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/D/ alphabet song
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Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 15
lets sing the /D/ alphabet song


A as you know is for all the way through
B is for Banned for not reading the rules.
is shia not allowed on /d/? im pretty sure i've seen his stuff on here before.
File: 1465848848274.jpg (657 KB, 858x1200) Image search: [Google]
657 KB, 858x1200
C is for Content
>the content of 5 or more elements to star a thread
File: 1413979576755.jpg (117 KB, 700x500) Image search: [Google]
117 KB, 700x500
D is for dickfuck

then i shall add some more.
File: 04.jpg (189 KB, 662x1008) Image search: [Google]
189 KB, 662x1008
E is for elastic

a bit of a stretch...
F is for futa

as if you couldn't guess
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431 KB, 636x900
G is for goo

cuz slimegirl is best
File: Bonnie Violent.png (2 MB, 3000x2209) Image search: [Google]
Bonnie Violent.png
2 MB, 3000x2209
H is for Hyper
File: BHn2_21.jpg (720 KB, 1120x1600) Image search: [Google]
720 KB, 1120x1600
I is for family
File: 14.jpg (28 KB, 305x500) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 305x500
J is for Junkie,

pills make her want me.
X is for porn
File: 1289343667753.jpg (107 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 640x480
K is for Kink,

Fetishes Galore!
File: 1272176826847.jpg (184 KB, 576x800) Image search: [Google]
184 KB, 576x800
L is for Latex

A Shiny Paramour
M is for Multi

Arms, Legs, and Heads
File: nana.jpg (238 KB, 1456x1019) Image search: [Google]
238 KB, 1456x1019
N is for Nana,

A story we've all read.
File: oggc.jpg (149 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
149 KB, 800x600
O is for Ovi,

A womb full of eggs
P is for Penis(es)

Floating all around
Q is for quit dickin around and post more content!
>I is for family
Incest, you idiot
r is for you're retarded
S is for Selfcest because go fuck yourself
>Implying I was samefagging

T is for tremendous faggot, which is what you are
U is for watetsports
V is for vaginas

Who's that on the bottom?
Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 15

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