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So is Ash going to assume Rinnie actually just came to see her,
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File: 1463195158-2016-05-13-Page-498.png (543 KB, 772x1158) Image search: [Google]
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So is Ash going to assume Rinnie actually just came to see her, or just freak out
>Now comes the downhill slope of watching shit blow up in Rinnie's face.

Buckle up kids, gonna be one hell of a emotional ride.
I don't think she is a responsible enough owner towards her pet pig
Poor thing feels abandoned, during a rain storm no less. Nerds are the worst.
I'm pretty sure Rinnie is going to back out of breaking it off with Ash here and spin Kim a story about how she realised her feelings were genuine.
So basically she's acting like they're going to go fuck in her room to trick her mom, but Rinnie sees through it and realizes that Ash is going to flip and start yelling at her

Am I reading that right?
That was my guess too. Either Rin is going to develop a conscious and guilt herself out of the breakup (getting along with her mom was an obvious flag), or even be won over by Ash's genuine happiness to see her.

Of course if we're wrong, having an angry tearful breakup while Ash's mom is in the other room
What? No, Ash wants to fuck Rinnie but Rinnie wants to break it off with Ash, but is too much of a spineless weasel to actually do it.
Is Ash really deluded enough to think that Rinnie believes they're in a relationship?
What ever happened to the one guy the comic started off following? Last I heard he got cucked to death in an actual use of the word.
How big is Rinnie's dick?
That's the point of the character. She's socially oblivious.
I doubt it.
Have you actually been reading this comic?
File: 1452750197-2016-01-14-Page-473.png (523 KB, 772x1158) Image search: [Google]
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I guess you're right. Though if Ash actually does think Rinnie came over to sleep with her again, she's being surprisingly smooth about it.
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