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Emotionless Sex
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You are currently reading a thread in /d/ - Hentai/Alternative

Thread replies: 61
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I like stuff where the girl is stoic/emotionless and doesn't care that she's having sex. Kuudere I guess.
Cool story. If you want this thread to go anywhere you'll have to post some of your own pictures.
Why is it every thread the OP only posts like one or two pictures recently? Has there been a sudden spike in downs syndrome?
Summerfags, newfriend. It happens every year.
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This is actually my fetish. Especially when she's busy doing something else and the guy is having sex with her.

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traffic on 4chan doesn't increase a whole lot during the summer
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This doesn't belong here really. She's clearly reacting and interested. Get better pics or get the fuck out
C'mon OP, if you want your thread to live you gotta feed it. This stuff isn't even one of my fetishes but 2 seconds on google and I've got more pics in here than you.
Can't translate moon runes, sorry.
But the ones that do come are notoriously obnoxious.
Summerfags are a scientifically proven phonomenom.

>adds "playing video games while being penetrated" to fetishes.
Commencing minor dump
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Feels like this could be a subset cousin of penis humiliation.
Playing Monster Hunter, nice
To some degree, yes. It could also be related to object stuff. She's just there to get you off, not for her own enjoyment. I have a character for this on an RP site, and that's what it turns into. Just there for someone's use whenever they need it.
Well I dunno why don't you go read the rules and find out? Go ahead, we'll wait.
>Just there for someone's use whenever they need it.
Shit. New fetish.
I especially like it when the scene is about a completely indifferent, almost emotionless woman who lets a timid, frustrated guy use her. It's usually a roommate or little brother.
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High tier is this combined with facesitting.

God tier is combined with facesitting and femdom.

The guy is actively suffering, and the girl isn't really into it but can't be bothered enough to get off.
I have a few relevant images, but no idea where they're saved. Sorry /d/eviants.
personal favorite
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forgot to add..
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1/6 this person's stuff is really good.
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6/6 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=1860190 warning: weird shit, but it's all pretty cool.
Well then maybe you shouldn't post time stop pictures.
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3DPD, but best example I can find.
no, theres a thing humans do where if theyre fixated on something examples of it become more and more obvious. 4chan is equally shitty all year round, it just seems shittier during the summer because you expect it to be
Thread replies: 61
Thread images: 40

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