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>Be walking on the street >Find abandoned lucha libre mask
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Thread replies: 21
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>Be walking on the street
>Find abandoned lucha libre mask
>Put it on
>Suddenly transform into a musclebound, heavyweight, superpowered gorilla luchadore
What would you do, /co/?
probably rob a couple banks
Spend a few hours explaining that the x on my belt doesn't mean that I'm a filthy mutant.
How superpowered are we talking, here?
Beat up everyone I pass.
Sounds like something a mutie would say
I would fly over to México and stomp a couple jobbers in a weekly basis
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Lots and lots of rape
Grape ape rape ape grape rape
Gonna ruin so many women with my ape cock
Gorillas have like 3'' dicks.
So.. No, you're not
Monkey hijinx.
I would fight the God Hand.

i'd already be living the dream ngl. probably go mock the normie gorillas at the zoo
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Get McMahon on the phone.
super strength
blow energy bolts from your hands.
Take it off?
Join the Lucha Underground.
Is that young Lord Hater?
expand dong
I would throw my feces at passers-by.
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>Become first ape wrestler in WWE history
>do bide your time until you can kill Roman Reigns in the ring
Thread replies: 21
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