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who doesn't read comics?
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who doesn't read comics?
your mom!!
I can only stand one-shots
Having to deal with all this continuity or having to know exactly who the fuck people are is too much bullshit for me to handle
What the fuck is a "Comic Book"
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I don't
Blind people, people who can't read the language it's written or translated to, illiterates...
I say I do but I just read wikis
>Reading Comics

can't you fags just get your own board
I don't, I'm mostly here for the cartoons but I do check out the occasional storytime or often comic related threads
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I wouldn't really call it bullshit, but mostly that I'm just too lazy to do research. There's all these worlds and universes and stuff, and some thing are connected and some things aren't.

I wish I had the effort to read-up and join the comic side of /co/.
How do you know they're books?
OMG I love comics!!!! Felicity is my favorite comic book character she's so smart!
Those are for nerds
If you don't like dealing with shit like that, try reading stuff that isn't capeshit.
I read indies on occasion and only keep up with characters and story lines I care about. I Wiki the rest.
I tend to stick to creator-owned stuff (or pieces that are effectively creator owned, even if they aren't - eg Sandman). I find that with Big 2 properties my problem is either ridiculous continuity or writers being assholes about the power levels - I gave up on Red Son when Luther's introduction was him banging Lois Lane and winning some ridiculous number of simultaneous chess matches. I get it, he's smart, you couldn't have found something subtler to get that across?
I love comics, but I'm sick of superheroes.

Given how much live action movie/TV show presence this board has for superheroes, I think a separate board would be justified at this point.

thanks for the shit thread OP
but all I ever see is capeshit on /co/
The continuity and constant author changing make it unbearable to read as a whole, that and it constantly feels like even if you get the first edition of whatever it's gonna talk about stuff that another series talked about and you should go buy that series
Are you implying you only or can only read while on /co/?
Im implying that the only comics I know about are the ones discussed on /co/
I read comics every day. Sometimes I think I'm bored with it but then I find something new and amazing. There's so much cool new work out there once you go beyond the boundaries of the mainstream.
but why?
>convuluted plotlines and rehashed stories
off to >>/b/ with you
My mum.
>>off to >>/b/
I know that there is no difference with Graphic Novels and comics, but I usually only read graphic novels for this reason. There is usually a solid beginning and end, which I need in order to feel closure.
I read my first comic last week, it was "Superior iron man" #1-9. Now I'm reading the current "Invincible Iron man" and I'm wondering if "International Iron man" is canon to it?
If "doing research" is all you care about, then you really shouldn't bother of feel bad.
A lot of people on here start reading comics so they can win arguments about them, which is possibly the shittiest reason to start doing anything at all.
butthurt detected
you mean like /tv/?
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>constant author changing
People complain about this without considering the large scheme.

Since time Grecian a lot of characters, concepts and stories that have been developed to hell and back as the result of multiple people stepping up to bat instead of the one idiot perpetually striking out all season and costing the team. Yes this same system means idiots can just as well come along and foul up a good run but that's the result of mismanagement or cronyism not a flaw of the system itself, and there's always the possibility once the hack fucks off someone else can come along and sort things out.

The best example I can give, though I doubt people who don't read comics much will get but if you do a quick wiki or something you'll get the idea, is to imagine any Batman story you know and like. Doesn't have to be the best thing you've read, just imagine so much as the one story you consider decent.

Okay, now understand it would not be a thing if they left Batman to fucking Bob Kane. Not to mention what kind of stories Bob Kane would be writing for Batman if he was his sole writer. I'd bring up Bill's plight but that's a story for another moral quandary.

Of course this isn't to say all the writers who did Batman justice couldn't just as well have done so with their own characters, but it would be a very splintered series of individual stories which would likely not have as much potential success and narrative weaving propelling them. What we have in comparison is a somewhat chaotic but coordinated effort that permits the potential best from writers and concepts to be drawn as long as either is available. It isn't always so, but the potential is there.
Also obviously this isn't saying creator owned stuff doesn't have its merits, I'd rather avoid a derailing strawman, I'm just saying the both sides of the coin have uses.
I do.

In that I don't read comics as the question is in the negative.
I don't read comics or watch cartoons.

Just here for the memes.
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>MCU fags.

Can you all please get your own damn board or fuck off back to /tv/? You're all literally the worse thing to happen to comics.
I'd say there are brail comics, but that's just a book, so you win.
That's why there are summary pages at beginning of books
I'm here for cartoons but i read manga
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c-c-c-comicks? What are those?
Meant for this>>82868670
Like with most things, I lost my drive to keep up with comics a while ago.

