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The movies Marvel wants you to forget about
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Jokes on you. Thats the best F4 film.
Best victor without a doubt.
Oh wow, I didn't know there was a second one.
There are three pre-MCU movies: Two in the 1970's starring Reb Brown (and Christopher Lee in the second), and then the 90's one.
Best Fury right there
What the hell, that's really dramatic and cool looking, is the rest of the film as good as that?
That was genuinely fucking good.
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holy shit

And honorable mention to the 1940s serial, which I think is in public domain, so presumably any hack film or comic book company can use its weird little version of Cap.
Howard the Duck

I actually enjoyed this for some dumb reason. Then again, I'm a sucker for camp in general.
>see thumbnail
>Wait...is that David Hasselh-

Holy shit! It's David Hasselhoff!
I feel so dorky because that gave me chills. Dr. Doom is so tragic, I actually dug that Reed Richards and felt like they were both playing off each other as actors pretty well.
This looks like porn
Why the fuck can't modern fantastic 4 films make a good doctor doom already?!?!
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>The movies Marvel wants you to forget about

why does Marvel want me forget shit i forget in 15 min after i watched it anyway?
Everything in the 70s looked like porn.
Whether they were good or not, Marvel wants us to forget.
They want you to forget they used to suck ass at making movies
Why the fuck was this one scene literally better than anything from the other movies?

Why was there never an attempt to get a Doom like this?
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no, really it has it's moments, doom is really great, but everytime johnny goes human torch it's this shitty 90s cg looks like it was done on an etchasketch
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>le Marvel movies are forgettable meme
Fuck off.
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>he thinks David Hasslehoff's Nick Fury is a memorable cinematic experience from the House of Ideas

Now THIS is shilling.
When has Marvel ever said, implied, hinted, nudged, etc that they wanted anyone to forget any of those?
The entire "X wants you to forget!" thing is just something clickbait sites say. It's dangerously close to becoming a meme and should be quarantined accordingly.
Why are they rare and out of print but I have no problem finding Superman 1-4, Returns, Batman 1-4, Ninja Turtles 1-3 and TMNT in the walmart bargain bin?
... No offense, but the only thing I remember about the Nick Fury "movie" (actually it was a failed pilot) is that it existed - and I think there was SHIELD Helicarrier in it? Maybe?
Still remember that qt Jubilee.
I know what I'm watching this weekend
That actor should have bigger work.
Wouldn't the studios that originally made those movies have the rights to them?
Marvel doesn't own any of them ya dingus.


Movies that are still better than Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice: El Kabong's magical piss jar adventure
>which I think is in public domain, so presumably any hack film or comic book company can use its weird little version of Cap.
The video is public domain, not the character.

It should also be noted that ABC mentioned all of the different Cap movies (and serial series) in their Cap special a couple of months ago. They even explain why Marvel would, early on, let anyone get a property for next to nothing as it would basically be free publicity for them.
to be fair they never intended to release that one
>Wouldn't the studios that originally made those movies have the rights to them?

Howard the Duck was released to VHS, DVD, and now BR

Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD was released on DVD (Best Buy exclusive)

Fantastic 4 was never officially released in the States, but a few foreign countries saw a VHS release of it. A few years ago a widescreen, DVD-quality copy popped up online. The source is supposedly a German DVD which was recalled before release having been mistakenly handed over by the production studio. Officially Marvel is the distribution rights owner of the movie, having bought them to prevent the movie from coming out.

Both Captain America TV movies were released as a single DVD.

Neither Spider-man TV movie nor Doctor Strange has ever been released.

Generation X was a TV movie for FOX, but released on VHS in some foreign countries. There is a US Edit version and an "Uncut" European version which adds 1 swear word.

All of the Hulk TV series and movies were released on DVD. At one point you could grab the TV box set for as low as $20.
Marvel isn't even the first to have a movie be released to a foreign market without knowing. Gen 13 the Animated Movie was produced by Disney for Image Comics. Between producing the movie and getting ready to release it, WB bought the Wildstorm Comics division of to add to DC Comics. Disney blocked releasing the film so as to not support a competitor's property. Meanwhile some countries in South America still saw a VHS tape hit stores which is where most of the bootleg copies online come from.

Robotech the Movie also had this issue with a European VHS tape coming out years later of the limited run film which was only shown in Dallas, TX before getting scrapped entirely for a national showing. The movie was cobbled together from TV footage and the anime OVA Megazone 23 with additional animation added in parts to make the Robotech storyline work.
AND Dum-Dum Dugan, Baron Strucker, his kids, LMDs etc etc. And they even show a cigar, though they were already geting rid of those in comics.

It was pretty good compared to the current adaptations, actually.
Not that Marvel wants to forget the Hulk show, considering you can't have a Hulk thing these days without Bruce sadly walking to the theme at least once.
not to mention the opening credits to TIH
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Besides you obviously being overly literal it's well known the worst way to get people to forget about things is to make a big deal of it

that's actually a good movie, and Hoff is a way better Fury than Samuel L Jackson

I wish they had used him as the SHIELD director in the MCU
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