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How do I get rid of these fuckers?
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I got bit and found one, searched entire apartment, can't find any more. I suspect that they're coming in from a neighbor. Bought some caulk today to seal up the gaps. Gonna buy some kind of spray and fogger too. Anybody have exp with this? What spray works best?
the sprays you can buy as an unlicensed user are mostly useless unless you actually find one and spray it directly. foggers are the same. you can take some preventative steps like diatomaceous earth powder around your bed legs, moving bed away from wall, etc etc - there are entire web sites devoted to this evil. but, ultimately, what's gonna work is some powerful sprays from an exterminator doing the whole building, then coming back in 3 weeks to to it again to kill anything that's hatched since.
How easily do these turn into an infestation?

I found 3 hatched eggs in the seams of my bed, and managed to kill one that bit me later that night.

Haven't seen any others around the house , nor have they bit my while I sleep, this happened like 3 weeks ago.

Could an infestation be brewing while I ignore it?
Once you get them, you'll spend months or years getting rid of them.

Harder than flees.

Try this:

Throw away anything that they may be hiding in/on that you can't reach, like a couch.

Hunt them down, check wood, they like wood, and they generally like to be within 2 metres of where you sleep--usually very close to where you sleep.

Then set a perametre of diotomacheous earth around you, make it impossible for them to reach you without stepping in the dust.

Using yourself as bait, they will cross the dust and dyhydrate themselves from microscopic cuts.

After a month or two of this, they should be gone--but if live in an apartment, your neighbours bed bugs might migrate to you again starting the cycle all over again.

Hope this helps--I nearly killed myself because of these fuckers.
an adult female can lay like a dozen eggs a week, and they take like 20-30 days to hatch, so if you found some eggs, you can expect there are others. the odds of an infestation are very high. since the female needs to keep feeding to keep laying, you wanna make sure your bed is all bug-free: matress wrapped up, frame alcohol-sprayed, or heated with a heat gun, or steam. then, protect all the entry points to the bed: bed feet, hanging sheets, parts touching the wall. but this is all from keeping the thing from getting worse, you still have the bugs to deal with, who can live for months without a single meal.
and when they get really hungry, they'll seek you out even in the day, crawling up your leg while you're on the computer, up your arm when you're on the sofa.
Temprid SC you can buy it from an online source, does not need a license.
Mix it up strong. it's pricey.

Take apart your bed and soak the frame. If the bed has not been infested get a bed bug resistant encasement for the mattresses. put the bed back together and spray around the box spring/foundation. Keep your bed away from any walls and do not let any of the sheets touch the ground. spray up the wall to about 1 foot above the height you sleep at.

I hate to say this but bed bugs are pretty stupid yours are probably yours, not from anyone else.

Fogging does not work.

if you have 1 male and 1 female you have an infestation. If you do not want to do this yourself find a local company that specializes in bed bugs.

You can use a hair dryer to flush them out of cracks and crevices, they cannot live in temps above 120°f for longer than 5 minutes.
My recommendation besides my previous post
Is to move, you should still have the apartment treated before moving. When you move wash ALL your clothe in hot water and heat dry on high. Bag the clothes and move them to the new apartment. throw away your old bed. Have the new apartment treated and get a new bed, encase the mattress again. When you move in take the clothes you used to move and change out of them, bag them and spray the area you undressed with denatured alcohol. Wash your moving clothes in hot water and heat dry.

I went through this with my dad twice, the first time we let the apartment complex handle it and they did not get it done. I paid to have the apartment professionally treated and that got rid of them.
also have the new apartment treated before you move in.
Check the edges of your bed where the side meets the top, don't forget to check under the rolled bead that runs around the edge, they love to hide under that bead
had them twice, got rid of them in 3 months first time, 6 weeks 2nd time.

diatomaceous earth. spread lightly everywhere. reapply every 10 days to 2 weeks, depending on ambient humidity. wait patiently.

do nothing else - avoid any pesticides with repellant qualities, especially - because you need them to walk through the stuff for it to work.

the big disadvantage to this method, is that your job is to serve as bait, to draw them out & get them to walk across the DE. So you have to put up with getting eaten alive, in the meantime.

