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What do you keep in your car trunk
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First car, trying to decide what I do or dont need in the trunk.
I had a shortbed regular cab truck with not much room so I kept nothing at all in it.

Whats in your trunk?
From tool kits to survival bug out shit, looking for ideas.
extra jug of washer fluid, extra wipers, jumper cables, and a roll of duct tape for road side auto body.
A fire extinguisher and some gloves.
Tarp, bleach, paintroom plastic, ammonia, gloves, masks, spare license plates, and some handy knives and blades.
heavy plastic tarp
water bag
water purification tablets
ratchet straps.
Standard toolkit
Food for 12 hours
Mixed denomination cash
Unopened bottled water
Jumper cables
Roll of TP
Old woolen blanket or sleeping bag
Disposable poncho
Flashlight or headlamp
First aid kit, unless you have one in the front already (and take a course)
Spare washer fluid
Spare oil
Small can of fuel
Tyre chains
Knife, if you don't have a spare one to throw in then a stainless Mora will be cheap while still being reliable
Anything else you see fit

Obviously this list is a lot of stuff. You don't need it all, but it gives you an idea. You can then pick and choose based on your lifestyle, needs and location. For example, if you had cold winters, then chains, food, and the sleeping bag would take priority. If you knew that some weeks you might run low on gas money, then you would keep a can of gas and/or some emergency gas money in the back. Just use common sense and think consider two things:

1. What situations am I likely to run into that could be made easier with something I could fit in the back of my car? e.g. you need a jumpstart but can't find anyone with cables for a while and would have to wait for a friend.

2. What situations are less likely but still reasonably possible and would be pretty bad without the help of a certain thing in the back of my car? e.g. you live in Minnesota, it's winter, and if I have to spend the night in my car I will freeze to death without a blanket.
Jumper cables
Portable air compressor + a good tire gauge
2" x 20' tow strap with hooks
Full size spare tire, jack, & lug nut wrench
Two pairs of snow chains
Oh, and a 12V handheld spotlight.
Subwoofer and amp.
Cans of all the fluids your car takes
Winter and work gloves
Change of clothes
Spare boots
I threw out the floor board and rug and keep it empty. Now I can put like 20 pieces of firewood in the trunk.
Oil, coolant, washerfluid

I recently added a small dufflebag with a full set of clothes including shoes. Also toothbrush, deodorant and whatevs.

I used to keep jumper cables in the car. But i learned 9/10 times they get used. its for someone else.

I drive an old corolla though. i dont need roadside repairs
I have a milk crate that holds
>oil,coolant, WD 40, fire extinguisher, shop rags, duct tape

I have a bare bones toolbox
>full 1/4 and 3/8 set of sockets, 8-18mm wrenches, 10' adjustable wrench, screwdriver set, magnetic screwdriver with nut driver set, utility razor knife, zip ties tape measure multimeter, other small things.

I also have an empty gas can and jumper cables.

Its enough that I can change a starter or radiator hose or something without having to go back to my house and get tools.
Swiss army nife axe fixaflat jug of sealed water short board of wood and ratchet srap ( incase of getting stuck in soft earth ) and energy bars that can handle heat
An ak47, a chest rig, med supplies, high vis vest, spare tire, baby wipes, basic tools, and immodium
I keep a bike rack, a baby carrier, spare tire (doubles as a subwoofer) and rags and bags. Also a wrench or 2. I should put a 5 gallon bucket in there too that's the best piece of multipurpose equipment you can have
Currently? Every god damn tool I own because I don't have a truck. Sucks.
The obvious car maintenance stuff, spare, jack, toolbox, scrapper.
Then it varies during seasons, but pretty much always
Hiking pack with tent, sleeping bag, tarp, water filter, few days of food, mess kit, couple days worth of clothes, matches, firestarter, flashlight, extra phone battery, extra AA &AAA, first aid kit.
Then always a shovel, axe, bat & glove with few balls, machete, hatchet, two or three bows, arrows, and sometimes my target.
Damn. Just realized I seem stocked for the apocalypse.
how big is your fucking trunk anon?
no sink?
jumper cables
wrenches + screw drivers
lug nut wrench + scissor jack
every kind of fluid my car requires, plus various stop-leaks
a heavy nylon rope

forgot the fake mustaches and the dead hookers
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This is my old as fuck car from 1995. The boot is quite small, so I can't carry around a lot.

>basic set of tools
>tow cables
>spare set of lights
>car fluids
>towel (this is weirdly the most used item)
>spare set of clothes (jeans, shirt, etc.)
>set of warm clothes (cap, gloves, scarf, etc.)
>old walking stick of my grandpa as it used to be his car and I found it in the trunk once
>stuff I always forget (pen & paper, deodorant, USB-stick, micro-usb cable, duct tape, etc.)

