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The world is moving on, are you?
these are like a fedora for your lungs, like how a smart watch is a fedora for your wrist.

Can /fa/ think of other fedora analogues?
>"avant garde e-liquid"

What's there to be avant garde about in vape juices? Smoking black clouds? get that shit out of here
ur nan is a fedora for this cock
Nah, fedora toer shit is like zippo lighters and briefcases and handkerchiefs.
Those things you mentioned are just plain retarded
>smoking black clouds
That'd be pretty dope desu
accept vaping into your life.
You sure look cool sucking on your blueberry razz flavored nicotine cock all day.
doc: do you smoke

op: no, i vape

doc: oh ok

writes fucking faggot on clipboard*
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It's interesting how /fa/ is generally behind the times on vaping. It may have been uncool a few years ago, but now cigarettes smoking is dropping massively and vaping just keeps getting more and more popular.
A lot of fucking fags vape and make a big deal about their highschool hobby

Being popular certainly doesn't make it cool.
I wonder if he'll vape now on the new X-Files.
Plus I still see plenty of people making fun of how fucking gay vaping is
good meme.
Vaping with APVs is obnoxious and not stylish at all. Vaping with cigalikes is better than both APVs and actual cigs.
Honestly I would pick up vaping once colored clouds are a thing
>Walking everywhere in sick street fits surrounded by a shroud of black smoke
on a side note, vaping conventions are fucking disgusting
literally walking around a room full of 2nd hand water vapor of various flavours
so fucking clammy, sticky and overall gross
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>vaping conventions
fucking this.
however addiction is not effay and i would end up blowing colored vapor everywhere because i think it would be fun.
you're in a board that's dedicated to form over function. of course people are going to prefer smoking to vaping. it's just way fuckin cooler

i don't play with dragon dildos but i do like to vaporize my cannabis
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