The big advantage, is that it actually works, 100%.
this is true.
i've had them twice.
I spoke with a professional bed bug exterminator. for DE to work you need to spread it out everywhere to the point that it covers everything. He only uses it in the traps he puts under the legs to the bed frame. it is worthless otherwise.

altho i sorta agree with the exterminator that DE is not a 100% solution (for example, the bugs can. and do. avoid it by using the walls), you have to realize that this is a self-serving statement: DE is sold over the counter, so it means the exterminator gets to screw over fewer people.
Bedlam, diatamaecous earth, and bagging and laundering. Careful not to inhale de or bedlam. Goodluck
Also you can sue the landlord in some states. I would move because those fuckers will move into walls and floorboards
Also you need to send a civil demand for a real extermination and the landlord is responsible to pay for making the complex habitable he will hate you but its your right to have those dealt with. They will heat treat usually with big heaters that thermally kill them
get rid of the food source.
>>1010623 you are screwed. I had them. Tried everything. Ripped out the carpet, sprayed, but down poweder, fumigated, washed all clothes, threw away bed. The only thing that got rid of them was an exterminator for 2000 bucks. Never move into a new place without checking for bed bugs. It was a nightmare.
Also....if you find ONE.....GARUNTEE there is hundreds. They hide really good. Good luck.
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burning down the house.jpg
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Same tactic
If you are renting, complain to the landlord. Thats a serious problem and he needs to foot the bill.
The easiest solution and this does work is diatamaecous earth around the bed, under the mattress and around the bed, make a circle of it. Not as effective if you are against a wall. BOIL everything. All laundry and all clothes. This is the big one. Get an electric heater and crank it up. You want it incredibly hot in there. Over 120 degrees. Heat kills them very quickly. It may take 20 bucks of electric but you need to COOK them out. Got a buddy who works at the local jail and thats what they do. Bed bugs are very common.
My friend is a bedbug exterminator. He uses heaters to heat the infested rooms to about 118-120 degrees for an hour and a half. It's not terribly expensive and has an almost 100% success rate.
sure its summer in here guys..
>tfw bedbugs dont exist here because the average temperature is 48°C.
Feels good to live in a desert.

check the opposite side of the mattress, where your head normally is. ull cry
Limit their homes:
1) bedbug covers on mattresses (vacuum first)
2) vacuum floor/carpet daily or often as possible
3) wash blankets weekly
4) clothes in sealed hamper after coming home
5) do the same to car (vacuum biweekly)
6) do not repeat clothes/pajamas more than one day

Limit their food source
1) shower after coming home
2) set up traps: they're attracted to carbon dioxide and heat (candles/lamp/dishsoap/etc)
3) shower after waking up
4) setup traps in the most active areas

pesticides can be ineffective unless you get a really good exterminator, which isn't guaranteed. they could easily spray overly expensive water and call it a day.
Temprid SC is what currently works.
buy some temprid and cimexa dust. don't bother with DE if it's exposed to any sort of humid air it's fucking useless Cimexa is the way to go. Your also going to need to cover your mattress box spring with a bed bug cover or use plastic sheeting if you can't afford the covers and put something on the legs of your bed to stop them climbing up or catch them climbing down. Physical removal works very well it's just a pain as they can hide everywhere but usually right near where you sleep. Co2 traps using yeast and sugar water are pretty easy to make too and can catch some.
My boyfriend's mother had an infestation at her house that she had tried to beat three times using professionals. Ultimately I beat it by opening everything up, sealed the house and set up my two 4,000 watt heaters in the basement. I hot wired the furnace's thermal cutoff and rigged up an improvised thermostat on a micro controller which controlled all three heaters.

I bought the house up to 90 with the
house furnace and held it there for the evening and night. The next morning i brought it up to 100 over the course of a few hours. After lunch I ran the microcontroller at 130f with the furnace and two heaters going, programmed to shut off at dusk.

The trick with heat treatment is to control the enviromental temperature carefully and precisely.

Bed bugs hate the heat so they're going to migrate to the coolest spot they can find. As the room temperature climbs they'll move to where its coolest, these cool islands are Under the carpet, in baseboards etc.

When the temperature finally spikes to the lethal range and their hiding spot becomes too hot they have nowhere to go. If you heat too quickly and for too short of a time you don't take advantage of the behavior. ALL parts of the house need to reach that magic killing temperature of at least 118 degrees, including inside walls, floors and ceilings.