Probably could do with a bit less now that I think of it
An '06 charger. Definitely more space than I expected to have.
In my 99xj I have:

Spare tire
Tire iron
All fuzes my jeep takes
All fluids my jeep takes
Screw driver set
Assorted pliers
Ratchet set
Abc fire extenguisher
Emergency blanket
Rape kit
Change of shoes
Jumper cables
Zip ties
Metal coat hanger (for strapping ahit down and trail side abortions)

Pretty much anything I will need to fix the jeep while trailing
>rape kit
As in for collecting DNA?
I had a little tray under the boot so it was all hidden away, but yeah, army shovel, jumper cables, a bottle of all fluids, a litre of diesel, spare tire and tools for that, spare bulbs, tow rope, high vis vest, think that was it
Bags of clothes is a good idea
Behind and under my truck seats and on the back window rack I have,

Tarp (2nd largest space eater)
Large Cargo Net (largest space eater)
Elastic Tie Downs
Several Nice Ratchet Straps
4' Spudbar (upgrading to a Halligan bar soon)
Tire Iron
D-Handle Spade Shovel
CZ 455 Lux, .22 WMR and 100 Rounds of Ammo
Vehicle Tool Kit (Jumper Cables, Wrenches, Flashlight, Knife, Drivers, Sledge, etc.)
Shitty Scissor Jack
Small Tough Bottle Jack
Vehicle Fluid Kit (Oils, Wiper, Antifreeze, etc)
5lbs Bag of Sand-Rock Salt Mix
Fuse Kit
20 ft. Grade 70 Tow Chain (it'd take 30mins to dig out from the bottom)
Small 12V Air Compressor with Tire Attachments
1st Aid Kit
Fire Making Kit (Lighters, Matches, Magnifying Glass, etc)
Two 16oz Bottles of Sterile Water
Canned Pet Food (because I'm not eating it until I fucking have to, thus it will always be there)
$100 in Various Denominations
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)
2 Wool Blankets

Mot importantly: 1 Ziploc Bag containing 1 Roll of Charmin Ultra Toilet Paper and other personal hygiene materials.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but probably just stuff in a "kit". I wish I could fit more, but it is damn tiny. The key is to put the liquids in other types of bottles that are smaller and easier to stick in place. The spare fits under the bed. I'm afraid to adjust the seats for something falling out of place behind them. In the winter, I load the back of the truck bed with cinder blocks and/or bags of sand. Sometimes I'll pack the entire bed with snow. Without the extra weight I'd get no where in winter.

I used to have my DIY collapsible solar cooker behind the seat until someone's dog ripped it to shreds when I was fixing lunch in it on a job in B.F.E. It wouldn't fit now anyway.

Either for myself or helping others, I've used most everything, except the 1st aid kit and pet food.

FYI, it is a "ACR ResQlink 406" for under $300 is anyone is looking to get one and lives/works outdoors in B.F.E.
Tow straps, jumper cables, bob, sleeping bag, snow boots, snow shovel, kitty litter, snow chains, bow saw, couple quarts of oil, jug of 50/50 antifreeze, tire patch kit, first aid kit, toolbox, fire extinguisher.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, and actually the FAK stays in the cab with me.
-small toolbox with common hand tools, small socket set, tape, flashlight etc
-two 11x14' moving blankets (I load my car up routinely with shit)
-baseball bat for whacking niggers with
Do any of you people actually have half the fucking shit you say you do? Wtf

OP, you are never realistically going to need more than
>wiper/break fluids
>anti freeze
>ice scrapper
>jumper cables
>spare tire and tire iron

You might want a blanket if you live somewhere cold in the winter.

I have no clue why the rest of these faggots keep $100 in different denominations. Or why you need an air pump *in your trunk*--you are never going to be that far from a gas station.
Good idea, drive your most likely under inflated spare tire to the gas station and hope you have $1.50 in quarters to air it up.
Thats a lot of change for someone who thinks 100$ is a lot of money.
>>spare tire and tire iron
if you are superman or the hulk then just carry your car home
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It really depends on where you live, seasonal weather, job type, and normal commute. If you live in a snowy B.F.E. and have a roaming outdoor job, you'd better have everything your vehicle can carry. If you live in a temperate climate in the middle of a suburb with a 10-20 mile commute past fast food chains, you're probably okay with the bare essentials for your vehicle.

I live in a location where every winter there is 1-2 city fags who gets stranded with his family and needs rescued. Some of them stay a week in their car burning bit of the spare tire to keep warm before rescue crews can get to them. Some die.

-40F is no joke when you are 15 miles from the nearest habitable building which probably doesn't even have electric and there's never proper cell reception.

You probably couldn't get out of my driveway on a good day (reposted pic related.)

