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Economical Pull Up/Bodyweight Bar
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Hey /diy/,

I just moved from an apartment to a house, and I can no longer use a door-mounted pull up bar because they fuck up your doorframes, and I would like to keep my brand new house looking nice.

That being said, I started looking around for a floor mounted pull up bar. It can't be too expensive, right? Fucking wrong. The cheapest ones I can find are like $100. So that's bullshit right? It's just a few metal bars, how hard could it be to make one myself.

So I'd like to ask you guys: what would the most economical, yet functional way to make my own pull up or bodyweight bar like pic related be?

Could I get away with making this thing out of PVC? Would it support a 150lb guy? Let me know what you think. Also, I can't weld and have no equipment to do so, so that's kind of out.
PVC isn't suitable for that. Use dimensioned lumber and nuts/bolts. 2x4s for the verticals and base, 2x2s for diagonal braces. Steel round bar would be best for the grip bar itself.
You could make one easy like your pic, which isn't mounted, it's free standing, out of dimensional lumber and black iron pipe.

If that's not ridgid enough, I can think of a very solid design using those materials, would probably cost about $60 at the most.

PVC probably won't work. It flexes, and it's lightweight, you want something heavy to work against your movements so it doesn't rock or tip.
Thinking about it though, if it's going to work as well as it needs to and you price materials to be less than $50 in savings I'd just buy the pre made one, it'll likely work better in the long run
Ah ok, thanks for the advice. I figured you might be able to buy the material for much less. I was looking at galvanized steel piping at Lowes and other materials, and it seems you're right. There really isn't that much savings.
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if you are going the /diy/ way, why not make a power rack like pic related?
just stay away from slim wood pieces and plastic stuff

>inb4 local man found dead by homemade guillotine, neighbors heard a "lower, u faggot" shout before the accident was reported
Yep, no problem. You could always check local building materials suppliers too, they may have a better price. Plumbing supply or lumber yard. But with plumbing you'll get screwed on fittings and with lumber you'll get screwed on fasteners. No pun intended.
Some dude got materials to build a guillotine from my local home depot, then assembled it in a wooded area within walking distance. Took about a week, he used it, face down, only cut halfway, he didn't die quickly.
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Which is why you should use round bar instead of pipe, which is more expensive to manufacture. Check a local steel supplier and ask if they have any cutoff scraps around the size you need. If not, buying at regular price would still be a lot less than galvanized pipe.

Why even bother with galvanized in the first place?
Its not going outside so fuck corrosion and if you're trying to weld the piece of shit you're liable to get the zinc fever.
I lold.

I was talking about this
It's going to be sweaty, so it should be painted. I'm guessing that that's why OP mentioned galvanized pipe >>1011268.
thats extremely sad, but at least he hurt only himself (so many crazies these days decide to hurt innocents before offing themselves)

galvanized pipe would work ok for the upright portions of the booby-trap, but for the horizontal portions its a bet, the pipe can buckle under the stress

imo, i would still make some sort of wood contraption and them buy a olybar (or olybar alike solid core bar, great price if used, $50 new) for the pullup bar (wood handles compression pretty fine and is cheap)
Go to the park? They often have a pull-up bar.
That would be the most economical, if you have a park nearby.
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>"The guillotine was about 6 feet tall and was partially affixed to a tree when it was discovered, Covert said. It was not a traditional guillotine, but rather had a swinging arm with a blade on it."
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>tfw you don't have a local park, you live in suburbia
I have the frame in your pic.
For $90 it's about as good as it's going to get.
And they don't even have those colorful and cheap children's playground?
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reminds me of pic related
This fails to mention he did this to spite his parents for grounding him from his bike and he actually made his mom trigger it by flipping a light switch.
Height, they always underedtimate how high that thing needs to go up to have enough force to cleave a neck. M*A=F
So they just need to put some weight on top of the blade.
Reminds me of a guy who made a timer for his guillotine and took sleeping pills so he wouldn't have second thoughts.
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just mount one to the ceiling
some years ago i read in the newspaper that a guy built a cross in his yard and got arrested when he could only nail up one arm and called for his neighbor to help
I did this when I lived in a really crappy apartment with high ceilings.

Had gymnastics rings and a heavy bag too.

It was fucking amazing.
I can't imagine how he would be able to nail both arms.
But then I just realized that he was crucifying himself in his backyard, so he can't have been that bright!
He should have sold tickets and called it art.
It would have been a hit.
Or maybe call it a religious experience and then sold tickets. I don't like controversial art, it's just like being famous for being famous.
In twisted metal black (the edgy one) the priest crucified himself by putting the nail through the back of the board then slamming his arm against it after he nailed the first hand.
>twisted metal black
Never played that game, but hooking yourself onto the cross would work.
But I guess you would have to tie your body to the cross first to hammer in your feet.
Unless you also impale them.
I built this last week. For the life of me I don't know why this idiot didn't just use 4x4s. The holes are a lot more labor intensive to drill, but I feel a fuckton better about than if I were to be using this glue job.
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Just tape it up, use a buffer.
Tantrum level: master
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