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/fa/ face shape
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You are currently reading a thread in /fa/ - Fashion

Thread replies: 32
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Which face shape is the most /fa/? Rectangle-square here.
rectangle or square
anything else is feminine or ugly
>implying having a feminine face is ugly

ROLF how long have you been here
What if you're in between rectangle and triangle
I have a diamond face shape. Should i kill myself now or later?
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/ic/ here

Have you accepted Andrew Loomis as your lord an savior?
>tfw diamond face shape
>tfw can never have short sides.
>tfw have no idea what the fuck to do with my hair because of my shitty face shape
booga booga booga where the white women at
Just have it be medium length
Medium or long, you gotta have volume to hide your shit jawline, it's pretty perfect if you are going andro tho
Fairly certain that oval is considered the most flexible in terms of styling
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>diamond face shape
>still have babyfat cheeks
anything but diamond, round, or oval
>fucking kill me
i can't figure out what my face shape is. i seriously can't. it looks different in like every pic

I feel your pain senpai
literally exactly the same
round since im azn
i fit more along the lines of Rectangular, but my forehead is ungodly huge which kills any chances of me having a /fa/ce
why would a diamond have a shitty jawline?
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this is mine
exact same, except bigger forehead
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u ok?
Inverted triangle
haha not quite that big tho
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What face shape is this senpai? When I do actual measurements and follow face shape guides it turns out square, but I don't think it truly is. Maybe oval?
you look like a school shooter
its round matey, bordering oval
If you bully me I may have to follow up on that man
damn well ok. I've lost a lot of weight recently and will keep doing so. Maybe my face will become more defined. I have a pretty nice jaw from the side
Thread replies: 32
Thread images: 7

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