Heh, I reverse image searched my pic and some Spanish creepypasta video has it, but it is the older edited version without my dog.
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Just the usual. I've got a compact car (classic beetle), so it's not like I can fit much more.
nice, combo kidnapping tools
Between Pizza Delivery and Meter Reading for a total of about 4 years I've got a pretty good idea of what is needed for a climate with summers of ~90f days and winters with a moderate amount of snow and ~0f temps.

I always kept the basic tools-screwdrivers, wrenches, flashlight, reflective triangle.

Kept some sort of food, cliff bars or whatever. I'm not in BFE so just something in case it's gonna be an hour or two til I'm somewhere safe.

Kept 2-3 quarts of oil, a bottle of power steering fluid, Jumper cables. Some old pieces of carpeting and kitty litter/salt for traction.

Sometimes there would be a tarp in the car, I don't know why I kept it in there but could conceivably be useful. Kept 3-4 bungee cords wrapped around it. 2 Gas cans, 1 empty and 1 full. One for giving away and one for me.

Extra batteries, usually some each of the normal AAA,AA,C,D.

Phone chargers, usually for Android and iPhone (the older iPhone kind, 3 or 4).

Kept some extra clothes, too. Nothing specific just whatever ended up in there. Extra boots.

OH! I kept a shovel and some fix-a-flat when I remembered to buy it.

IDK. I liked to be ready for most emergencies I could encounter on the road and was often prepared with extra for someone else who might need help themselves. It came in handy literally dozens of times between digging myself out or helping someone else when they needed it.
Forgot ice scrapers, duct tape, 1-2 blankets.
My man! That's how it's done.
Bong bag
(So the cop doesn't find the weed and bong).
Spare wheel
Umbrella (for water)
Golf club (for beating)
What's the deal, punk bitch?
If people have the room to fit their extra hobby gear like camping stuff or hunting bs, who gives a fuck? None of these lists are not believable.
>[W]hy you need an air pump *in your trunk*--you are never going to be that far from a gas station.
If you work in a little pocket of good neighborhood in the city, you need an air pump, or a can of fix-a-flat. Getting to that nearby gas station could require you limping your car long through, or worse walking through, a neighborhood you should NOT be in.
>who gives a fuck?
if you fill your car with shit it uses fuel
pretty simple
>car is full of fuel
>everything is spacious and empty
>great gas mileage
>driver and passengers are dead because they forgot to pack that one essential item
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Better throw in some books, steam engines and chemistry could be useful.
>jumper cables
That's fucking it.

What are you all, packrats?
Rope in case I decide to an hero
Muck boots
Tire chains
Shitty walmart toolkit
Dirty clothes
Motor oil
not smart to keep batteries in a car in 90 degree weather. parked in the sun, the trunk could get hot enough to damage them, and you don't want battery acid on your shit
Its something retarded like 500 pounds for 1 MPG.

Look it up, hypermilers are all about it
get a wagon so you dont have to be so space conscious
>10' adjustable wrench
>pic related

On topic, I keep a roadside emergency kit (jumper cables, hazard sign, basic tool kit, first aid kit), a tow hook, a trailer hitch ball mount and alternate size ball, an empty gas can, the spare tire and kit that stows under the carpet, a couple ropes, two moving blankets, a fleece blanket, two insulated grocery bags, three cargo dividers, a cargo net, a garbage bag, and a small snow shovel. I also keep an emergency knife (with belt cutter and window breaker), Maglite, phone book, atlas and state map, squeegee, heavy leather gloves, window brush/scraper, non-perishable snacks, garbage container, and debris brush stowed in the passenger area.
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>pic related
Jumper cables

Emergency roadside kit with flares and tools

12v air compressor for tires

one .45 caliber automatic

2 boxes of ammunition

4 days concentrated rations

drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills

one combination russian phrase book and bible

$100 in rubles

$100 in gold

9 packs of chewing gum

1 issue of prophylactics

3 lipsticks

and 3 pairs of nylon stockings
>Just the usual. I've got a compact car (classic beetle), so it's not like I can fit much more.
>freshly bought mx5
>reads this
Still, basic toolkit, jumper cables, and 250 racing quad fits just nicely. Except for the fact that quad case is too tall and doesn't fit at all.
Get out of here stalker.
Hi Dexter
Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

Sometimes 4chan makes me feel really old.
The original line was Dallas instead of Vegas. But they changed it bc JFK was assassinated.
Star Wrench
Jumper Cables
Usually just a case of wd-40
Hey, I recognize that mask...
A dead body.
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A tin of these
This, but keep the extinguisher on your door, or somewhere else quickly accessible seated in the driver's seat. And make sure it's CO2, not some dry chemical crap.
Always delicious but I swear every single one we had burst open and sent sugar everywhere
>But i learned 9/10 times they get used. its for someone else.

