the image name is strom_low_jams_cap but a google search dint show anything. w2c?????/?
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Its the only one I have
Are dad hats just regular baseball caps?
literally the first reply in the thread
looks like your index finger is holding up a babby hat lol
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w2c some $5 hats, either flat colored or simple text/logos
alot of cool caps here
not kyc dude noooo
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festival you say?

rice farmers hat or Mexican sombrero
the normies and sweaty cunted sluts will flock
Pretty much. Double points if they are any part denim and/or have a leather strapback. Zero points awarded if they have cheesy "#1 Dad" type catchprases or gaudy lettering

be advised that the quality is supposedly pretty low
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oh shit waddup

looks like recycled fabric ffs
should I pull the trigger
w2c acid related hats

other than this one

i love lucy
I don't plan on it ha
It's FW/2011
what does the writing say? I've seen like a bucket hat with what I believe is the same writing but without sonic
on your temple, yes
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>not dusting off your pith helmet for the summer month

proof that /fa/ is the most pleb board
very close to dat dere get but check these
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was it worth £70 off ebay? almost certainly not
Where can I buy this
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Thoughts? Cop or not
Find something better
Cheaper on grailed
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These are finally back in stock. Sort of. They fucked with the dinosaur color and the green of the palm tree. Definitely not as appealing anymore.
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I love it
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This hat any good? I just copped.
Kys my man
Caps for big heads when where?

Seriously, none of them fit me.

Tempted to buy this, but it's really expensive to ship to Europe and one of the user reviews said it was roomy even for a size 8 head which is bigger than mine, so it might look too goofy:


Other than this I still haven't managed to find a decent fitting hat for my huge dome.
copped this, bit tumblr tier but I live in a small shitty town so doesnt matter
thank you for finding my roommate's birthday gift
What is the fit like on these? I have some generic san diego hat laying around that's similar to these and it's really tight.
Anyone? Really not sure about this cop.
ayy another melbournian and this cunt is right you look like a piece of shit if you wear ralph loren
right click the image and click search Google for image you dummies

where is this from?
and how did you get a patch?
it's really nice.
also i think plain white would look better.
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i can sell you mine if you want
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Any thoughts, I like it. Cope or not?
not op but
ty for posting just bought a few pieces
Well, first of all, their shit is printed instead of embroidered. That's really the only reason.
bucket hats are almost always the better quality sadboys merch if youre looking for that
the caps are always 1/10 for quality
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Should I?
Stop samefagging jew
Am I the only one who doesn't like baseball caps in general? As an American I cringe when I think the rest of the world pictures us all wearing these.
good music taste fa/mu/
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Maybe chillest hat right now, good shape and not some fucking nike or polo hat like every loser lemming 'normcore' 'dad hat' wearing pleb on this site has
god damn so fucking lame

also quality of that product shot.. get a fucking lint roller, fluff the hat and learn how to liquify. absolutely no effort...
cool hat, but stop shitting on other peoples choices. not everyone who wears a curved brim calls it a 'dad hat'.
these fit alot of head sizes, i own the finder logo one and the heads cap and they are really adjustable. my friends with tiny heads fit in them really well, personally I have a huge head and it fits me well too.
the most /fa/ hat to ever exist
Yeah, Norse caps are nice.
is folding the brim of a 5 panel acceptable?
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