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trousers I mean
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iise, $375
Seriously considering finding myself a sugar daddy
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Thinking about getting this for my gf's birthday. Cop?
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looking for what more people think on this?
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No nigha roshes have so been played out
Any alternative you can suggest me, please?
Not who you are replying to, but Adidas NMD
No you fucking inbred, its just a black bag. You can pretty much get the same thing for less than $40
>buying $40 leather
>this strange little man
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Thinking about copping these
i need something quick because my feet are freezing
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yay? nay?
now a recent cop :^) I like ugly shoes
looks pretty sick but definitely wouldn't pay that much for it
eh, I don't like the branding but it looks fine
kinda basic but not bad
you want fries with that?
the shoe
It's leather you flop cunt
they're $75
desu those didnt keep my feet warm since the air gets in the mesh
Comfy as fuck, but quality is sub-par. If you know what to wear them with then cop
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Cop for $90?
W2c? They're amazing
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SLP D02 jeans
can buy a used pair for 300ish. is this a bad idea
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Possibly. I would just get Acne Stay Cashes in whatever fit suits you best.
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Also should I cop these as well? Planning to wear without the strap
if they fit you, go for it
why not? they cost nothing
What is the name of these?
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Sure, they look like they could be cool
Cop if they fit

Cop for $200?
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What's the best price that slightly used mainline Ramones typically go for? These are $700, want a bulkier shoe
hell no lmao
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require shorts
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Get the red or blues ones instead
no, they look cheap
if the price is right, cop
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will this be stolen valor because I'm not a police man and I don't live in New York
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Look at grailed
depends on ur style but yeah they're cool
haha xD!
dey ite
idk fampai does she wear white?
b a s i c
i wouldn't cope that for $1
yes, SLP jeans are amazing
gum / yellow soles are disgusting anon-kun
not in that c/w
ya sure
> le tricky rick meme
trouser shorts are a good meme anon
yeah sure why not
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18,000 yens (like $170)
Ficoture Travel Backpack

>trouser shorts are a good meme anon
wait is this a yes or a no
C/n boring 10in Ann d boots

Honestly, if theres a cheaper option for a well made, tall, black combat boot please inform me. I really would rather spend 900 on something that isnt so plain, but i want the quality.
boring to me, you better be skinny or have good width and stuff, this will hide nothing.
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i think it's pretty sick lads

i really don't like it
especially that retarded middle zipper
1/6 cherokee
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They are very cheap
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Or this?
What pumas (?) are these I'm in love
Are they woman's shoes?
I have the same Coat. It's amazing man.
$700 is too much for used ramones even though they're in good shape. If you can wait you'll find them cheaper
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which ones?
his joke is it's literally what fast food workers wear
Puma x BWGH
Just coped them for 50 euros, kek
not him but these are the bwgh x trinomic r698

no they are in mens. you can find them at pretty much any puma outlet or online for ~$60. they are quite good. there is also a blue model
for $600 I wouldn't
if she's the type to wear white sneakers then yes
looks good, but boring
other than the brand it's nice
meh I don't like em but I can see how you would
I wouldn't unless you can pull off the fit
they look like something a 12 year old would think is cool
that being said they are kinda cool, if the price is reasonable then cop
boring and basic, can't go wrong
waste of $90 IMO
if they're comfy then cop
meh, gum doesn't look good with white
get blues or the black/gum sole instead
for $200 I wouldn't, if that isn't that much money then sure
for $700 fuck no
meh, can't think of why not but they don't appeal to me
go for it
looks like cheap Chinese shit and the colour sucks, no
if the quality is good, go ahead
the middle zipper looks stupid though
I wouldnt
get the first ones IMO, even if the texture looks meh
left if you wear athletic wear often or actually run at all
right if you're a skeleton autist like most of /fa/
meh the pink/blue looks gross

right if you must
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really like this and really wanna cop. I'm usually a size small and this is large. There's no way it'll look good, is there?
can find them on Yoox, Puma i think and theyre also in TK Maxx.