What's wrong with that?
No. It's a little bag with a pocket knife, a few rags, some chloroform, condoms, rufees, and the entire collection of the Cosby Show on DVD.
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pic related

underneath that pile of shit there's actually some potentially useful stuff as well, like a fire extinguisher, gloves, a jug of water, motor oil, disposable coveralls, jumper cables, tow line, blanket, first aid kit, umbrella, some random tools, cargo strap, duct tape, wire, zip ties, glow sticks, flashlight?
>extra jug of washer fluid, extra wipers, jumper cables, and a roll of duct tape for road side auto body.

This. I also wear some tools and screwdivers and small battery charger for any case (got problem with battery recently.) Dont forget the rope, dashboard cleaner,distilled water (for screen or cooling system) and wet wipes. i happen to wear all of it in box 60x40.
This also
lol @ this extreme gayman
>keep a spare 290x in the trunk. never know when 3D performance might come in handy.
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Since I have a truck (08 gmc 2500HD) and go to college in way the fuck up north NY state, and go off roading, i have pretty much everything ill ever need in there, but i really should get a socket set
>come-along (you can get out of almost anything with a come-along)
>tow strap
>jumper cables
>all manner of hand tools (pliers, snippers, wrenches, allen and torx sets, vice grips, adjustable wrenches, etc basically the whole gray bag)


>duct tape
>big ol mag light
>contractor trash bags (very useful)
>paper towels
>emergency fedora/penis enlargement pills
>heavy duty ice scraper/broom
>kitty litter
>shovel in bed
>sledgehammer in bed (for body work kek)

other stuff i have because Ive needed it.
>Shit ton of ratchet straps
>extra intake tubing
>heat sheilding
>3m sanding block
>wiring harness tubing
the following cans
>2x rust converter
>maf cleaner
>GM Fine Silver Birch Metalic paint

>this all fits under rear seats

I cant find the picture i wanted to use fuck
r8 my autism
>contractor bags
Fucking this. Many bodies have been disposed of in those tough mother fuckers
windscreen washer fluid
tow cable (only used to keep bootlid shut when transporting stuff from IKEA)
spare lamps
jumper cables
safety vests (mandatory in some countries)
fleece blanket
spare wheel and jack
mini-fire-extinguisher (probably not working anymore, as it's 20 years old)
hazard triangle/reflector triangle/whatever it's called

only ever used the top three
also useful for when it starts pouring unexpectedly
>Whats in your trunk?
In my car at all times I've already got an extra fan belt, 2 gallons of water, a quart of oil, an air filter, duct tape, some fuel and vacuum hose (about 4 feet of each), a few hose clamps, 50 zip ties in various sizes, a small 12V air compressor, an S&W 5906 with 5 mags and 3 boxes of ammunition, a Hayes manual, jumper cables, 4 road flares, and some bailing wire.

That does not count my backpack that has 3 MRE's, iodine tablets, an M15 gas mask with two filters, a Glock 22 with 4 mags and 4 boxes of ammunition, a bic lighter, a canteen cup w/ titanium spork, a Mora Clipper, a small first aid kit, change of semi-nice clothes (khakis and a light yellow polo) with two pairs of underwear, two pairs of socks, a pair of gloves, a Flecktarn parka, and some small silver coins.

That bag moves to whatever car I use that day.
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>ITT: Shitlords on wheels.
>gets stuck in a ditch and freezes to death
>lives in an area where that's not possible, in which case car breaks down and dies of dehydration
Most of these posters obviously live in flyover states where the threat of death is constant and real.

For the rest of us we just carry jumper cables, a flashlight, and shit for a flat tire. Anything else and we just walk to the McDonalds or gas station on the corner. And there will always be one.
>McDonalds or gas station on the corner. And there will always be one.

Sounds terrible.
I grew up in the midwest, I go to a big school now.

I was getting gas and car wouldnt restart on way to school
It was a ghetto homeless infested gas station.

I had NO tools on me at all.
I didnt even have an adjustable wrench to try and remove and tighten my battery terminals.

I had to sit and wait for someone to get off class, come pick me up, go home, grab tools, then drop me back off. I walked 8 blocks to an autozone and got a starter.

Then I fixed the starter in the gas station parking lot.

There were probably 5 different homeless guys asking for change, and countless other trashy fuckers giving me looks.

Just because there is a gas station nearby doesnt mean shit, it turned an hour ordeal of replacing a starter into a whole day deal.
>gas station
That'll be 12 dollars for your pot metal wrench sir. The windshield wiper fluid is on sale for 8 bucks a gallon.
Fuck it, if that's how you think, you probably couldn't figure out how to operate a socket set.
Such is life in most of the world
im a contractor, i work out of my truck, aside from work tools and materiel, i have a tool kit, jumper cables, a couple tow straps, clevis's, a couple different ball mounts, a few tie down straps, fuel treatment, a few contractor bags, duct tape, a winter coat and hat, a couple quarts of oil, a jug of antifreeze, and usually a jug of wiper fluid,
Shoulda just towed it to a mechanic!
gallon of water
jumper cables
duct tape

Never really needed any of it except jumper cables (mostly for jumping other people)
you have to pay for air at your petrol stations?

you put your spare on to go to the petrol station...
>you put your spare on to go to the petrol station...

