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I work at a local pool as a lifeguard/pool cleaner.

Its currentlt overrun with these retarted giant mosquito eaters. (Crane flies whatever you want to call them)

Everyone says they lay larva in your lawn. But there is no lawn around the pool.

Is there somthing i can put up that will drive them away?
Why? Your second sentence is exactly why you want to keep them. Not get rid of them.
They dont actually eat mosquitos. Theyre just look like giant mosquitos, thats how they got the name.

Theyre obnoxious
Eh, I thought as much, since I never heard them doing it. I don't find them annoying, and they're kinda cool. Some species' larvae is known as bloodworms which are excellent fish food.
They are pretty hardcore desu. Just look at the litte wings behind the big wings
Buy a big fuck box fan and a fine ish (less than 5mm / 1/4inch gaps) mesh.

Stick the mesh on the exhaust side of the fan.

Leave the fans near the pool on for a day or so. You'll catch a fucking load of them, they'll die on the screen. Not going to get rid of all of them, but it helps chop down the numbers
Might want to get whoever owns the pool to invest in a propane mosquito magnet. Of course this being /diy/ you can consider making one yourself somehow.

You'd need a really small, slow propane burner. The purpose of the propane is just to produce CO2, which attracts the bugs from far away. Since you don't really want to generate heat that much, a an exceptionally small burner is ideal as it'll generate CO2 for a long time on a single tank. You'll also need octenol tablets, which will act as close range bait to bring the mosquitos directly to whatever you have that's supposed to kill them. Mosquito magnets use a small vacuum pump to suck them into a collection bag, but I guess you can improvise or experiment with a killing method.
You might also want to play with combining these two ideas. You don't need to burn propane; that's just a way of producing lots of CO2 as a long-range bait. You could use other stuff, like maybe a yeast culture? Then use the octenol tablet and the box fan to do the killing.
Crane flies do not suck blood and many of them do not eat at all. Those which eat, generally eat nectar. I don't think your CO2 trap would be effective.
They don't eat mosquitos and there is nothing you can put up to drive them away

That will only capture mosquitos, not crane flies
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