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Have we talked about this Calvin and Hobbes clone? It stars
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Have we talked about this Calvin and Hobbes clone?
It stars a kid, his talking dog, and 2 really gay, really buff dads.

It is that fucking mole on the dog.

And those fucking sonic eyes.
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I see where this thread is going and I want no part in it.
Says the man who draws his husband with more muscles than humanly possible.
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Meanwhile, reality

Pretty cute and harmless. Are you guys pissed about it?
Poor girl got named Crystal too.
Like the champagne.
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Not really.
>two moms
>gay dads
Just fucking nuke earth from orbit already you alien fucks.
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Wrestledads was better.

Shame /co/ never got around to completing it. And it faded into obscurity with the rest of our projects.

I actually had hope for it.
I mean, the writing just feels off, the relationship between the boy and dog is weird, and the one dad is so bara its ridiculous.
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Where is the joke?
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It's part of a Halloween arc. Why some blogged highlighted the middle of the arc, I have no idea.
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Pic that started it by the way.
I hope the silver paint isn't lead based.

>he hasn't had cheeseless tacos
>or cheeseless pizza

Most of the flavor, less of the regret.

>Cheeseless pizza

Go jack off with lava soap, you fucking communist.
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You can make it up later with some pizza bread.
This whole comic juts feels off
IIRC, we got pretty far with it.
i was pretty happy that my idea ended up creating wrestledads.
We had a shitload of plots. And a few drawfriends who left shortly after contributing art.

I wish we could've at least compiled a doc or pastebin of some kind of episode ideas. We never finished up characters though. All we had I think were other wrestler guys and a few kids from the kid's school.
Calvin and Hobbes clone you say?
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>It's just a Calvin & Hobbes but with two dads
>forcing your son to dress as a girl
But that's just fucked up and degrading
You thought that gay people can rise a child normally?
I have gay parents.

I'm on here of course, so you're probably right.
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Explain to me again how these shill threads are allowed while the furry ones burn.
I don't get it. How two guys can have a baby?
>Artificial insemination
>Former relationship to convince self of heterosexuality
>One of the dads is bi
>One of the dads is trans

Take your pick.
>Former relationship to convince self of heterosexuality
>One of the dads is bi
>One of the dads is trans

But then it means one of them isn't gay
Well he's not wrong
Does fucking a woman because you think you HAVE to really mean you aren't gay though? If you WANT to, that makes you bi, but if you don't, then you're gay.

Treating sex like a chore doesn't equal sex for pleasure I think. Sticking your dick into something at gunpoint doesn't make you really attracted to it.
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>You don't want to fuck but you fuck
Why do his dads even have that though?
I'm guessing one is Bi
I'm getting weird Dobson vibes from looking at these.
The only reason this pissed me off is because the entire point was "TWO MOMS TWO MOMS TWO MOMS" with no other story or defining traits to be had. Shit was stupid.
I think it's just supposed to be a silly image and you're looking too far into it.
It's not funny
I used to date a guy with a kid from a former marriage. It made me wonder why anyone wants a kid. Kid took up every god damn minute of his free time.
This would be interesting if it were just about the two bara dudes.

Something about two guys raising a kid has always just creeped me out. Two moms doesn't bother me though. I suppose I'm just a shitlord.
>that pause after first bringing up the two moms

>3D movies for the 3DS

Too bad that never actually ahappened.
Gays are into Elvira for camp value
I'm happy for it too anon.

I'll be making a general for it soon-ish. Wanted to wait until father's day and see if it gets any more attraction/attention then.
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Elvira has a huge gay following, like Cher, Madonna, etc. I have no idea why though.
>Golden Sun
That one still hurts
Isn't the human supposed to be the strawman Nintendo-hating Sony fan? Was there some story arc where he was converted to the cat's Nintendo fandom?
Honestly I think anyone is capable of fucking anyone else under the right circumstances. I think being gay is like being attracted to a particular race or body type. Yeah, you might be exclusively attracted to fat white chicks, but I'm guessing you'd have no problem banging a skinny brown woman if you were drunk and horny enough.
Because very effeminate guys want to be her I guess?

They want all that straight dick they couldn't get otherwise maybe. That, sadly, seems like a common thing. I don't really care about her though.
She learned the ways of camp, fey schmoozing from the gays of her tribe, and that resonates with other gay people.
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>it's another comic promoting the American gay agenda
He finally became wii fan after all that shit
hey iran, how's it hangin
I should be mad about this but it just makes me smile
>Huuurr guns r bad
And there goes every shread of respect I had for this comic
They were just fucking with him for a photo anon
Nobody said they were gay
>life size nra member


In what way?
Fucking Reps fighting to abolish state rights, man.
Are you kidding me? Gay guys fucking worship Elvira.
>he actually uses the term "hardcore game"

I forget how awful Dobson is sometimes.
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