If its under inflated, it could shred before you get there. If your car is 8-10 years old or older, your spare is more than likely way too low on pressure to be driven on.

And yes, you have to pay for air at a lot of gas stations.
Some take only quarters, some have card readers that double and triple charge your card every fucking time.
>not carrying around a small DC bicycle pump
Yeah, sure, it takes about 30 minutes to fill a tire from flat, but it'll fill them all the way to 40 psi.
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>If its under inflated, it could shred before you get there. If your car is 8-10 years old or older, your spare is more than likely way too low on pressure to be driven on.
If your wheel-well can fit a full size spare, get a wheel from the junk yard. Often will come with a serviceable tire. Rotate it through the pattern with your tire rotation. Pic related
>with your tire rotation
- yet another of the many things, I always believed, with absolute certaintity, absolutely no fucker ever bothered actually doing?
Its very very important on AWD cars.
Just because old junk cars that end up being bought by young and ignorant kids dont, doesnt mean that its not done.

The next time you shell out 1000$ for tires, youll make damn sure you rotate them
No? Stop going to shitty service stations.

If you need to replace your front tires every fifteen thousand miles...
It all sounds great, but I'd ditch the cinder blocks and just go with bags of sand/pea gravel. I've worked several accidents where cinder blocks were thrown out of the truck bed and became missiles that sometimes went through the cab window.
when i had a vehicle that had a trunk i had a small tool box containing

cheap set of metric and standard combination wrenches
a set of deep well sockets and ratchet
a ball peen hammer
needle nose pliers
channel locks (to remove a radiator cap only)
vice grips (to pinch off a brake line in case one rusted through)
clean rags
jumper cables
cheap hatchet (to remove pavement in case i couldn't get the spare tire on with the cheap supplied jack)
set of old plugs
an old belt
candle (not for light or warmth, but to melt wax on a bad coolant hose in case one sprung a leak).

the sad/good thing is i never had to use any of that stuff ever on my own vehicle on the side of the road, though i have helped others with it.

my truck and jeep i just have a spare belt and a wrench to change it.
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I used to keep loads. But the only thing I have a photo of is my first aid kit. Had a shovel and jumps and basic toolkit and spare etc
If your spare is flat, it's your own fault for not checking it regularly
Tire patch kit
Standard spare tire/jack set
Basic tool kit
Blankets and pillows
winter clothes and boots

I live in the boonies of michigan where the plows don't plow so i'm always at risk of getting stranded
Just saying since I didn't seem to see it on peoples lists.

Tow strap

Where I come from if you go off of the road someone will generally stop and pull you out of the snow. I do it frequently for people with all season tires. Diamonds are good but people need to run them through the summer before winter. I personally alternate studded sipes and standard summer or de- studded tires. I've never needed anything more than some basic tools, jumper cables, gloves, fluids, gas can, Sammy splint, ace bandage, gauze for wound packing, bag balm and celox in the winter or cornstarch. I've never used the celox, but the cornstarch help coagulate blood and the bag balm is antiseptic. Yarrow during summer is good for both of these if you chew it and pack the wound with it. But summer only comes for a few months here.
>at risk of getting stranded
Fucking this. Too many jerkoffs in their giant trucks and SUVs don't get this, even the ones who grew up here.
Hell, I usually get stuck in a ditch once or twice a year, and I'm careful as fuck. It usually isn't longer than a couple hours until someone comes by with a truck and pulls me out, but a couple hours in -25 weather will kill you dead if you're not prepared.

A couple years ago, I was stuck for a day and a half until someone came by on a sled and saw me suck there, took them another two hours to get back to their truck and come back and help me. Sleeping in a car in -30 weather sucks.

i keep a wrench set, 2 jacks, wire, crimpers, jumper cables, various oils and lubricants for the car, batteries, 3 flashlights, matches, a blanket, a sheet, an extra wheel, rope, string, zip ties, tin snips, scissors, 4-6 empty bottles, a gas can, and a .22 pistol in my trunk.
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in my van that i actually travel in i carry a spare wheel, ratchet set, tire iron, padlocks, chains, rope, 3 flashlights, matches, lighters, pens, glowsticks, road flares, a shotgun, a .22 pistol, utility knives, hatchet, fishing pole, jacks, jack stands, jumper cables, bolt cutters, blankets, boots, extra clothes, fluids for the van, bottled water, canned nuts, rope, zip ties, silverware, tire gauges, etc. anything i can think of to be prepared.
Prepared for an impromptu kidnap, rape, murder, body disposal and clean-up.
And the occasional torture thrown in for fun.
one time, before I learned to always carry winter clothes, I slid off the road into a ditch. After 2 hours of waiting for somebody to come by I left off on an adventure in negative weather in street clothes and a jacket. I was able top make it to a house about 6 miles down the road but the frostbite got me fast. Almost lost my feet
Yeah, but just make sure it won't become a missle if you crash.

