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ps4 no signal but HDMI is apparently fine and ps4 HDD switching
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ps4 hdmi port.jpg
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(pic related but not mine)
full story

last summer my ps4 stopped showing any signal when i brought it back from a friends house i could still use remote play but there was nothing going into the tv i tired switching cords hard resetting but nothing worked i looked up a bunch of stuff online and concluded the only thing it could be is the HDMI port so i looked up how to fix it and found it too complicated and looked for someone local i finally found one and he said he would fix it for 100$(he said 80 first but i wanted to w8 till i had some extra cash but i didnt care that much) so went to see him and left it there he says the HDMI is intact and clean and it might be something else on the mainboard is the cause, possibly the GPU which i find kind of weird because if that were true would remote play with my vita still work? anyways il probably end up just getting a new ps4 and the problem is i dont want to have to re download all my games and lose P.T. so i herd if i put a hard drive into another ps4 it will wipe my data so i was wondering...

main question

is there anything i can do to fix my ps4 or worse case be able to trick a new ps4 in taking my hard drive without wiping my game data especially PT(even if it takes switching internal parts)

il also post something in video game linking to this hopefully someone can help
as an after thought /r/ would be another good place to post a link to this too
Jesus fuck, OP. Learn to punctuate.
ya grammar and punctuation are not my strong suit
So many kids today have become victims of S.T.E.M. They learn math and science, and skip all the important parts of education. Not that they will need to communicate sitting in their cubical pushing buttons, but still it's sad.
>victims of STEM

fucking lol. If even half the population of western countries had a decent STEM education, the world would be a vastly different place.

You can't 'trick' a PS4 into taking a hard drive, each drive is encrypted with a console specific key - only your console can decrypt the contents, there is no other key on the entire planet to do this.

If the problem were anything more than superficial (eg. gpu problems) the machine wouldn't boot, rather than just not displaying an imagine.

Did you try a different TV?
>STEM education, the world would be a vastly different place.

Very different, It would be horrific. millions of STEMbots that can't do anything for themselves. oh the huge manatee.
>can't do anything for themselves
You don't understand what a STEM education entails.

Critical thinking and bullshit detection skills are damn highly required.

How does a classical/literary education help someone "do things for themselves"? I bet a STEM guy could repair and rebuild shit better than an English major.
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It's you who doesn't understand what critical thinking entails.
You did just ask OP if he tried a different TV.
did you not read the OP or do you struggle with reading comprehension?
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>failed to read a massive blob of text we established was unreadable shit
>somehow can't think critically

Why's it encrypting content that's already been paid for?

Why's it encrypting the whole drive instead of signing the content individually?

You know how much encryption the 360 and xbone use on your content? None.

Because doing so is stupid.

You know what happens when you put the hard disk from one 360 into another one? It works perfectly because that's the result that would annoy the user least. You know what happens when you tear apart two xbones and swap their hard disks? The exact same.

Pirates gonna pirate, customers gonna cust. If you treat your customers like pirates, you're punishing them for giving you money when they could easily have not.
English is a science.

It's a regular language with a well-defined grammar.

If anything, the problem is that English teaching is too arty-farty, and we're teaching schoolkids Eng-Lit, a field they aren't interested in, don't care about, and will never use. Banish the arts crowd, I say, and teach kids English that'll actually help them in further education.
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OP, your scaler chip is busted. If your guy isn't full of shit, then your HDMI port works, your GPU works (otherwise fail-to-boot, core logic error, crash crash crash), so the only thing left in the pipeline is the scaler and its associated passives and wiring.

It's probably the output side of the scaler, because the console would hopefully notice if it was entirely dead.
is there any any fix for it or do i need a replacement
sorry for the late reply
I would suggest taking it to a non-retarded repair shop, somewhere that can actually do board-level work.

The only reason you couldn't fix it, in principle, is if the APU is damaged. Whether it'd be cost-effective is another matter.
>the average customer going to mess with their console hard drive ever

they don't care. it's not like it's going to make or break the customers buying decision. source: ps4 vs xbox sales.
ok i have another stupid question if i was to get another ps4 and switch the motherbored would everything work fine with the old HDD feels like it wouldnt work but i have to ask
Dunno. If you did it to an xbox you'd be fine, but you'll get banned from LIVE if you power it on without everything connected, or use the motherboard without the optical drive it came with.
If you can access the PS4 remotely, what's stopping you backing everything up to an external drive?
can you back up your games like that? and how if its going into that mode by holding the power button i cant do that with remote play i dont think
>If you can access the PS4 remotely, what's stopping you backing everything up to an external drive?

huh, Sony is. if people could back up and restore their games, then Sony would only sell 1 copy of each game, and millions would play from that backup. that's why they lock down their HDDs down super tight. none of the techniques that apply to computers work on consoles.
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Sometimes the thermal compound on the heat sink was put on too sparingly and it loses contact.
hey OP here got my ps4 back and im kinda lost.... my vita says i need to update my ps4 too remote play and i dont have a clue what buttons to press to update it(not being able to see the screen and all) anyone have a video on what to do after the boot up? ive tried pressing down right and x with no luck i know if its booting uo and i press b the contoller shuts off so thats the login screen right i think
It's DRMed to your account and that physical console, sure, but you can still copy it. I've got a backup copy of every Xbox game I own sitting in a cupboard on a bog-standard off-the-shelf USB hard disk. I achieved this amazing feat by plugging it into the Xbox, switching it on, and pressing "copy".

In any case, who cares about the games? You've bought the games and can just re-download them. What matters is the saves which, even on the most retarded system in the whole entire world, will be locked to your profile and not to your console.

It's got a standard GPT disk, with 14 weird-ass Sony partitions on it. It's not whole-disk encrypted or anything.

Probably'd be a good idea to ghost a backup of any disk you're planning to transplant or mess with.
>console masterrace

Kill yourself pleb
I'll save you OP.

Your PS4 probably got set to a resolution your TV is incompatible with. Try another TV, set your PS4 to like 1080i, then move back. See if that helps. Adjust up or down once connected and visible.
Or, rather than get another TV, he could just do this: https://support.us.playstation.com/articles/en_US/KC_Article/Safe-Mode-PS4/

Seems odd that it'd be incompatible with OP's tv, and the console repairman's tv, though.
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