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File: R 100 airship_envelope.jpg (53 KB, 900x600) Image search: [Google]
R 100 airship_envelope.jpg
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would that mean we are in corrigible?
Crashing this airship...
Why did Nazis invent a floating disaster waiting to happen?
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New Samurai Jack is gonna be great!
predates nazisim by like 30, maybe 50 years. Airships aren't even that dangerous if you do stuff like mix in gasbags with neutral gas with the volatile lifting gas so the expolsive stuff gets diluted
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Guttentag, I vill be your captain for zis voyage.
Hubris, basically. It's also why they suppressed any news of the Hindenberg's explosion within the Reich for years.
brb, just going to go out on deck and have a smoke
Shit, I forgot my ticket!
So where's this dirigible goi-

Oh. OH.

not sure which would be a bigger waste, leading a calvary of your best men armed with sabers and pistols in to enemy firing range or flying this into a middle of a dog fight
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USS Macon & Sparrowhawks.webm
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It's a shame both the Akron and Macon crashed. Flying aircraft carriers was a neat idea.
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United States built two armed with machine guns and designed to be Aerial Carriers launching a wing of biplanes each. USS Akron and the USS Macon.

Unfortunately they still crashed due to weather conditions.
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care for a cigarette /co/?
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The Airlander is the current state of the art in airship technology.
She thicc
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They were technically almost impossible to shoot down until incendiary ammo became a thing. Even after that you still could have used Helium but Germany didn't have a really viable source of that.

However, eventually bombers got better and fighters got longer engagement ranges so they lost their niche (being able to shit around at high altitude and engage at their leisure.)
They're still probably safer than a Shield Helicarrier.
Yeah I'm still confused about how they managed to bomb cities with them though... wouldn't having the hull punctured by artillery at least make them lose altitude real quick?
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>implying you don't want to live in a world of airships and sky pirates
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Talespin Flak.webm
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The difference between them and a simple flying balloon is that they have lots of these internal gas cells. Not only that but they also have a supportive skeleton so when they are punctured they don't just lose their shape and all the gasses rush out.

Instead the gasses would slowly leak out... and you just patch up the holes. Like how stabbing an orange through with a pencil doesn't cause a cup of orange juice to leak out.

Hell if you were really ballsy you might carry extra gas sacks and replace heavily damaged ones on the fly, like replacing a tire.
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Talespin Flak2.webm
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God damn...
That's pretty cool, I wish I'd learned this kind of stuff in school instead of hearing about Molly Pitcher.
Every time I remember Talespin, I remember that Disney made an official AU where Baloo and friends fought against honest-to-god diesel-punkish sky pirates on a regular basis.

I wanted Bageera to show up piloting a spy jet so badly as a child.
>Firing the whole bullet/shell

There is also the fact that the gas cells would be fairly close to atmospheric pressure, further restricting the loss of lifting gasses. The downfall of the zeppelin as a weapons system was its extreme dependency on good weather and abysmal accuracy as a bomber. Despite that the USA used airships quite successfully in anti-submarine reconnaissance and warfare during WW2.
plenty of people survived that, though.
the sad part is that the designer urged the second ship to come in to correct the design flaw that crashed the first one. But the pilot and the navy wanted to see it fly around for longer. And it only happened in the first place due to meddeling and last minute design changes during the development process in the first place. Just sad.
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No Ticket.

Goddamit fuck Bryan and Mike for pretending they could ever book Lin in the wrong

How fucking dare they book Toph like an asshole
100 to 150 years, if you want to split hairs.
The Americans refused to sell the them helium
The Hindenburg did infact have s smoking deck
Being naked woman in India is safer than SHIELD helicarrier.
>firing the entire round
that's not how it works, god damnit.
think about it, if this was deemed a success we could have shit like the aigaion today.
True and most of those that did die were ground crew hit by falling debris
Anyone know any good /co/-related World War 1 or 2 material? I mean animations about them not animations produced during them.
>nd abysmal accuracy as a bomber.

That didn't improve in aircrafts and didn't stop bombers at any point though.
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>doesn't even have a face on it
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