I browse /co/ once in a while in the hopes of seeing something that'll rekindle my desire to read and appreciate comics.
So far, the only character I can be assed to read from the beginning is Spidey. Everyone else I just try to read the one shots or what's widely considered to be the best runs.
>I need to be spoon fed, the post

Man, I have such a hard time keeping up with Batman because of all the stuff that happens in the Omega Men and Midnighter. It's just like how it's impossible to follow X-Men without first reading all of Venom: Space Knight and Daredevil: Man without Fear.

I'm glad my brain doesn't suck as much ass as yours does.
A board for capeshit media will only benefit the boards. Most other splits are ridiculous, but not this one
Why do we need to "keep up"? I never mind spoilers, and if someone else has all that time to read it, the better. Just means I don't have to waste mine to learn what the fuck is going on.

My buddy Danilo still brings me some every time he visits, but I haven't even bothered to touch the stack. It was fun and acceptable when we were younger, but now, its like if you still play video games. Its too expensive and time consuming when you could be doing something productive with your adult life.

When I hear someone say that they just work, read/ game, sleep, and repeat, I also hear someone saying they refuse to stop being a child.
I don't have a problem with an idea bouncing in between different authors; I think it's important to keep things fresh and that having different people give their takes on a character/setting is a great way to explore the themes of a work.

I DO think that having a corporation run a character for a lifetime plus 75 years completely fucks with it, though. Instead of different people giving different takes on an idea, you have different people giving the same take in different ways. You have a story that changes in theme and tone depending on who got brought in to write it, characters getting killed or thrown into the spotlight on the whims of the new guy, and unlike other, older cases where ideas are retread - modern takes on fairy tales, "what ifs", etc - it all takes place in the same continuity so if you care about the story as a whole it's much harder to ignore it when a new writer gets brought in and just fucks everything up.

Like, I don't think anyone's complaining that there's so many different versions of Batman out there - no one is going to get annoyed that the first 1939 version, the Adam West version, the Miller version. and the Nolan version aren't consistent with each other. It's that DC and Marvel have created giant shared universes for their characters to live in, and every time they bring in a shitty writer to work on a (significant) part of it it drags everything else down as well.
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You don't need to keep up, there's literally a page in the beginning of every book to catch you up. Also, you sound like that one dude who goes to parties with his friends, only to continually talk about how much work you have tomorrow.
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>He only came to this board for the cartoons
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I haven't in years.
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Seriously speaking, why you cartoonfags can't read comics? is not that hard
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i read japanese comics
Wait, I read Invincible, Savage Tales, and Tarot online recently. Why the fuck did I type this shit?
>he comes here
>because of the cartoons and mcu/dcu
tumblr is not here they said
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>reading comics
>1 bajillion comics about superman being weak to green space rocks
why are comics so gay /co/?
I come here solely for animation and drama, I loved comics, but I dropped everything last year, and I was reading SW scans in case it was good, but it was an Herculean task for such a book to paid off, not only it did not pay off it was not really that great to collect, instead of going places, the story downplayed everything and it was yet another Doom bitch fit with Reed and the line continued with all the crap it carried.

I am done with Marvel, as for DC I just can't keep up with it anymore, All new section 8 was Godly, and it had a lot of diamonds among the sea of shit that plagues this decade of comics but I cannot care for it anymore.

It is fair that I got back into comics around Civil War, and to left it by CWII, at this point I feel strangely alienated from comics. I was reading SuperGods a while back, and I do love comics but this decade has been awful, it has been made clear that I am not the audience for them no longer, and I am fine with it.
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>I have never read Superman, the post
Educat yourself, filthy casual
Read SuperGods, and then some 70's comics. They were savage.

The problem as I see it is that comics today serve as one of two purposes: as a vehicle to get a new Audience or to get advertisement for a film or television show.

Bendis X-men is a new category of "fucking terrible"
AnHiro doesn't post anymore so that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon

It's too bad, we were really close to getting /cpsht/ but we got a useless board in /aco/ instead.
Recommendation threads are truly useless and I doubt many people even read those lists after they say "thanks :)" and fuck off forever.
Comics are for nerds.
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I read every day. Honestly, between 4chan and reading comics I don't really know what I'd be doing with my day when I got home from work. I'm nearly finished with my backlog, I'm scared.
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