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I'm poor as fuck and I got this suit from my brother. Is
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I'm poor as fuck and I got this suit from my brother. Is it usable? It's probably fitted terribly for me. Sleeves are actually fine I just put hand in pocket
It looks a bit big but honestly youre such a cute and attractive guy you pull it off and it doesnt really matter
If you're full grown, take it to a tailor. Ask your mom for the $100 it'll take to make that suit look god tier.
thanks i dont hear this one often:-))
Definitely too big. Not cringe-worthy big but still obvious. Would look great if you got it tailored. Not that expensive, like $150
honestly also important to see how wide the lig opening is.

new pic req: stand towards camera with lighting from the front, hands out of pockets and top button buttoned. use sunlight.
this, you could get it tailored a little bit, but you look great man!!!
Too big, but cute. I would fuck you right in the ass. No homo. Get it tailored.
That's fine, dude. Nothing that's a bigger issue than the typical OTR office drone's fit, no clown shit going on. You're also carrying it well, can't get too fastidious about a suit.

Like some other guys said, if you have loose scratch you can take it to a local tailor and have it altered to give it that 100% fit, but nothing looks acute on it now. Unless the leg pools on your shoes, if it does that I'd go right away and get the trouser length adjusted. (This is probably the easiest, cheapest change anyway, so...)
adjust the tie a little bit, fit is acceptable but you sure pull this one off quite nicely
it's too big but not by that much, actually looks alright on you
Holy shit you're a beautiful human OP
Good to see you again OP. Glad you're not asking us why you're so ugly (when you're not).

Suit looks fine. Very tight fitting suits are quite common these days, but that fit is timeless. It's fine.
you're not bad looking dude, just build some confidence and you'll be ultimate.
You're poor so take what you can get. It honestly looks fine. No one your age has a proper fitting suit. Enjoy cruising through life with your facial aesthetics
are you all fucking serious
i mean he's not ugly, but good looking? pfft
>Pssst. He's made tonnes of threads about him hating himself. It's irritating.
>Let's make him feel good.

I don't know what you're talking about fampie he's the most viscerally attractive hunkboi beefcake I've ever spunked to.

Looks fine. 90% of guys' first suits are hand me-downs.
my god this board has gone to shit
OP, please don't wear it, it's too big, it's not WAY too big, but still noticable, and the number one most important thing about a suit is that it fits you properly and this one obviously doesn't.
if you ever wear this in public you WILL embarrass yourself.

just watch a few videos on youtube about how a suit should fit, and you'll know enough
also, spending $150 on a tailor won't 'fix' the suit
i suggest you spend about that price on a new suit and a little extra to get the little ill-fitting bits perfect
>I'm poor

stopped reading right there I don't speak to the proletatariat
no one expects your suit to fit fantastically when you're young. you look fine.
Shirt and jacket look a little too big. Tie is too long, start by fixing that.
at OPs age you get more points added for trying than taken off for minor ill-fittingness
no you fucking don't lmao
I guess I have some money and I'll go buy another then..will post when i get it
Work out until your suit fits you.
Bad advice, don't listen to this guy, OP.
Just some random troll faggot.
looks great my guy
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