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Why did Hot Guy have those drum sticks with him at the party anyway?
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Why did Hot Guy have those drum sticks with him at the party anyway?
That is a really good question.
To show off.
>tfw I thought he and Maria were fucking.
Hawkeye is a talented drummer and has his own garage band. He brought his sticks to jam with the Avengers, but Stark forgot to rent out the equipment.
It was only once, and they'd rather not talk about it.
Wait really?
those are chopsticks

context clues
We see his house AND garage and there's no drum kit to be found.
He hid the drumset at SHIELD headquarters.
Clearly you haven't seen his man-cave in the basement.
Keeps them around just to twirl so he can build strength and dexterity in his finger as much as possible for his bow.

He can't even play drums.
He's deaf you know.
Not in the MCU.
Those are some big ass chopsticks.
>chopsticks the size of drumsticks

you haven't seen either up close in real life, have ya?
Knowing Stark they're probably Black Sabbath memorabilia he has lying around.
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Don't act smug if you don't know about what you're talking about.

Hashis aren't the only type of chopsticks.
If it wasn't cannon before, it's headcannon now.
Jeremy Renner plays drums IRL.
To demonstrate why exactly he's so popular with every lady in the Avengers.
chopsticks don't have balls at the tip
It might be a PUA flair thing. Just cause he has kids doesn't mean he isn't trying ridiculous means to get chicks on the side.
You can see other chopsticks in containers of Chinese food on the table.
So he uses drumsticks to eat chinese food. He's quirky like that.
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