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What does patrician fashion look like? I used to think it was
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What does patrician fashion look like?

I used to think it was gothninja but i'm glad this trend ended.
>posts pic of g-eazy.
>implying gothninja isn't patrician

rick, cap, bbs the list could go on
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>implying he isn't effay as fuck with his b&w sip fits
shui truly is patrician imo
The dude is so corny and his personality and music is the opposite of effay. Even his fits are corny and try hard.
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pic related
i don't like his music but he dresses really clean and high quality
is that a yohji coat?
this is what /fa/ kids look like with their rick fits in hs
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Only DIY is truly patrician. Everything else is basic fashion anyone can buy/wear.
lmao the guy is dumb as fuck look at his tumblr
only true answer
everyone wants to dress like their idol, thats why young people these days wear jordans and shit - hip hop is the most popular genre among young people right?

just be a true patrician and be a wannabe rockstar
Gothninja is still patrician provided you wear actual avant garde brands and not derivative goth dark shit.
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