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I love this guy
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You are currently reading a thread in /co/ - Comics & Cartoons

Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 6
File: Prince Ali.jpg (218 KB, 1000x590) Image search: [Google]
Prince Ali.jpg
218 KB, 1000x590
I love this guy
/co/ made me rewatch the show, I ditched it after a couple of eps.
Prince Ali vs Ping, who wins?

Aside from us?
Prince Ali did not end a war primarily using fireworks, I think the answer here is very clear.
>Prince Ali did not end a war primarily using fireworks, I think the answer here is very clear.

Yeah the guy with 75 golden camels.

I heard somewhere that he's actually a street-rat in disguise.
Let see
Ping: Stop war with fireworks with tons of help
Ali: Beat hundred bad guys with sword single handledly and Stronger than 10 men.
Did you even SEE his parade?

Of course he's the real deal.
File: Ali_Ababwa.jpg (45 KB, 598x440) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 598x440
Look at this smile. How could this smile lie?
I hear he's generous. So generous.
File: Make waaay.png (302 KB, 1577x1269) Image search: [Google]
Make waaay.png
302 KB, 1577x1269
File: 1465637719699-1.jpg (100 KB, 954x1081) Image search: [Google]
100 KB, 954x1081
I love this guy
Saved for future trolling /pol/ purposes.
>Yeah the guy with 75 golden camels.
And to view them he charges no fee!
So generous
Prince Ali has him beat.
Still waiting on CinemaSins to do a vid about this movie.
I love this guy :b
Will you still love him after Drac fucks him up royally in the Beauty & the Beast live action with Emma Watson?
So generous
That was a good day
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 6

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