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/bhg/ - Black Hair General
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Thread replies: 138
Thread images: 52
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reccomended products, post inspo, and rate hair, etc
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> almost 2016
> still posting thotcut

fuck off
Who brought mike brown back from the dead?
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>childish gambino
ur welcome
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>reccomended products
Have you been recommended a salad yet?
Y'all post the same pictures every thread. C'mon now.
he thicc
this is brutal
Do you have the full "Crowned" set?! I've been looking for it but can't find it.
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disgrace to the race
jesus yikes, stop
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nearly vomiting
I'm black though
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Found the fuccboi.
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who's she?
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least favorite Arca album, to be sincere relatives
Damn son
that's more like it pham
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Should I go lighter ?
Do it. It's too...orangy right now
Yeah I know, it might be because it was red before.
literally who are you
no you're not
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always a classic
wtc hot wheels shoes
damn, I jelly
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I just cut my hair off because I put a S-curl in it like a dumb ass and my hair dried up. So how long do you think it will take to grow it out to about Childish Gambino tier?
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Drake lyric.jpg
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would impregnate and then regret after the inevitable baby mama drama
summer time sadness!!!
For someone with really thick hair and dry scalp. I get the dry scalp flakes, i do not believe it is dandruff, just dry scalp. What is something I can get at walmart to help it?
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hearty jej
I'm a black dude with I think a 4a/b combo, how the fuck do I take care of this shit?
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How to start something like this ?
literal fedora
She has a booger in her nose.
OH SHIT. tfw no girls like this in the PNW. good lord famalam

what the hell is this?
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Drizzy Disgust.png
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forgot link
Does transcendental beauty exist?
oh my lord you scathing madman!
do u even know what transcendental means? lmao
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Mixed fuckboy is GOAT. How much time would it take to grow out from a buzz cut?
this is a really shitty and terrible pic and you should kill yourself for using the term "fuckboy". get some taste, nigga
Your mom tasted my dick last night.
Sorry to say but these threads have become useless.
Are you a literal child?
dudes not a fuccboi i dont like this stupid as fuck spam of dumb black bishes no1 cares about either.
u mean unkempt no moderation tier? his hair wud prob be 6 inchres long if he combed the shit out. prolly 7 months at most.
Tired of these shitty threads, why do you guys act like you're better than everyone else?
My niggas, I want to try growing a beard, currently 3 weeks in and it looks like patchy pubic hair 90% of the time. Should I give up on it or nah?

Tips on beard grooming would also be very appreciated.
Pls I just need to know what to do with my black male hair. Nobody is being helpful, I can't have this afro anymore
do you believe you descend from ancient egiyptians?
I'm half black and half white. I look white but have a black afro. I just want direction in my life
lmao post pics

i got to see this
>same pictures every thread
>no one even posts actual advice
Ok here's me without my face.

If you think you recognize me, whoever reads this, then yeah you probably do. it me.

post face
Nope too late I already edited the pic. I should prob mention I usually wear glasses too. how should I shear myself
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2015-11-25 23.46.27.jpg
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Posted this last thread and didn't get any response, right is current hair length uncombed and I want to try out a new cut, any suggestions?
Left but fade it. Just buzzing the sides looks weird
do this >>10662413
let it grow out and become black fuckboy
underrated comment
you should just chop your head off in general lil pea
I knew a girl who had the same style of hair but lighter it looked alright,but I don't know how noticeable it'd be if you went lighter
are you Eric Andre?
what are you even talking about?
she looks like your average college liberal
i call this hairstyle the"Empowered Black women that exclusively dates white guys"
I call you a faggot
thats rude friend
Can anyone post the chart for taking care of different types of hair
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nice try, fetty. that eye ain't real.
Any of you have a beginner's guide or resource to black hair? The sticky a shit.
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I'm letting my hair grow (2 months now) but right now just looks messy and weird. What should I do with it /bhg/?
I tried the sponge and it didn't turn out how I wanted it. I think I'm going to just put in a S-Curl. Are those still a thing?
hah, I wish
Hit the fucking gym and get >>10655643
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How are you supposed to apply this shit? I can't completely rub it in without messing up my curls
ideal woman
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embrace it
wear a cap/beanie
Holy fuck I know this bitch, personally. Zoe Kravitz wannabe
Spill details pl0x
Holy shit this is dope aside from the long ass line.
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someone rec me a brush for thick hair
I need to nut in a black bitch
shit looks like worms, dude
Yeah the twists or whatever they are look kinda weird but I'd still rock that style. Just with slightly better looking twists.
don't they always
Tips on dry scalp?
How to prevent hair from tangling so much?
That niggas dirty as fuck
Thread replies: 138
Thread images: 52

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