Theres 3 colours of the R698 and 3 XT2
cop these, theyre comfy af and the quality of the suede is very nice, Although the Whisper White pair looks better
>running in flyknit racers
$170 sneakers are bad idea when it comes to running. Especially this model
wow these were under appreciated,
thanks anon
Cop these

I think you can get a nice design. Cop if you want



Do you someties weear a medium?
It´s hard to say whether or not it will look nice unless we can see you wear it.

What do you mean by nice design? Thanks for the advice
why tho
if u loved her you'd get her ultra boosts instead
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Ima fat guy and its summer so I guess i'll start wearing Hawaiian shirts to try to fool people into thinking I'm a big fat party animal and not a homosexual. $10
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should i cop this ktz ring
i dont have any jewelry and a ring is prob a good place to start, and this one fits my style kinda
it's £60 shipped
Aren't jeans jacket supposed to be pretty snug? I don't want to look like a twink.
That looks uncomfortable as fuck
and tacky
that's horrendous
right ones,
come in a couple different colours. want to cop the dark green, tan and white ones. Should I?
If you look young and are skinny, you're going look like a twink no matter what.
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Please help me.
no but there a some cool batman tshirts
White ones are superior look for them

On the other hand what about this ?
where from? quality good?
50???? WHEERe?!
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Should i cop the left or right one /fa/?

here, dunno about quality
Levis if you're a manlet because their sleeves are for dwarves
I'm trying to cop these in the US but the only site I can find that sells them is dressinn.com. Has anybody used that site/is it legit?
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Court royale
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$140 Anyone know how comfortable Jordan 1's are?
Graduating next week. Need more business casual shit. Cop or nah?
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Worth 18£? Normally dress pretty formally but realised I don't own a pair of casual black runners
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Childish coon shoes
w2c left?
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I'm looking for some formal-casual shoes. I already have some black ones but I want some brown ones. Been looking at these. Cop which one (if any)?
Pls don|t cop any of these, they all look very cheap to be quite honest. I'd recommend some tan brogues, doesn't matter if oxfords or derbys. Look out for leather sole (not as necessary, just better looking imo), seams around the shoe itself and NO VISIBLE branding, especially metal shit, like the one on B shoe. What's your budget?
Those brogues look cheap and shitty
Not a fan of the two tone colour, also looks cheap
People are still buying pre-distressed
Hawaiian shirts are always an incredible cop if you can pull it off.

Although, your weight in the first place might be a barrier between you and your way into being /fa/, so you should maybe work on that before hand. Seeing regular posters on this board who progressively lose weight is very pleasing, so it'd be wise for yourself to work on that.

For your own good, >>>/fit/

Could you post what you consider good shoes in this style? Oh and my budget was £100 more or less but I don't mind spending more.
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i hate the peaking heart desu
cop or naw?



which one of these do you think is the best looking one?

trying to save up for one of these
Why senpai
I wouldn't they're just very fuckboy looking. If you must look for the version with the smaller, whole heart.
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Cop them as long as you're not wearing them with black skinnys

Anybody had experience with these at size 10-11? Do they look not too much like clown shoes
looks something what nigger kids wear
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If you can spare more, go for some Loake shoes. They have an outlet account on ebay where you can get them pretty cheap, like 130 i think. They are the best you can get in this price range.
If you don't want to spend more than a hundred and don't plan on wearing them daily for a longer period of time, try ctshirts.com and look for some brogues. Some of them are even Loake rebrand for less.

