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yellow sole
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How to quickly get yellow soles? I think I saw a guide here once...
piss on them
wear them
Mustard. I know it sounds silly but if you lather the sole in mustard until it dries, then use a cup of urine and a toothbrush to scrape it off you'll achieve the yellow soles. I remember the infographic you're talking about but I didn't save it.
>buying new white shoes
>wanting to make them look like thrift shop hand me downs

Let them sit in a tub of piss for at least 24 hours.

Make sure your pee is the right hue of yellow, too.

To get the best results don't drink water for a while.
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wear them outside and don't worry about them you moron
What if I just want them to be an off white?
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Bowl a few tea bags in a big pot and soak your shoes
you can buy stans with an off white/yellow sole
it's oxidation that wears away the paint. get them dirty and wet and the soles should start to yellow
How do I do the opposite go from yellow to white
with buying a new pair
I remember a guy here left his AF1 in a shallow tub of tea and it worked quite well
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