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Buzzed my hair last night, feel like I should have done 6mm instead of 3! Opinions?

(Sorry if you have a general for this, I'm not a regular but I did check the catalog)
Your face is a tad too round for the buzzcut, but if you're able to grow a stubble/short beard I think you'd pull it off.
>he fell for the buzzcut meme
you look like a cancer patient now. Bad decision
buzzcut is a meme annon

good luck looking like a fucking alien
oh no
It looks fine anon
Haha, thanks for the input

I don't follow your board to know what your memes are to follow/fall for them, just fancied a change. It's only hair and it will be back at my normal length before long anyway

I'll have to embrace the alien for the time being
What's weird is that it looks so short, even for a 3. Odd.

Get a beanie and wait for it to grow a bit, you are right that you should have not cut it so much.
Well it's 3mm, not a number 3. Or are you saying it looks shorter than 3mm? When I did a once over a had a bunch of lines from the clippers so had to go over it again, perhaps I pressed down too hard.

I usually have it at 6-9mm, so people that know me won't find it so jarring, and I'm often wearing a beanie anyway
File: [011024].jpg (26 KB, 350x230) Image search: [Google]
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At least you don't have a warped skull like I found out I did when I last buzzed my hair. I look like Nigga Tutankhamen. Honestly, you should get some doc martens and red braces and go scare people and pick up on dirty chicks with tattoos and gauges. You'd be their god.

nice hairline lmao
it looks alright op. the problem isn't the buzz, its that your head is too big for your body and your shoulders are the width of a 9 year old girls

if you get buff you'll look good
Literally looks like a canteloupe
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