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Trying to remember a cartoon
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/co/ help me out I'm trying to remember an old series of flash cartoons I watched

The guy that made it was obviously a fan of Matt Wilson's bonus stage because the cartoon was done in a style similar to Matt Wilson's and his main characters may or may not have had little crowns on them like the fairies from Fairly Odd Parents.

Help me out here, /co/
No one? One of the characters had choco skin and was a girl if that helps.
What was that cartoon about?

Do you remember any episodes?
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The more I think about it the more it feels like I'm thinking of two seperate series.

One's about some robot/android or whatever and another is about the characters I've been describing. They were both done in Wilson's style.

The robot/android series had more than one episode for sure, and that was on newgrounds I'm PRETTY sure.

while the choco skin fairly odd parents crown wearing bitch had maybe one episode and didn't get very far.
Damn it /co/ you're of no help.

It wasn't on porplemontage or anything, it was way higher quality than that. Shit was cool.
Still haven't found an answer.
I think I know what you're talking about. I'll look for it but I wonder if the name Fiona rings any bells.
Was it Michelle and Feo?
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Whoa hey that's it.

THAT'S IT. You fucking found it. wow. Good job, anon.
Yup yup, and that lead me to the other series I was thinking about, My GOD, robots!


I wonder if this guy's still alive
I remember really liking his animations and then he just dropped off the internets
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Okay it's all coming back to me now.


The guy made some cool cartoons and then he got into making posters for bands and shindigs and he never went back to making another cartoon ever again. I kept him on my follow list back then, HOPING he would go back eventually but he never did.

Damn. I'm as disappointed now as I was back then.

Oh well. This is still awesome: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/396961
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Glad to help
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