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can we talk about these guys? Did temple of jawnz legit steal everyones money? Did they also just change their name to scam more people out of their money??

i bought a quilted double rider from TOJ about 4 years ago, have had nil issues with mine. i do remember the lead time was ages, i think i waited like one hundred days since i ordered for my jacket to come and i remember feeling that i got scammed. anyways,

always really wanted one of their wool MA-1 jackets or a varsity. was really considering putting in another order. their prices have gone up so much though.

anyone placed an order recently?? any really good quality alternatives for a bomber or varsity? all i can think of is acne or golden bear but they dont sell sid bombers anymore
stop fucking shilling this garbage
so you like them that much huh?
im sure theyll appreciate your cheap faux fashion shite
but thats the thing, it isnt cheap at all
everyone on this boards thinks their too fucken good and their shit doesnt stink but ive looked through the what are you wearing threads and its worse than reddit tier. guys are a fucken bunch of faggots
the people posting in the waywt arent the ones telling you to fuck off
i know and their a bunch of faggots
File: maxresdefault.jpg (48 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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Whatever happened to that asian guy who made those jackets and people got butthurt they paid him but he never finished making and sending them

anyone rememeber the name of the brand/jacket?

nvm I didnt read OPs post
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