1995 aint old as fuck anon pai
duck tape, rope, sedatives, condoms
>I threw out the floor board and rug and keep it empty. Now I can put like 20 pieces of firewood in the trunk.
Why'd you throw out the floor board and rug? so the wood wouldnt ruin your floor board and rug?
It's twenty years, anon, and twenty years in car years is old. Especially in the rust belt.
Let me guess, 100,000 miles is "high mileage" too?
>Subwoofer and amp.
>look at me, mommy, I'm twolling peopl
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A survival kit modeled after the SAS special forces survival unit. (Figure if it was designed to keep them alive based on centuries of survival knowledge it should work well for me. I got it all to fit in an old enamel steel first aid kit, don't ask how, i just pack things to the point people assume I am a Time Lord or something, which I waxed sealed shut years ago. Wax melted in a heatwave all over my old car. Need to find a better seal as the old rubber part rotted years before I found it.)

A P-100 respirator, gloves, googles, tape, trash bags and aluminum foil. Not as nice as a proper suit but it does pass nano, chemical and some nuclear hazardous by ASTM standards.

A jumper cable that is too short. (really need to buy a nicer one)

Bike pump with pressure gauge (that always reads 5 psi lower then whatever the real psi is, works on most car tires.)

Few bottles of sparkling water in glass bottles.

a Space pen, (which really is worth it as most pens I use mess up in bad conditions like a blizzard.)

A very nice Mexican poncho which keeps me warm, surprisingly dry and protects me from sun burn. (But every tells me NEVER to wear it, especially in public.)

bag of Ice salt and sand

Bag of baking powder I modified. (a.k.a My poor man's Purple K. Works nearly as good as the really stuff, it even put out small metal fires. Turns out some cars use magnesium alloy steering wheels, which can ignite under certain conditions.)

3 road flares

My best suit, (I had to drive out for a job interview and still have not taken it out of my car.)

I was sure was glad I had the training and gear when I happened to deal with a 50lb bag of Hexavalent Chromium nano powder that got ripped open in the parking lot. That was a very complicated day. Figures I plan for the normal problems and then only the abnormal problems happen.

2 sweatshirts, a coat, a blanket, spare shoes
a blowtorch, an axe, jumper cables, a case of bottled water, a subwoofer and amplifier

Then a tool box with:
Duct Tape
Zip Ties
Sand Paper and Steel Wool
Tire Inflator
Tire patch kit
Infrared Thermometer
Torque Wrench
OBD-II reader/scanner with live data and ABS
RTV Silicone Sealant
Headlight Bulbs
Industrial Grade Respirator
Power Steering Fluid
Transmission Fluid
Wiper Fluid
De-icing fluid in a spray bottle (effortlessly melts ice without beating it with plastic and fucking something up)
Electrical Cleaner
Brake Cleaner
Liquid Wrench
Various Rags and Cloths

Everything in the tool box is because I've needed it at one time or another and it serves a purpose.

Carrying things like guns, camping gear, fire starters, emergency food, etc. is just stupid. If you're in a situation where you get stranded somewhere and can't get help or make it anywhere then you're too stupid and worthless to be there in the first place.
Anyone who keeps a gun in their car and says it's for "hunting" but doesn't hunt on a daily basis is just a coward with vigilante wet dreams. Especially with pistols and handguns since their only purpose is to kill a man. All of the doomsday prepping faggots who carry are just another social liability and don't understand the value of life.
last I checked:
steel gong target with stand improvised from sawhorse and tent stakes
jumper cables
ratchet and some sockets
audiobook of the hobbit on CD
some packaging from things like wiper blades
How on earth would you consider what he said trolling?
You seem to have some major butthurt about guns. Were you gang raped at gunpoint, or were you just unfortunate enough to be born to a cvcked liberal family?
Well, considering that 100k miles is almost halfway to the moon, yeah, I'd consider his insinuation that 100k miles isn't high mileage a poor attempt at trolling.
100k miles isnt anything if you take care of your car.
I understand perfectly the value of life, which is why I'm prepared to protect the life of myself and my loved ones, even if it comes at the cost of the life of an assailant.
I just hit 300,000 yesterday and my car is in great shape
Mine's a -95 same age that started this talk and it's just above 200k. No major problems despite fairly little care. Right now it has:
- Spare tire
- 4 Winter tires (Had no place to store them just now, the car is parked for the winter though (city boy here living in a European city => not built for cars)
- Ice scrapers
- Power steering fluid (there's a leak that I haven't fixed, will have to check that before taking it out again for summer)
Oh, and if I started looking about I'd probably find the tire iron, hi-vis vest, scissor jack and warning triangle.
This thread is relevant to my interests because I'm currently considering building a proper bug out bag.

