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I know funkos suck, but I'm really tempted to get this when
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File: Twitter2a8f28a.jpg (128 KB, 500x357) Image search: [Google]
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I know funkos suck, but I'm really tempted to get this when it drops.
File: CAStripPop.jpg (255 KB, 630x715) Image search: [Google]
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For me, it started with a Michonne figure.
That's how it started for me, i first think ''these are stupid'' ,then i see the Mad Moxxi one and The Howard the Duck one.I know there's a Buffy one now, so fuck.
>kate leth actually made a funny comic
I just gave up. They're making more and more of these things that I want.
File: Space-Ghost-Funko-Pop.jpg (39 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Case in point.

And furthermore.
File: Civil War Spidey.png (113 KB, 295x317) Image search: [Google]
Civil War Spidey.png
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And this too.
I bought arkham scarecrow then i saw a deal any3 for 20 bucks now i got 2 batmans, joker,slimer,creature from the black lagoon, agent smith, bucky, smaug and a mini shaun of the dead
Shiiiit. And I said I was done after Elvis Stitch. >>83196357
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I don't personally understand the blanket hate for Pops. The ones that aren't based on live action human characters usually aren't bad, even sometimes good.
I am going to buy the shit out of these little niggers

I don't want to end up with a wall of these, but Cosmo doesn't really have any figures, you know?
I personally prefer the Mystery Minis. I generally refuse to buy them though since they're stupid expensive for blind boxes.
The eyes and the way a lot of them look the same with a different coat of paint is what makes me not like them.
I'm also just not a fan of the big heads small bodies thing personally.
Best girl when?
I have 2 friends that this happened to them

I got a few for birthday and Christmas so I try not to buy any of them since I have actual statues mostly anime

But I got Roger rabbit and Jessica rabbit and the only one I bought are dick dastardly and muttly
Most hate here comes from the fact the animu shit looks better.
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