Also: dont try and do your own home heat treatment unless you have the right stuff. Heating one room wont do shit because of their migrating behavior. And using cheap equipment can cause fires. And dont hotwire the furnace like I did. Its hard on it and it can catch fire and melt shit. I was replacing her furnace that fall anyways so...

When I went in the next morning to get my stuff there were dead bedbugs along the baseboards in the bedrooms where his mom and brothers slept. There were some by the dog bed and some furniture. Almost if they tried to escape as their cool hiding spots got too hot .
Round 1
Tried the spray & bomb routine and it was pointless.
Round 2
I bagged all the clothes and bedding to be washed before it left the room. Sprayed the poison in the bag then sealed it. Stripped down and showered whenever I left the room.
I took Diamasious earth and worked it into the baseboards and floor cracks with a brush. Put it in all the power outlets and penitrations in the floor (heating pipes ect.) Then did the same to all rooms with shared walls.
Spread a liberal amount on the floors and furniture.
Sealed off the room and we've been sleeping on the couch for the past 6 months. Haven't seen any anywhere else in the house yet.
6 months is how long they're expected to live in 70-80 degree temps. But their metabolism slows in the cold. At temperatures just above freezing, they can survive a year or more.
I've got CO2 traps in there now I've got to check this weekend. If it's clear I've still got to whipe down the waterbed and everything else in there to try to kill any eggs.
Also forgot to mention, they supposedly dont like the scent of lavender. I got some lavender oil from the local witchy woo store, and put a few drops down throughout the house once a week or so.
Don't know if it actually does anything but figured it can't hurt and it actually smells pretty good.
Back in the day ladys put lavender in their luggage when travelling to keep from bringing anything home with them so maybe there's something to it.
These things are hell.
Whatever you do, you will have to be determined and don't give up. I went the commercial route first...cost 950 buck...they made a second trip for free 3 weeks later....2 weeks later I found a few more. Went to a local DIY insectiside store....and bought 1 container of Transport Mikron...$49.00 for the kill on contact....also bought Phantom 2....$52.00...for a residue slow kill....each container makes about 10 gallons. Typically it takes about two quarts to do three coaches and two chairs including the carpet surrounding the area. Note: manufacturor says only spray where you see the bug...F..That.. I saturated /sprayed the entire chair etc..including removing the dust cover on the bottom and spraying the bottom side of the furniture. That the reason I use two quarts....saturate it...don't skip any areas....not seen any in 5 weeks after close up inspection with bright flashlight...I will redo in one week hopefully for the coup de gras.
How on Earth is he doing it? Via a small fire?
I got it.
lel, this reminds me of all the /g/ threads about people finding bed bugs in their craigslist scores. those are usually pretty humorous.

seriously, alert the landlord. if you can prove they're coming from your neighbor (unlikely, but possible), turn that mother fucker in to the authorities, he's a public health hazard.
this, i only knew about bedbug because of the internet.
Hey OP, I read through a bunch of the replies and I myself had bed bugs last year, still got the fucking bite scar marks on my arm from the whole mess.

I killed mine by doing some basic steps. I live in Arizona, so I bagged everything that was fabric from my bedroom into black garden bags, put them in my car, and left the car out in sunlight for two days. Inside, I bought a clothing steamer and searched/steamed the fuck out of my mattress 3 times a day, very slowly. I threw away the box spring moved the bed away from the wall, and encased my king sized mattress in a fancy bed bug encasement off amazon. Then I used diatomaceous earth to *COVER* every movement area I could think of. Tops of electrical sockets, wall molding, barriers leading to the bedroom, barriers to each closet, behind bookshelves, and before I put the encasement on my mattress I even put it on the nooks and crannies of the sides. I covered the carpet under the mattress and slept in the middle of the room on just the mattress with a single pillow and sheet. I also bought white bedsheets, it made it super easy to spot them.

I steamed those fuckers every night. And after about a month I was perfectly clean. However, I've read they can go 6 months without feeding so if you do stuff like me and you're 5 months in the clear, you're probably good.

I weaned off of steaming after I put the encasement on my mattress. The diatomaceous earth all over my room helped immensely. One final thing, my condo is laid out in a very specific way, that possibly gave me an advantage to killing them. On the Second Story of my condo there's only a loft, a bathroom, and my bedroom. I set up diatomaceous earth barriers all over the place, and I was sure to never to travel laundry up and down between my first and second floor.