What's the most compact way to store 5000 calories? What first aid equipment should I have on hand? What's the best kind of infection mask?
Pure lard, what you know how to use, and just get an N100 or P100.

Actually a plain old M95 would work fine, since masks only protect you from sneeze spray, There's no dust mask on the market will filter out viruses.
>Pure lard
I think I'd puke/shit it all out if I tried to take in a large amount of calories with pure lard.

My gut says an M95 won't protect me from ebola
You asked for the most compact way to store calories, lard's the answer.

And you're right, just an n95 mask won't protect you from abolachilli, you need a face shield and tyvek coveralls. But it will help keep you from catching an airborne bug from a cough or sneeze.
I should say, the best way to protect yourself from abowlachilli if to stay out of the splash zone i.e. the fuck away from a carrier.
And the sneeze guard/tyvek getup is recommended by the CDC for doctors handling ebola patients, since it's not practical to treat them wearing full moon suits, because most hospitals don't have PPE Suit hookups, and a gas mask is really hard to see and communicate from, which is pretty critical for doctors.
Are snickers calorie dense enough?

And my plan is to fucking leave ebola-chan to her blessed work, but I might accidentally run into one of her blessed, so I want a mask able to deal with that, not to be able to treat them.
There's also lifeboat rations which are kind of... life boat flavor. I don't know what I would call it.

It's just tasty enough that you can just about finish a serving. But you definitely don't want to eat anymore because it's kind of gross. It's actually a good design.
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>one of her blessed
damn I never thought about it like that. If calorie rations like that would be too tasty then you'd be more likely go through them quicker.
Slim, get of the comms, and back to working on the CRM118 discriminator
big boss plz
This made me laugh more than it should.

Here's mine:

Half size tire
Multuple plastic bottles of water
Steel bottle water can be boiled in
Two multitools
Various drivers and sockets
14000lb rope
1 can spam
Very well supplied first aid kit
Fishing kit
Extra batteries
Misc other day to day shit and seasonal gear
How about you poorfags post picturew of your engine bays so that we can help you replace your seals. Its not that hard to replace a rocker gasket, oil seal or hose. Why do people carry spare oil? It should stay in your engine. The only reason i used to carry fluids was because i didnt know how to service cars.
Lol dr strangelove
Shit i missed my chance to make a dune reference.
>The best place to store oil is in the engine.
Did you know that sometimes containers of fluid leak?
You are basically right, I'm >>915049 and the amount of oil that evaporated because of a simple seal whose replacement was a buck or so was ridiculous. I was in luck and the job was not even more than a minute tops, including going out to the car and opening the hood.
Coming this spring: wiper- and power steering fluids are leaking, those will be harder since it's not as obvious where they are leaking from.
Engines burn oil constantly. There is a small film of oil on the cylinder walls that keeps the rings from touching the walls. As the piston goes down on the power stroke, the flame will burn the some of lubricant. Plus crankcase ventilation can suck in some oils during high rpm operating, and yes some gets past the pcv filter. You would be surprised how much oil you can use on a long mountainous trip. Plus leaks can happen anywhere.
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>driving around the weight of crap half your lfie doesn't comparre to the measly 12 bucks for a pot metal wrench, let alone you just borrow the fucking tool from some other driver at the gas station.

If there is no life-threatening environment around you most of the stuff in this thread is pointless and retarded, you don't need 20 pounds of food in your car to get from one part of town to the next
Clatu... Verata... Nebblfb@lfhj&hngsd

>golf clubs
>argyle sweaters
>Visa™ Infinite Eurasian Diamond© card
>golf clubs
>a spare tie
>spare clays for skeet
>nylon rope for my yacht sometimes
>2 spare macbook pro notebooks
>boxer briefs
>golf clubs
>lemon pepper
>spare set of keys for the Tuesday rolls

And that's about it, chaps.
Found the urbanite faggot.
Not all of us live in an area where it's impossible to be stuck on the side of the road for more than an hour.
Besides, you're exaggerating. Nobody lugs around 20 pounds of food and an entire tool shed. Usually it's a couple granola bars or some shit, a toolbox, and a shovel/gallon of water. Less than 20 pounds of shit, hardly enough to make a dent in your fuel efficiency.

But go right ahead, laugh at us "stupid country hicks" through your stardicks-encrusted ironic moustache, driving your shitty prius. Laugh as you pay a towing company $800 to change a tire, since you have no tools to do it. Laugh as you freeze to death because you got stuck overnight in a snowbank, and didn't pack a shovel to dig yourself out. Laugh as your car overheats in the desert, and you die of dehydration because you didn't bring any water.
The same people who are acting like 100k miles is a death sentence to their cars.

