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Berlin guide
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21yr old/male, 6'2 American lookin for non fag user to show me around berlin or at least lemme know wut to see
not with that attitude
LMAO what the fuck do you want to see
ahmed and mutumbu beating and robbing you? a mosque(not hard to find, since every corner has one)? ANTIFA faggots rioting on the streets? hipster bars and techno junkie-clubs?

berlin is garbage and you know it

>American cunt w/o personality fails to navigate himself around Berlin
You aren't entirely wrong but the way you go about political incorrectness is tacky and forced.

You are talking about Berlin as if you were about Paris or London
>offeneded by fag
In any case i meant someone who stopped taking this board srsly when jewel wave hit
what does your height have to do with you visiting berlin?
what does visiting berlin have to do with fashion?
Just ask around for the local tourist spots op.

Germans are chill in that they wont take offense to that unlike Parisian faggots.

Better yet, if you smoke weed go to a local park or hangout spot (usually near metro stations), find the kids that are usually huddled together and ask them if they can hook you up with some weed. Lift up your shirt to prove youre not wired/ a cop. Smoke weed with them and ask them about where to go/tell them about America.

Just in general dont be an autistic faggot that makes the rest of us look stupid. Americans have a reputation for being outgoing. Use that.
Im not offeneded by the word fag. I said that because you seem like a rude autistic cunt.
>Lift up your shirt to prove youre not wired/ a cop.

>Just in general dont be an autistic faggot that makes the rest of us look stupid.

LMAO, pick one
you say this as if jewel wave wasn't the brightest glimpse of hope this board has had in a while
>non fag
Berlin is not for you you fucking autistic cunt
Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, Prenzlauerberg and Neukölln are considered the young&cool districts. You will find alot of clubs&bars there. There are alot of techno partys in berlin so if u are into techno i suggest u go check em out on residentadvisor.
Thanks dude
Lol srsly a wire
OP, I'm a fag in Berlin. Im going to post again at some point in this thread offering to show you around, not revealing I'm the fag, you won't know it is me if you pick me, but if you do, I will flirt with you and might try to suck your cock while I show you around Berlin.
>non fag user

none can do friend, sorry
Lmao all these faggots offended.
He fell for the 'you're not 6'5, you're not a real man' meme, so he seeks validation about his height anywhere

>Hey, I'm Bob
>Hey Bob, I'm 6'2
Gonna hope its this one since u werent offended, tho im pretty sure ur just punkin me. When did fa start getting offended by fag
Nobody's offended by the word "fag" dumbass. People on this board literally call themselves /fa/ggots. Everyone is just making fun of you because you mentioned your height while still managing to sound self-righteous in your post looking for internet friends. Have fun wandering around Berlin alone lmao
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>non fag
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