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"De-Inking" Holographic Trading Cards
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Don't know if /vp/ or /tg/ would be better for this, but trying here first.

I've read up and watched videos about this regarding Magic The Gathering cards, but as far as searching for info about this on Pokemon cards, I haven't found much of anything on it yet. Most info searched always roots back to MtG card de-inking.

I do not have any MtG cards, so I can only go by the research I've done & info given by friends. From what I've noticed, rubbing the ink off a holographic/foil MtG card is a straightforward process:

>100% pure acetone
>Scrap rag to dip into acetone
>Proper ventilation to not get fucked over by smell
>Optional hand protection so hands don't dry out

10+ minutes, depending on how vigorous one is, and the card is completely cleaned up of the printed art with the holographic foil left over. I have interest in doing this with Pokemon cards because of the various patterns that they use for their rares, etc.

I've tried to do this de-inking with some Pokemon cards I have on hand, but no success after a few hours, on & off.

Could the issue be something as simple as just how each place prints out their cards? I do have a smaller thought in my head about transparent holographic overlays on the Pokemon cards, as I've seen such products available for purchase on AliExpress. That one is probably far off from being accurate, but might as well throw it out there.

Thanks in advance, /diy/
>Could the issue be something as simple as just how each place prints out their cards?


Two issues I see:

Acetone is a fairly powerful organic solvent, but it will only really work on ink that is polymer or oil-based. Pokemon cards might not be using such ink.

The other issue might be that the cards are treated with a sealant somehow. I recall them being somewhat glossy, so this isn't all that improbable. Depending on what kind of sealant is used, it might be resistant to the acetone, even if the ink isn't.

...not really sure how to help you on this one, DESU. If acetone doesn't work, I'd try just plain-old water as a last-ditch effort, and if that don't work, I'm out of ideas.
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I'll leave a scrap holo card soaking in a bit of water to see how it goes. Coincidentally there was also a MtG related article dealing with that somewhat. The OP of that basically peeled off the entire foil layer from the card, which was the desired effect I guess. At the very least it gave some data on time frames that could be a rough start to aid with these cards.

Gonna have to start looking into pic related a lot more now since using patterns from Pokemon cards is looking slim.

Thank you for your help anon!
Non-acetone senpai
why the fuck are you trying to counterfit pokemon cards in 2016?
I know some yugioh cards that came with the gameboy games naturally peeled off. perfectly ultimate great moth
I used to make foiled proxies using this method.

I acetoned useless mtg foilcards and taped onto an A4 and drove through the printer. Worked out fine.

When I did proxies from Pokémoncards, I peeled off the top layer of the card, with the images printed on.
It worked, though there could be damages to the cards if you werent careful.

Concerning the pokemoncards, I used this method before I knew about the aceton, and this was a couple of years back.
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