I grew up in a small town of 3000 people.
40 miles, an hour drive to the nearest big city with a Walmart ("big" city as in, 75,000 people). Half of the drive on a 2 lane highway where you were all alone or in small towns with 1 gas station.

There were a few things that were inevitable living there.
High mileage cars, and you will eventually hit a deer.
You are going to drive your car till it hits 275k miles and you scrap it because of bald tires, or you were going to smash that fucker into a deer.

My first car was a 96 honda civic, I hit TWO deer with it. Tripped them both up so it didnt blow the air bags. Had it over 6 years.
Was bashed and beaten, had been in the ditch several times.

I remember blowing a radiator hose when we were out driving around random backroads, we didnt have cell phones. Fixed it with duct tape and threw in new fluid I had in the trunk.
Good 15 minutes out of town, got it home without overheating which was nice.

It takes hundreds of pounds before you see a drop in MPG, there is no reason NOT to have all that stuff in there and every reason to have it in there.
>Scrap a car because of bald tires
I... what?
Have you never driven a car to the point that new tires cost more than the cars worth?
Ah. Not since high school.
I didnt grow up in a small rural town because my family was well off.

My parents drove cars into the ground, I did, my brothers did, friends did. People would be surprised how long most cars will run with a little bit of preventative maintenance
Volvo had an add ages ago with the Eagle (moonlander) on one side and one of their cars on the other. Over the Eagle it said something like:
"This one has travelled [distance to moon] and is now dumped in a gravel pit." Over the car it said:
"This one has travelled [3*distance to moon] and is now dumped in a gravel pit."
3* the distance to the moon
no way
i mean yeah they are supposed to be solid engines
but whats that like 700 000 miles?
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I drive a Nissan Frontier... there isnt much storage space behind the back seat. I have spare oil, small screwdriver with a mix of bits, some clothes. Do i need anything else?
Really old bottles of water some of which are broken open, books and shit that previous owner left in spare tire well that are now destroyed by water, baseball bat I used when I played in elementary school, bag of combs that previous owner left, some cardboard, some knex, and a 5 disk CD changer that isn't hooked up
10lb extinguisher
Trauma first aid kit
Harness and ropes
Jumper cables
Recovery strap
Organic/particulate respirator
Tyvek suit
A gun would be a start.
>only one gun
Jumper cables. Show chains. Some wrenches. Water. Safety reflectors. Fire extinguisher. Tire iron and jack (should have come with your vehicle, why is it missing?). Basic first aid kit.

I agree. I am driving a 97 toyota. Has about 320k miles on it and is still running amazing.
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>no zipties or bailing wire
zipties allow "stitching" of broken plastic bumpers and other plastic shit that duct tape would not stand up to, bailing wire is for things that are too hot for zipties (exhaust, radiator hoses...)
sure, why not
what for???
>Or why you need an air pump *in your trunk*

I noticed our minivan tire was flat while in line at my daughter's school. Pulled into a parking spot and aired it up, then drove to the shop to get it patched. (I had a plug kit, but I couldn't find the nail in it.)
stainless steel zip ties exist...
They're called hose clamps and cheap picture hanging wire is a lot cheaper.
not OP but for small game? or hell even for personal protection if it comes to that. inb4 hurrdurr 22 for defense weak fuddy five stronk,etc.. if that's all you got is better than throwing rocks or sticks
Generally itll just be a hose that connects to the reservoir. Because its the oem one thats been disconnected so often to drain and flush the system. When i bought my car someone had replaced the reservoir outlet hose with a water heater hose and it had turned to goo. Car parts stores in aus dont stock hoses larger than 8mm in nitrile generally. Had to buy 40$/m hydraulic 400psi hose from a specialty store to replace it. Unless someone never flushed the system and now the steering rack or pump is toast and blew seals from overheating. Wiper is easy and cheap.

Yeah, i burnt 2l of oil driving at 4000rpm for three hours. Moral of story is dont drive high rpm all the time or install oil catch can and drain back.
But why a .22 and a shotgun?
22 for small game and shotgun for large game/personal protection.
Thank you, anything that might help shortening the troubleshooting is much appreciated.
Winter tyres have a rotation direction. So can not be done....
I just realized that I have my spare tyre in use when changing to winter tyres. I was looking at it and it looked odd, found the manufacturing year, it was -98 :). The rubber isn't probably in prime condition anymore.

Black spray paint
Jumper cables
Jack + Wrench
Spare tyre
Various nuts, bolts, cable shoes, wiring, and other seftovers from various work on my car.

lol what a cuck.
Ball gag
Surgical knives
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