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so. how long you think it's gonna last? I mean Marvel is
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so. how long you think it's gonna last?

I mean Marvel is probably making plans for MCU movies up to 2025 or so. But do you think it's gonna last that long? Not just the MCU but the superhero movie genre in general.

Are people already getting burned out? Is Warner Bros hilariously late to the party? Was the first Avengers the peak of the superhero genre in terms of popularity and box office?

itt we discuss superhero movies, past present and future
People will be tired of super hero movies about the same time that they're tired of action movies.
Which will be in about never.

that's like saying people will never get tired of teen paranormal romance movies or star wars movies. it's bullshit, they will and you know it
If every movie was a rehash of batman or iron man films in structure then you'd have a leg to stand on.

Winter Soldier, ANTS, and guardians were all great films with the subgenre of superheroics because the directors don't want to make the same movie 20 times and call it a wrap.
Peopel who say the bubble will burst do not realize that there are plenty of people who only go the theater to watch tent pole blockbusters. What would they flock to instead? Nothing. It's ten bucks to chill with your buddies and watch your hero beat some dude up. They've made over twenty James Bond movies. So long as you evolve at the times, the movies won't die off.

>They've made over twenty James Bond movies.

24. 25 if you count that Sean Connery Thunderball remake
We saw the "bubble" burst for action hero war movies in the mid 2000s or so
I can see capes doing the same, at least toning it down to the rate of cape movies before MCU started churning and all the copy cats started to copy
Name an example of those sorts of films. Do you mean like Saving Private Ryan esque movies or like Ancient Greek war?
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger and such used to make in droves.
We still get the occasional ones, but in far less numbers than before.
Same thing as westerns and creature horror
Genre's come and go in popularity all the time, it only takes a couple bad movies or public dis interest to kill the momentum.
People said the exact same thing about westerns.
Only retards said that.
Westerns are handicapped by the setting and the similar tones/tropes. Capes are so goddamn varied it's insane.
Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars just so they could churn them out forever.
Owning the IP is VERY VERY important.

Warner would poop out Harry Potter sequels and remakes forever if they could, like MGM does with Bond.
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>Capes are so goddamn varied it's insane.
Cape's chief strength is kids and foreign market, not the stories or "variations."
It will die when people start getting bored of the MCU. So around phase 7-9. Going ahead that sounds crasy imo but fuck, who knows.
I think it and Superhero movies as a whole will die out in the 2020s. I don't know what the fuck they'll do after Infinity War since they've been building and foreshadowing that story since the start and many of the stars will be getting old and their contracts will be ending. I can't imagine them being continually successful after that. Since the reason for the huge amount of superhero movies is other studio's following Marvel's success I imagine when they start to fail they'll stop and look for something else, unless DC manages to pull their head out of their ass in order to make some half way decent movies and keep this shit going for a little longer but I don't see that happening honestly.
You don't think that the Marvel movies are at all varied? So like, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man are the same kind of movie as Iron Man 2? I had absolutely no idea.
I honestly think Marvel is jumping the shark a little bit. I think it would be smarter to stay on Earth for a bit longer and cultivate more characters before really getting into the spacey Thanos stuff. It just feels too much like the end-game when everyone knows that this shit can and will go on and on and on and on and on.
I love the immediate high after a great capefilm comes out where everyone discusses and gushes and then the very next day, people come out of the woodwork to try and shut it all down saying it's the end times.
Yer forgetting actors cost more money each film, there is a cap to which studios will pay.
The usual strategy is a trilogy deal with unknowns (like the Chris's) and a reboot ~10 years later with new cast.

Capekino has reached the peak, it can only go down.
I think my favorite part of this fucking image is how goddamn tiny Zola looks.
>burned out
>Batman 89
>Superman 78
>X-men 2000
>Spider-man 2001

hell, in addition to 25 Bond movies, think of all the other not-Bond movies with the same theme/style/genre.

Superheroes are here to stay. Like action movies, they're romcoms for men.
and by that time, we'll have a fully-established DCEU version III by then. And hopefully a Gen 13 movie with full noodz.
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