Good luck man... Get a steamer, encasement, and bag of DE. Kill those fuckers, and if you find them, steam them for 20 seconds directly.
By the way, forgot to add this.
Don't waste your time using chemicals, it won't work unless you're a specialist or professional. Chemical killing takes months of treatment. Don't move out either, if you get just 1 egg that comes with you you're still not in the clear.

Get diatomaceous earth, a steamer, and encasement. If you look on amazon there's also box spring alternatives that are like wire stands/bases for mattresses. Buy that and get bed leg bug traps too, fill the bases with DE.

Don't fuck around with chemicals or scents. You *do not* want to divert them, or lead them to migrate. Don't change where you sleep either, they'll follow you and infest other areas. Kill them all.
Sorry, another thing to mention,

I've seen people in this thread suggest washing clothes on hot water/high heat. I've read this doesn't work as well as bagging + putting in direct sunlight for 2 days. On some websites I read they can survive a dryer. I personally didn't risk it, so I bagged everything.
Sorry, goddammit I have to make a fourth post to address this specifically.

I read in several places that they can and have infested vacuum cleaners after people tried to do that. Don't risk this at all.
I had bedbugs for a while. I found that alcohol and soap did fine in killing them on contact when found, and bagging all my soft stuff in black garbage bags and leaving it in the hot sun for some days. finally, get a mattress cover and set your bed a little off from the wall. use standard packing tape to cover the legs of your bed; this will ensure the bugs can't reach you even if they dont die from other treatments. the surfaces of the legs will be too slick and bed bugs can't jump. between that and aggressively cleaning your bed frame, you should be able to fuck those bugs up gud if there's not a full on infestation.

also, dia-whatever-ous earth snd other dessicants work. though I couldn't find any, and using powdered bleach seemed to work. I have glazed parquet floor though, maybe don't chemical burn your carpet if you have one.

also, dryer sheets can repel the bugs with the scent. stuff a few under your bed.
Yell at them and give them negative criticism until they eventually are too depressed and won't even bother visiting you anymore.
If they are in the house you are fucked as they are extremely small and very resilient ,you can squash it with your thumb and it will just carry on walking
>also, dryer sheets can repel the bugs with the scent. stuff a few under your bed.

this is bullshit.
this is a horrifying prospect
What about this stuff?

i live in a triplex and my cunt neighbor brought them in. We did everything, even dangerous mixtures of chemicals etc. I was losing my fucking mind. Stayed in the shed the coldest 3 months of the winter. Finally after no positive outcome we had the entire building heat treated both levels 140degrees for 8 hours, had to cook the place from the foundation up. It was $1,800.00 and worked the first time. Now I watch everything my neighbors take in and will stop them if it gives me any bad vibe and tell them no. I'd move because getting cooperation from the neighbors was the hardest part of the whole situation. Good luck man. be careful they hitch hike very easily.
Liquid nitrogen will kill them fuckers
I only saw one too and I was fucked, at least 200 of them all over the walls, the little ones are hard to see, the one I found was big but it laid a fuck ton of eggs.
I got rid of them using a crop pesticide, Cypermethrin
I investigated and its quite safe for humans, but it would kill your lizard and fish bros
first kill all the fuckers you find, put your bed away from walls and blast the bedbox with this stuff, also all the corners of your room, or house if you're screwed, also look for the fuckers all the way up on the corners, up to the ceiling nigga, they leave a trail of black shit follow it to their hiddings, I used a metal rod to crush the eggs, they are very little and hard you'll know when you hit them, put the stuff on the legs of any forniture you have, and if your clothes are not infested put a lot of it on the entrance to your closet, on all the door frame not just the bottom, check your drawers and shit, and blast any suspicious place with the stuff (no where you put your food, dumb shit).
Remember the fuckers will get close to places you stay long in, like your bedroom and shit, and they only come out in the dark, I only got to see the first when I woke up at 4am so better be paranoid about it and to something before the whole house is fucked
The deal with the pesticide is that it last a long time, like 6 months I think, so when the new fuckers hatch they will die as soon as they walk by the sprayed zone.

I got it on a hardware store, I'm in mexico so the regulations might be different for you
the pesticide is used on many types of crops so I wouldn't worry much about it, you probably have contact with it now and then.
I dunno man, it seemed to work. It's not like they're expensive, so you can do it in addition to other things.
Get a professional and kill them bastards with fire
This. Kill yourself, my man. It's the only way to be sure.
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