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You are currently reading a thread in /fa/ - Fashion

Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 46
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/pol/ack here
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Hello, fellow /pol/ack. Couldn't help but notice you have a pair of steel toed boots and an extra pair as an accessory.
Just noticed, used the wrong image for pants. Those should be gray, not olive.
i use those for work and the other when riding

nice keychain btw
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So you just keep them in a luggage box or drive a different vehicle to work?

And thanks. Got it as a gift to myself in 2014.
i drive a different vehicle
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comfy & boring
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Glad to see this thread still up on /fa/ here you go OP. This is what I usually wear around chilly times when I go out, it's probably going to be obsolete in two weeks if it stops raining in my area (near Rome here).

By the way I like your set, but it's something I'd wear only at a Trump rally if I could attend one kek.

I miss padded jackets, really comfy set pham.
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pretty simple, not a lot of options in this weather
are you actuaIIy a puffy jacket? they are so comfy but man it's too warm now :' (
like it man

It's approaching winter where I am :)))
aussie mate?
puffy coats ftw m8

melbourne my dude
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>check melbourne weather
>same as where I'm from and I see women in swimsuits and men in shorts and tanktops
basic bitch


Melbourne weather varies quite a bit
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fat stacks yo
I dig it. Light blue jeans would probably look good here too
Looks like you are trying too hard to look like you wear slp
Get rid of the edgy knives and wallet chain
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Cardio ninja
is that your jacket or did you rip it off some one from TSS?
i was actually planning to cop some levis 511s light stonewashed. Thanks /fa/m
>wears jew jeans
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Judge the fuck out of me
mirin the suit breh
varg pls
I like the lego man :3c
>a sig
yeah like a /pol/tard could afford
>listens to degenerate shit like black metal
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Hi guys
literally cookie cutter human male
I mean, I know you're probably insulting me, but I'm actually flattered. Thanks!
why? the idea of being like literally everyone else is kind of uncomfortable to me. i mean, that's you, you probably see it as being a well adjusted individual or whatever, but you're on a fashion board on a website notorious of harboring societal outcasts.

so how in the world would being a literal cookie cutter type of person be a good thing for you?
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w2c pants? i know its the wrong image, but theyre nice
ewww don't use a seal pup. If you want tacticool at least get a kydex or carbon fiber sheath. And get a plain edge so it actually has some survival value.
think i saw you at walmart
I don't like standing out. I enjoy being "normal". At every moment of my life I've been labeled "weird", "strange", "outcast". Every person I've ever talked to for more than 15 minutes has described as abnormal. My daily life is spent with the other societal rejects, and I've grown used to it. In private, I'm disgusting. Under the Old Navy clothes I'm insane. Beneath the decent hair cut is freak. But if I can sit in a coffee shop wearing normal clothes, people assume I'm normal, just like them. I get so much pleasure out of being seen as "one of them" for just once in my life. Deep down I know I will never really be one of them, but it's nice to order a coffee and be met without being judged. Every once in a while, the qt barista might even smile at me. Being a cookie cutter male is my one escape.
go back to sleep thugger
9000% autism or decent bait, cant tell


w2c that hat
Nike x undervover gyakusou. Probably all sold though.
>lv wallet

i threw up in my mouth a little bit

god tier fit
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Are you Greek?
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change shoes nice fit desu senpai
>white lighter
nigga u go die
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does this fit look better with tighter or looser fitting jeans? (511 or 514s i guess im asking)
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tricked out
looser, shirt tucked into faded 501s
how are you able to carry vinyls with you everywhere you go?
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help me /fa/

im so hot and sweaty and un /fa/ all at the same time.
I'd wear this
Those shoes scream douche a mile away
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Work core here
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am I /fa/?
Feeling the National pride
what are those boots in the OP's pic please?
youre an old man
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you are Mark from Peep Show mate
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digging the Burzum, OP
nice book
Nice glasses, Oliver Peoples?
burzum tees are /fa
>look @ me I try to externalize muh hate cuz ppl ignore my cvck speech
I both love and despise you