I dont know as much about shoemaking as I'd like to, but as far as off the rack shoes go, Barker and Brooks brothers are top tier, anything more expensive is unnecessary imo, as the quality and design differences are minimal . Then you've got bespoke shoes, but that's a different story.

hope it helped
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Neighborhood coffin tee.
cop? I really like this
What are you gonna wear it with
Don't do it unless you already have multiple ideas
>unless you have ideas
Black jeans + black or amy orher shoes? Have loads of Undercover tees and they have similar prints.
What about over the tshirt
Standing by itself it probably wouldn't hold up, considering right off the bat it looks like a boy scout scarf

Honestly with the shoes, I can only see this being worn with a pair of superstars and having said that it's probably a sign saying you shouldn't cop
DNC, not casual at all
Looks neutral enough for me. Black bomber? I wear it with many shoes, white, GATs, black, fucking pink Rafdidas because monochrome with more or less minimalistic print.
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should i?
dont like the branding. you can honestly probably find an almost identical used carhartt jacket on ebay or in a thrift store for like 8 dollars.
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cop or not?
also available in blue, black and beige
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just found out there's an all saints outlet near my house, are their jeans worth $120?
dnc if you're not tall, will make you look extra short



cop these or nah I'm really, really feelin em.
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2016-05-09 16.41.55.png
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These sambas
asked me the same question. Not sure. It's one size, so I am too afraid with my thin fingers... but cop if you think you have average fingers
Any ideas for fits?
You buy yourself clothes for other people's birthdays? D e v i l i s h
are these onitsuka tigers acceptable? my old white pair are fucked and im trying not to just cop some stans like everyone else.

basically i cant tell if theyre different and good or just shit
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Cope or not?
those are dope imo

pair them with some nice socks and cropped black trousers and MMM

ye thats what im thinkin g, they just stand out on that guys green feet haha. copped em

cant go wrong. cop
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too much of a trendy look imo
nah, they look too much like the shoes that people who dont give a fuck wear and have a major in computer science
how so? i've really just been looking for something different than skin tight spray on jeans that I usually wear, and i feel like these are just what ive been needing.
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both pieces, yes or no
yes, perfect
nah i wouldn't buy anything converse that isn't shoes, looks tacky
played out but good
i've never liked faded black jeans, i've always preferred them jet black/pitch black so it will match with things better, but yes do cop
looks neat
i don't like those colors
thank you Mister Reply Guy
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c/n? Id wear them with white socks
happy to be of service
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Should I cop these or just the original stan smiths
yes i am new. does it bother anyone else when people post long lists replying to a million comments?
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>XL only
>made of Tyvek (basically like a jacket cut from a tarp)
spot on
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C/N for summer?
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I have the blue one, it's pretty great. Worthy cop
dont get her basic bitch shit
niggas on here hate on ralph but its fine
Its a Nana Judy lennox jacket
These are Navy blue shorts. Are you going to wear them? If yes cop them, if not then don't. These aren't some kind of niche piece, they're extremely basic.
wtc jacket
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Cop if you know what you are doing
Cop, Mexico are the GOAT Onitsukas tho

A friend is selling it, cop or not?
Please please please, w2c these? And how much are they?
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c/n? Can't find a cream colored version of this sadly
How about copping some creativity instead
its a good backpack for travel anon-kun. that's it.
pretty gross desu
if-if that's your style anon-kun..
fuck no are you fucking stupid?
ye dey cool monica
denim jackets are fucking garbage desu
n o w a y x d !
fuck no lol
lmfao no
heck no~!
neither you baka! denim jackets are filthy
na fuck that contrast stiching desu
just get a pair of horsebits from gucci, they're timeless and your boss will appreciate them
not worth a sinnle quid mate! wouldn't shag em for a shilling would i ?!
yeah i mean i guess if you're that kid
brogues are gross, C too casual and D is fucking disgusting
b r o g u e s a r e d i s g u s t i n g d e s u
yeah i like it
if you're poor
haha phew nice bait there desu
if u want people to think you're a space autist
that cut is retarded
yeah i like them
people will think they're knockoff gucci
i dont like em but w/e
heck yeah dude!
just get leather desu
get one w/o drawstrings and w/ belt loops
see >>11268497
def cop, but where
aren't c/n threads futile if we don't know what people look like or what their style is?

