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What is the difference between /fa/ and /fit/? both boards
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What is the difference between /fa/ and /fit/?

both boards are about looking good
/fit/ doesn't understand the concept of "looking good"
effay is about fashion and fit about fitness i cannot believe i'm falling for this
Fit doesn't know how to dress but is fit

Fa doesn't know how to dress and is not fit
/fit/ is about something that'll actually help you with your self-esteem and in life in general.

/fa/ is about being rude idiots hiding their insecurities behind expensive clothing and snide remarks.
/fit/ is about losing weight / getting buff
/fa/ is about looking fashionable

none of them are about looking good
Naked fashion vs clothed fashion
/fit/ is about looking good without clothes.
/fa/ is about looking good with clothes.

They are both the exit boards of 4chan.
strong this
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>exit boards of 4chan
What did he mean by this
i imagine he means the boards that have the closest relation to fitting in to normal society
which is true in some respects i guess
you willl look good by either being /fit/ or /fa/shionable

thus you will get a gf, and return to a normal life and never come back on 4chan like the other autists
Lmao /fit/ is basically /r9k/ goes to the gym, the amount of people on there who think their autism is going to get fixed by lifting weights is astounding
He means you're stuck here forever, turbonigger
I tend to believe taking care of your body and being in shape and in a healthy physical state is going to help you a lot more than clothing. It won't save you, but it's start.

On the other hand, clothing helps you by being comfortable with your identity.
>thinks /fit/ is about looking good
>thinks /fa/ is about looking good
Wrong on both counts new friend. /fit/ is about getting as homoerotic as possible and improving your lifestyles while /fa/ is about wearing meme clothes, appearing like you don't give a shit, and developing a lifestyle.
Getting fit does effect autism. Albeit doesn't help sperglords.
/fa/ is the lazy way because shopping is easier than working out
This, when I used to go to fit I got in shape and got my first job as a cashier at a high volume department store. Cashiering and talking to everyone cured my autism, combined with lifting I got laid because I was prettier. The cashier girls always talked about my butt and jawline.
Looking at pictures of hot half naked men isn't gay, it's research.
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looking at pictures of skinny, emaciated twinks in dior homme isn't gay, it's research
is this hard for you OP?
i started with /b/ years ago, and now i am here. these are the only two boards i visit anymore. part of me wants to cry
/fit/ is about making your body look good
/fa/ is about making things on your body look good

At least in theory.
Fashion is Art, fitness is Sport. It's basically the opposite.
Fashion is way to subjective to be "Good looking". Same goes for /fit/ in a way. I don't think muscles are "Good looking"
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About looking good? That's what MFA is for, kid. This board is for fashion.
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