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Ameidot confirmed by Crewniverse NOT a thing Shippers on suicide
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Ameidot confirmed by Crewniverse NOT a thing

Shippers on suicide watch

/sug/ also I don't have the copypasta
the facebook page is crewniverse why in the world would it be crewniverse

I would take the bait if it wasn't because all the other pairs in that picture are just friends
Lady of the sea
Happy as can be

You all know the rest
Yeah right. I'd love to see Amedot to happen but it seems your dyslexia missed out on the word "friendship"
CN facebook has also called Ruby/Sapphire a friendship so this confirms nothing.
"Cartoon Network and Poor Decisions" has my vote!
I seen that before
It's "Odd Friendships" anon. CN and Poor Decisions have been around so long its a normal pairing.
friendship and romance aren't mutually exclusive, despite what lazy writers want you to think
There's a new episode today, r-right? Last one I saw was Steven Floats a while ago, thanks to the French leaks.
Yeah, right ""friendship""
It doesn't matter if they're "just friends," it's still a more interesting relationship than Peridot and Lapis at this point
I don't support Ameidot(not against it, either), but lovers can also be friends
And it seems your dyslexia missed out on the word "not." Even though it was in all caps.
Of course Amy and Peri are just friends.

For now.
nope. steven floats hasnt even aired in usa yet
Oh fuck. Why couldn't I be more patient?
CN also made a post on tumblr who said that Ruby and Sapphire are ''besties''
How can they possibly say Marceline/Ice King is an odd friendship when he fucking took care of her when he was sane and she was a little kid? He's basically a father figure that got dementia, for her.

TTG and SU are basically a villain/hero friendship, so I guess (pretend that's in italics) that's odd?

And I guess Ice Bear/Chloe is odd because he's a bear is what their intent is?

None of these seem really "odd" to me.

Odd friendship ideas:
>HIM and some random Townsville person
>Yellow Diamond and that faggoty mailman actor (because it'd be like Bender's "kill all humans...except Fry")
..I don't know.
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