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Awww, Ash can be a real cutie at times.
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File: 1463546515-2016-05-18-Page-499.png (514 KB, 772x1158) Image search: [Google]
514 KB, 772x1158
Awww, Ash can be a real cutie at times.
File: 234.png (41 KB, 300x100) Image search: [Google]
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Fitting banner for what's going to happen next update.
Rinnie's still going to break her heart. I hope Kim kicks Rinnie's ass.
Friendly reminder Ash almost FUCKING MURDERED this girl
File: GonnaRapeYou.jpg (648 KB, 1280x1897) Image search: [Google]
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Better one.
Remember that time gamergate blew up a van?
That was Anonymous, anon, and we also had a dog
>he doesn't even type Anonymous into the name field
Ash has plotted to murder the only two girls she's been in contact with. And I generally give her the benefit of the doubt and just assume she wouldn't actually go through with it, even though she was just one downward swing away from braining Rinnie. Until she actually murders someone, I'll delude myself into thinking it was just a prank bro.
Where can I read this shit?
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What happens next
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Well that was something else.
I'm not sure how to really feel about it
File: She wont.png (487 KB, 1422x930) Image search: [Google]
She wont.png
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Decided to draw some Rinnie and Ash because I've been loving this storyline.
Hank hill would be jealous of Ash's Ass
This shit would have been a good read high or drunk.
>when he changed it from rape to "do" for the book
I think that's the point of the entire comic
Otherwise you're watching a bunch of 20-something loser addicts do shit to each other
So how's Ash gonna seduce her this time?
>Otherwise you're watching a bunch of 20-something loser addicts do shit to each other
High school was 15 years ago for them. I think they're older than that.

Wow, this is nice! Do you have an art thing I can follow, Yoto?
Remember when Ash was kind homely?
Now she's this legit hot nerd despite doing nothing but indulge in anime + read fanfiction.
Hell I think Matt's gotten cuter as well since the start.

How long until Jenny turns into a dfc supermodel?
Make sure to send it to Brad and Leslie, they'd love it.
I think it's just the art style evolving from being shitty.
Yotomore is where I usually post my sketches, although i'm often weird about webcomic fanart.
I did post it on the comic itself. Should I send the sketch to their blasternation tumblr ?

Oh hey, I'm already following you on Tumblr. Got that cleared up!
This comic used to suck, but it's actually pretty interesting after these two turned out to be lesbians. What do you know, the formula actually works.
Is that the appeal? I just read a few of these and I genuinely hate everyone involved, including the author. The art, the dialogue, the stories they tell, are the most worthless things I've ever seen, and the fact that it feels like the author is writing from experience means he's surely just as much a waste of space as these characters. From reading the comments all of his comics and books are the same lose stoner shit.
The art was never shitty.
Ash's head was a literal rectangle
So was your mom's pubic hair.
So she wants Rinnie to masturbate with her to fanfiction in the blanket fort?
Pic unrelated?
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