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First time posting here because people on MFA are fags and I don't want to talk to them.

I'm 18, 6'3, and get asked all the time if I'm a model (natural 6-pack and v-lines, chiseled jawline, clear face, contoured nose, good lips, thick wavy hair, etc). I'm also broke as shit for next semester and need money for weed and food and alcohol. I've also been dreaming about having a closet filled with raf, helmut, nonnative etc for years now but never really did anything about it. I never realized how easy it could be until last night, and I've been stewing all day thinking about this.

Next semester starts in 3 days. If I treat academics like a 9-6 job, and buying/selling designer shit online like a 6-9 job, then I could easily sell clothes/shoes on grailed, ebay etc. from my dorm in pursuit of just making money. I just need a separate clothing rack and one big purchase, which I could make from selling adderall or weed for like 3 weeks. Shit's cake, I could have a few grand saved up by summertime.

When the summer starts, I think I'll hit an open casting for the two modeling agencies in my area that operate internationally. My sister could take a few headshots and outfit pics of me with her fancy ass camera as snapshots to bring in. If I become knowledgable enough through reselling and modeling, I could enter the fashion industry under a pretty solid foundation.

Is this as easy as it sounds right now?
can i pls see face or atleast see face outline?
Modeling is going to be really hard to make decent money off of based on what I heard and seen imo.
Post pics anon, this thread is useless without pics
OP are you in NY or LA?
fuck off go back to reddit
don't know what you're planning on reselling but a goal of 2k might be doable. keep in mind though that it's a dying market– yeezys are going wider release, supreme fell off, and jordans don't even sell out anymore.

don't know shit about modeling but like >>10806995 said I wouldn't bank on making too much
I want to deliver yet I don't want to lose any credibility lol, I literally mentioned selling weed and adderall on an academic campus. Maybe if I hadn't mentioned that I could post pic. Would pics of people I've been frequently compared to suffice?
I've read about a guy who got into styling celebrities just from being a mogul and stockpiling rare helmut and raf. I've heard about a kid in florida who started selling to DJ khaled and getting snapchat cameo's and shit. The point is there's room in certain niches and aesthetics when it comes to buying and selling, and I think it would be healthy since its directly related to the industry I plan on going in.
Nope. At least post a pic covering your eyes, nose, and lips so we can see your model tier outlined face. pretty pls
>I'm 18
>I've also been dreaming about having a closet filled with raf, helmut, nonnative etc for years
>for years
>for years

for you
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23 KB, 427x431

You mentioned BUYING weed originally. Now Im gonna tell cops
read the post again.
I accidentally gained taste somewhat beyond my years from looking at japanese proxy websites all the time when I was 12 or so

watch this, go to drink your milk and think about the stupidities you wrote here.
fucking snitch
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