definitely arab or beta male
lighten up fella ffs, its in your head. No one gibs a fuk!
brit /pol/

yes, scheyer
>this is the kind of person that thinks a eugenic program wouldn't target them

why do you even come here lol

this will look pretty /fa/ as long as you look clean enough. if you have greasy hair or a gross beard you'll look even more like a bag of ass than you usually would though
>"outcast" in quotes like it's something people call people
Tell me why bby
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Thoughts on my trash fit?
Inoffensive, can look cool if it fits well.
why post
not notable enough to be trash

like the wallet. how them chuck IIs feeling?
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I've been enjoying this unseasonably cold weather in LA the last couple of weeks.

Why the MUT? It's so damn big and heavy and I can't imagine having that much of a use for those AR tools in an EDC.

What do you ride?
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>"Lighten up, its in your head."

Accurate statement, beyond unhelpful advice.
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>listens to later sonic youth and the strokes
>must be a "I only listen to vinyl" elitist-type

Pls go
kawasaki ninja
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I'm dat nigga, I'm dat nigga, bank of America, account got six figures
Here's better advice: be patient and don't do anything too longterm embarrassing in the mean time.

In 4 or 5 more years, puberty will be over
normally i dont like onitsuka tigers but because of this fit i might give em a chance
highschool basic tier
was going to talk shit until i saw those shoes
10/10 dude
They feel way better than the original chucks.
lmao this is literally the outfit of every 19 year old in switzerland
ID on the pants please
w2c that sweatshirt?
Literally me, only with a DSLR.
w2c shoes
PLEEEEAAASSSEEE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
w2c jacket and shorts?
Nigga r u retarded
Anyway they are Nike air force one, personally I like the mid tops
Just lurk more and you'll know the basic things
omega seamaster, neat
Haha I've got plenty of DSLR gear too, but the Fuji is way more /fa/.
thank you so much senpai, I love you <3
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kindred spirit
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mfw 18 and it's not over

At least there's still a possibility I can grow more. I'm 5 inches shorter than my father.
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I don't know
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God Damnit
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>thank you so much senpai, I love you <3
T-thanks anon

All of my approve
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latin cholo
Are you me? I own all of those besides the wallet and knife. My Casio isn't 100 fucking dollars either.
Feels good not trying with my fashion and being invisible while in public.
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I sleep in this and stay in the house all day in this.
are you this guy????????
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Holy fuck why are you on /fa/ then you normal fag. Go FULL RICK or get out.

w2c dat tank
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For jackets, you can use like these ones because you can always just the fleece lining or just the rain protection when it's a hot weather (with long sleeves first layer shirts/t shirts..)

Would call
SBE pink crewneck001
>u-shape provides more room
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Is that why it is designed that way? Never wore it, beu seeing the adds it seems to be one of the most confortable jeans out ther.

Otherwise normal jeans then
Respect for them comme des garçon's, still can't get a pair myself tho
hello, Richard
Thanks, I was lucky enough to get the second to last pair of 9s from a store in stockholm.
groundbreaking keys right there
what jeans are those?
Lightwashed Weekday dropped, pretty cheap but they work.
You could ask the same question about your contribution, not only that but about 99% of the posts in these threads.
I'll bash ya face in m8 wot
kanyecore, pretty good desu
nigga you are retarded, obvious bait is obvious.
Deez nuts need room.
you walk around with a second pair of boots?
how i dressed when i was 17, dropped out of college, got a fat bird pregnant, couldn't find work for over a year and punched my sleeping black friend because i became a closet racist for no reason other than 4chan

glad i grew out of thatt stage
w2c jeans
Are Converses the only type of shoes conservatives and liberals can come to a compromise on?
>Burzum + DIJ combo

Fucking cute
have these corcorans, beaut
Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 46

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