some clothes are just innately ugly tbdesu
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yes, wtc?
its an australian made jacket by a random dude sorry
from a random dude on ebay*
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should I cop reps for like 80$?
you should get a job, save up money, and buy real shit you faggot
never but fake shoes
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C/n jacket? Kinda like a cross between a bomber and a coach jacket
For $400 dollaroos
Oh and i guess for reference, my wardrobe staples are a mix between contemporary "menswear" (siki im, wooyoungmi, soulland) and folkier(?) things (norse, needles, kapital, 2 raws) +- sneakers
that's a food lol
These ones...
or these?
First ones hands down
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Cop? It's only 12€ on some milsurplus website and could look decent
damn what are these?
Nike sfb field boots
check out ur local marshalls. they may have ur size for half the price
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nb 997 summer utility.png
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>Nike sfb field boots
>Nike special field boot field boots
90's sneaker vibes are killer when played out right. Make sure the whole outfit matches.
I recognize those. They are a cool look, but they're so overpriced that I gagged at the price tag. No copp
Only cop NB if you are driving Trueno with full blasting eurobeat.
if this is a serious question then no, definitely not
ready for your appearance on jeremy kyle? D N C
the reeboks are nice but i mutch prefer all white/all black af1s compared to these
try harder
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shit i'm new to the sneaker game
are there certain styles or vibes associated with different brands
sure it looks pretty cool, especially if its that cheap


fuck no

cop. id get some myself but they just dont really suit me
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id on these pls
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this fit
Not particularly. But then again the whole sneaker game gets associated with a lot of streetwear and #hypebeast lifestyle (mainly jordans and the like). New balance fits well in dadcore, japanese comfycore and the hype ones will still look at home in hypebeast land. Everything's relative. Just wear what you like
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I see what you are trying to do with it but it looks kinda mall tier
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Sorry for spamming with CE. They are all on sale and Undercover and CE are only prints I like.
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Unless you are yung lean, nah.
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wish these didnt have that pink shit on the back :(
i wish i had jap comfy backpack, but idk where to cop one
we don't need your useless opinions. why the fuck would the all grey asics be for skeleton autists? fuck you are stupid
they are ugly as fuck
literally cringe-tier
$400? dnc
Actually +$12 shipping so $90
no, I'd look for a green/woodland camo or desert camo instead, the grey camouflage just looks like something a 10-year old boy would wear
original stans
Yes to the top, but the material of the pants looks strange
Bottom ones
Definitely the all tan
Yes, thats a good looking hawaiian
Basic boy?
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Thinking of selling my vibergs to pick up these visvim virgils. Kinda bummed there's no heel counter, but that calico heel and bison leather is pure butter.
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Initial-D NB.jpg
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Well I was just talking about Initial D. Fucking everybody wears them in anime iteration.
c/n for summer?
if theres no heel counter how will anyone know youre wearing vis ???? you gotta think these things thru my man
poor man's raf simons
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it's cold here, please help
i really don't like it
especially that retarded fabric on the bottom

maybe if you cut it off
Can somebody please quickly respond which of these to get? Sale ends soon.
Both by Neighborhood.
this or
the designs on the other two are played out imo.
Any feedback on mine? >>11269934
I'm wearing a shirt similar in palette to the third rn so I guess that one, but the cut isn't like a regular AA t shirt or whatever. I feel like that is what makes the line btwn this being interesting and it being Zumies-core
Probably sarcasm but on the off chance you're serious, for those who know about vis virgils are unmistakably vis. Also that bandana detail's another giveaway
Japs have this strange live affair with NB. Visit any metro japanese city and thats pretty evident
Left, right one reminds me of those cheesy t shirts with a tie graphic
Thanks for help. Have couple of OL sweats and they are my favorite ones. Warning on sizing though, probably would be better to try one on. I normally wear S, but size down to XS because it's Nordic aryan brand.
copped a M on Grailed. Hopefully I'm not fucked, I'm like a small-medium. Thanks
should i buy white common project lows or all white meme-smith lows?
if price isn't an issue, get the common projects
yeah its the same nylon material as the jacket, not strange to me I guess. Probably won't wear them together.

adidas had it on their main site but now it's not :'(
was on sale too
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or alternatives if n
cheers anons
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obvi wouldnt zip it
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 112

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